Strain Information

Name NK2785   View On Wormbase
Species C.elegans
GenotypeqySi569 I; fdgt-1(tm3165) II.
DescriptionqySi569 [cdh-3p::fdgt-2::mNG + loxP] I. fdgt-1 glucose transporter null mutant expressing a single copy insertion of the glucose transporter fgt-2 in the anchor cell. fdgt-1 and fdgt-2 formerly known as fgt-1 and fgt-2, respectively. Reference: Garde A, et. al. Dev. Cell. 2022 Mar 28;57(6):732-749.e7. PMID: 35316617
Made byAastha Garde
Laboratory NK
Reference Aastha Garde, Isabel W. Kenny, Laura C. Kelley, Qiuyi Chi, Ayse Sena Mutlu, Meng C. Wang, David R. Sherwood. Localized glucose import, glycolytic processing, and mitochondria generate a focused ATP burst to power basement-membrane invasion, Developmental Cell, Volume 57, Issue 6, 2022.
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