Strain Information

Name PX623   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
GenotypefxDf1 II; him-5(e1490) V.
DescriptionfxDf1 (II: 2,484,339 - 2,487,244) removes nspf-1, nspf-2, and nspf-3. Him. This strain carries a knockout of the Nematode-Specific Peptide family, group F (NSPF) gene family, which localizes to sperm membranous organelles. There are no effects on spermatogenesis, male fertility, or sperm competitive ability. Hermaphrodites produce approximately 30% males. Reference: Kasimatis KR, et al. (2018) BioRxiv 290221; doi:
Made byKatja Kasimatis & Megan Moerdyk-Schauwecker
Laboratory PX
Reference Kasimatis, K.R., Moerdyk-Schauwecker, M.J., Timmermeyer, N. & Phillips, P.C. (2018) Proteomic and Evolutionary Analyses of Sperm Activation Identify Uncharacterized Genes in Caenorhabditis Nematodes. BioRxiv 290221; doi:
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