Strain Information

Name HA2846   View On Wormbase
Species C.elegans
Genotypefust-1(rt256[R446S]) II.
Descriptionfust-1(rt256[R446S]) was created by CRISPR editing of arginine codon in C. elegans fust-1 to create FUS disease model for human mutation R524S. This strain also contains additional silent edits (also present in control strain HA2845), and was back-crossed to remove the pha-1 allele used in strain construction. Under normal culture conditions HA2846 animals are superficially wild-type; after stress latent defects are observed. Reference: Baskoylu S, et al. bioRxiv 799932; doi:
MutagenNo mutagen
Made bySaba Baskoylu
Laboratory HA
Reference bioRxiv 799932; doi:
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