Laboratory Information

NameCB View on WormBase
Allele designatione
HeadJonathan A Hodgkin
InstitutionOxford University, Oxford, England
Address Department of Biochemistry, Univ Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QU
United Kingdom
Gene classes ali  anc  ber  bli  bus  cal  cat  ced  che  clr  dpy  enu  etr  fem 
fog  fox  gmp  gon  gro  hch  her  him  isx  lin  lmr  lon  mab  mig  mor 
mrt  mut  myo  ncl  nstp  nuc  pal  plg  rhl  rol  sma  smg  stu  sup  tra 
trt  unc  vab  algn  gpcp  subs 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
AQ351 bus-8A(lj22) X. C. elegans Skiddy, bleach-sensitive, drug-sensitive, Bus, resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. lj22 is a missense mutation (R32C) in bus-8A and might also affect bus-8B (out-of-frame 5'exon U1). Reference: Partridge et al. (2008) PMID: 18395708.
CB1 dpy-1(e1) III. C. elegans Dpy.
CB1001 flu-3(e1001) II. C. elegans Increased gut fluorescence, purple. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. Recessive.
CB1002 flu-1(e1002) V. C. elegans Increased gut fluorescence, bluish purple. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. Semi-dominant.
CB1003 kynu-1(e1003) X. C. elegans Reduced gut fluorescence, dull green. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB1004 flu-4(e1004) X. C. elegans Increased gut fluorescence, blue. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB1009 unc-54(e1009) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Null allele.
CB1017 vab-8(e1017) V. C. elegans Degenerate tail. Posterior half is thin, pale, uncoordinated.
CB1026 lin-1(e1026) IV. C. elegans Multi-vulva (Muv).
CB1033 che-2(e1033) X. C. elegans Chemotaxis abnormal. Amphid defect-EM. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS
CB1034 che-1(e1034) fer-1(hc1) I. C. elegans Chemotaxis abnormal. Temperature sensitive fertilization defective. Maintain at 15C. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB1039 unc-5(e53) IV; nuc-1(e1392) X. C. elegans Unc. DNAse undetectable. Gut DNA fluoresence abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1062 daf-18(e1375) IV; vab-3(e1062) X. C. elegans Dauer defective. Notched head. Unlinked double. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1065 him-2(e1065) I. C. elegans Segregates males. Recessive. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB108 vab-5(e108) ?. C. elegans Notched head. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB1092 unc-54(e1092) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Null allele.
CB1111 cat-1(e1111) X. C. elegans Catecholamine abnormal. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. Previously called ctl-2.
CB1112 cat-2(e1112) II. C. elegans Catecholamine absent. Recessive. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT. See also WBPaper00003844.
CB1125 mor-2(e1125) IV. C. elegans Chemotaxis abnormal. Rounded head.
CB1138 him-6(e1104) IV. C. elegans Segregates males (5%).
CB1147 him-3(e1147) IV. C. elegans 3% XO self progeny.
CB1157 unc-54(e1157) I. C. elegans Temperature sensitive. Unc. Recessive. Dominant Slow.
CB1166 dpy-4(e1166) IV. C. elegans Dpy. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT. Weakly semi-dominant.
CB1168 unc-54(e1168) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Null allele.
CB1170 unc-55(e1170) I. C. elegans Unc-slow, very poor backing, tends to coil. Healthy.
CB1172 unc-24(e1172) IV. C. elegans Unc.
CB1174 unc-84(e1174) X. C. elegans Migration defective: pre VC. Variable expressivity. Reverse kinker as adult. L1 moves well. Temperature sensitive. Can be maintained at 20C.
CB1179 unc-22(e1179) IV. C. elegans Twitcher Unc.
CB1180 dpy-11(e1180) V. C. elegans Piggy phenotype (severe Dpy). Growth slow. Poor viability.
CB1189 unc-51(e1189) V. C. elegans Paralysed, Dpy, tends to curl. Egl.
CB1190 unc-57(e1190) I. C. elegans Unc-kinky backing. Slow moving.
CB1193 unc-33(e1193) IV. C. elegans Unc-almost paralyzed. Growth slow. Not revertible DES.
CB1196 unc-26(e1196) IV. C. elegans Unc-severe kinker. Small. Scrawny. Flaccid. Little movement. Slow pharyngeal pumping.
CB1197 unc-44(e1197) IV. C. elegans Coiler Unc. Growth slow.
CB1199 unc-41(e1199) V. C. elegans Kinky Unc. Growth slow.
CB1201 unc-54(e1201) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Null allele.
CB1253 che-3(e1253) I. C. elegans Chemosensory abnormal. Slightly small. Defective dauer formation. M-MATING NO SUCCESS.
CB1255 vab-11(e1255) IV. C. elegans Blebs on tail of adult hermaphrodite. Tail irregular, tail cuticle sometimes separated, tail spike sometimes truncated. Some animals have enlarged excretory canals.
CB1258 unc-54(e1258) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Null allele.
CB1259 dpy-19(e1259) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive Dpy. Reproduction poor at 25C. M-MATING+ AT LOW TEMPERATURE ONLY.
CB1260 unc-44(e1260) IV. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Small.
CB1261 unc-33(e1261) IV. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc.
CB1266 him-4(e1266) X. C. elegans 6% XO self-progeny. Males sterile. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1267 him-4(e1267) X. C. elegans Male gonad abnormal. Males sterile. 6% XO self-progeny. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1275 lin-1(e1275) IV. C. elegans Temperature sensitive. Lineage abnormal. Multi-vulva. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB1281 dpy-8(e1281) X. C. elegans Dpy. Temperature sensitive.
CB1282 dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans Dpy. Temperature sensitive. Lethal cold sensitive. Male lethal. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB1291 unc-79(e1291) III. C. elegans Unc-fainter: stops.
CB1292 mec-1(e1292) V. C. elegans Touch insensitive; lethargic.
CB1295 dpy-17(e1295) III. C. elegans Medium Dpy.
CB1309 lin-2(e1309) X. C. elegans Vulvaless. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB1315 unc-54(e1315) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Severe phenotype. Recessive. Null allele.
CB1324 dpy-7(e1324) X. C. elegans Dpy. Roller left hand. Temperature sensitive.
CB1338 mec-3(e1338) IV. C. elegans Mechanosensory abnormal. Neurons/Touch abnormal. Lethargic. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB1345 dpy-17(e1345) III. C. elegans Dpy. Temperature sensitive.
CB1350 sqt-1(e1350) II. C. elegans Dpy. Heterozygotes Roll.
CB1359 dpy-2(e1359) II. C. elegans Roller. Temperature sensitive.
CB1364 daf-4(e1364) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. 100% dauers at 25C. Dauer recovery poor at 15C. Small. M-Mating--no success.
CB1370 daf-2(e1370) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Maintain at 15C. 100% dauers at 25C. 15% dauer formation at 20C. Long-lived. M-MATING+LOW TEMPERATURE ONLY.
CB1372 daf-7(e1372) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Crowds. 100% dauers at 25C. Leaky at 20C. Growth slow. M-MATING+LOW TEMPERATURE ONLY.
CB1375 daf-18(e1375) IV. C. elegans Dauer defective. Non-crowder. Chemotaxis normal.
CB1376 daf-3(e1376) X. C. elegans Dauer defective. Non-crowder. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB1377 daf-6(e1377) X. C. elegans Dauer defective. Crowds. Leaky. Dauer recovery normal. Chemotaxis defective-Na+. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB1378 che-3(e1378) I. C. elegans Dauer defective. Not leaky. Crowds. Amphid defect by EM. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1379 che-3(e1379) I. C. elegans Dauer defective. Crowds. Chemotaxis defective-Na+. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1386 daf-5(e1386) II. C. elegans Dauer defective. WT phenotype. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB1387 daf-10(e1387) IV. C. elegans Amphid defect. Chemotaxis defective (Na+). Crowds. Dauer defective. Very leaky. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB1390 eDp22 V. C. elegans Suppressor weak. eDp22 = sup-3(e1390).
CB1393 daf-8(e1393) I. C. elegans Dauer constitutive. Temperature sensitive. Crowds. Chemotaxis normal. Grow at 15C.
CB1396 mut-1(e1396). C. elegans Mutator.
CB1402 unc-15(e1402) I. C. elegans Temperature sensitive Unc-paralyzed. WT at 15C. leaky at 25C. Sterile at 25C.
CB1407 eDp23 V. C. elegans
CB1413 lin-7(e1413) II. C. elegans Vulvaless. Incomplete penetrance. Recessive. Males can mate.
CB1416 unc-86(e1416) III. C. elegans Egg-laying deficient. Lineage abnormal. Mechanosensory abnormal. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. Serotonin def.
CB1479 him-6(e1423) IV. C. elegans 15% XO self-progeny. 6% XXX self-progeny. Low brood size. 78% unhatched eggs. General non-disjunction. Recessive.
CB1482 sma-6(e1482) II. C. elegans Short adult and late larvae.
CB1490 ali-1(e1934) him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Faint or invisible alae in L1. Segregates males.
CB1503 mec-5(e1503) X. C. elegans Mechanosensory abnormal. Temperature sensitive. Mec at 25C. WT at 15C.
CB1511 him-10(e1511) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive. 2% XO self-progeny at 15C, 12% at 20C, and 27% at 25C. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB1515 mec-10(e1515) X. C. elegans Touch insensitive. Lethargic.
CB1562 vab-7(e1562) III. C. elegans Unc. Tail abnormalities-twisted or knobbed. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1597 unc-103(e1597) III. C. elegans Semidominant. Paralyzed Unc. Prone to spontaneous suppression.
CB1598 unc-1(e1598) X. C. elegans Coiler Unc. Dominant.
CB1611 mec-4(e1611) X. C. elegans Mechanosensory abnormal. Touch insensitive. Dominant. Cells become vacuolated and die.
CB164 dpy-17(e164) III. C. elegans Dpy. Larvae abnormal. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB169 unc-31(e169) IV. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB1747 unc-13(e309) I; sup-6(st19)/+ II; daf-1(e1146) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, UncDaf and Lethals. Suppressed Unc in hets. Suppressed Daf in hets. sup-6 is recessive lethal.
CB177 unc-46(e177) V. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB184 dpy-13(e184) IV. C. elegans Semi-dominant Dpy. Mapping marker standard. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB185 lon-1(e185) III. C. elegans Long. Abnormal bursae. Epistatic to Small. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB187 rol-6(e187) II. C. elegans Right hand Roller. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB188 dpy-14(e188) I. C. elegans Dpy. Abnormal larvae. Temperature sensitive: lethal at 25C. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB189 unc-32(e189) III. C. elegans Coiler Unc. Severe. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB190 unc-54(e190) I. C. elegans Semi-paralyzed Unc. Null allele. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB1918 lon-1(e185) unc-32(e189) III. C. elegans Long. Unc. Linked closely.
CB1951 unc-42(e270) sma-1(e30) V. C. elegans Small. Unc. Linked closely.
CB2030 unc-62(e644) dpy-11(e224) V. C. elegans UncDpy.
CB204 unc-33(e204) IV. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB205 unc-26(e205) IV. C. elegans Growth slow. Unc and Small. Revertible. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB2053 dpy-18(e364) unc-64(e246) III. C. elegans DpyUnc.
CB2065 dpy-11(e224) unc-76(e911) V. C. elegans DpyUnc.
CB2067 unc-73(e936) dpy-5(e61) I. C. elegans UncDpy.
CB207 dpy-11(e207) V. C. elegans Severe dumpy (piggy), grows poorly. Behaves as a null allele. Sequenced: early nonsense mutation R4opal.
CB2070 bli-1(e935) rol-1(e91) II. C. elegans Roller. Very few animals are Blistered.
CB2095 dpy-1(e1) sup-5(e1877) III; unc-51(e369) V. C. elegans Dpy. Slightly Unc. Semi-dominant suppressor. Suppressed Unc between 22.5 and 24C.
CB2110 unc-17(e245) IV; sup-2(e997) X. C. elegans Suppressed Unc. Movement almost WT.
CB2194 dpy-11(e224) eDp22 V. C. elegans Dpy.
CB2195 dpy-19(e1259) unc-32(e189) III. C. elegans Dpy. Coiler Unc. Closely linked. Doesn't grow at 25C.
CB2196 daf-4(e1364) unc-32(e189) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Unc. Closely linked.
CB2198 daf-3(e1376) lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Dauer defective. Long.
CB2199 lon-2(e678) daf-6(e1377) X. C. elegans Dauer defective. Long.
CB2203 unc-54(e190) I; dpy-11(e224) eDp22 V. C. elegans Dpy. Movement Slow. Unc partially suppressed.
CB2204 unc-54(e190) I; eDp22 V. C. elegans Movement slow. Unc partially suppressed.
CB2206 lon-1(e185) daf-4(e1364) unc-32(e189) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive. Long. Unc. Linked closely.
CB2213 unc-15(e73) I; eDp22 V. C. elegans Movement slow. Unc partially suppressed.
CB2216 dpy-5(e61) mec-6(e1342) I. C. elegans Dpy. Mechanosensory Abnormal.
CB2217 lon-2(e678) mec-7(e1343) X. C. elegans Long. Mechanosensory abnormal. Semidominant Mec.
CB2220 unc-15(e73) I; eDp23 V. C. elegans Movement almost WT. Unc suppressed.
CB2221 unc-54(e1315) I; dpy-11(e224) eDp23 V. C. elegans Dpy. Movement Slow. Unc partially suppressed.
CB2222 unc-42(e270) unc-41(e268) V. C. elegans Growth slow. Severe Unc. Linked closely.
CB2233 unc-69(e587) dpy-18(e364) III. C. elegans UncDpy.
CB224 dpy-11(e224) V. C. elegans Dpy. Recessive. Mapping marker standard. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB228 unc-61(e228) V. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. Abnormal bursae. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB2305 lon-1(e185) sup-5(e1464) III. C. elegans Lon, slow-growing. Very poor growth at less than 20C.
CB246 unc-64(e246) III. C. elegans Lannate resistant. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB251 unc-36(e251) III. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB257 unc-39(e257) V. C. elegans Unc-easily scored. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB2590 tra-1(e1099)/dpy-18(e1096) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are wild-type, and segregate wild-type heterozygotes, fertile wild-type males (tra-1 homozygotes), and Dpy. Can recombine: pick individual WT hermaphrodites and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
CB2597 tra-2(e1098)/dpy-10(e128) unc-4(e120) II. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and males. Maintain by picking WT hermaphrodites.
CB261 unc-59(e261) I. C. elegans Unc. Weakly semi-dominant. Forward and backward movement poor. Bursae abnormal. Lineage abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB2619 eDf1 eDp21/dpy-11(e224) V. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpy and lethals which die in larval development. See also WBPaper00001202.
CB262 unc-37(e262) I. C. elegans Coiler Unc. Severe. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB2620 daf-9(e1406)/lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, lethal dauers (DAUER-LIKE LARVAE) and Lon. Can recombine; check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
CB2621 unc-15(e73) I; eDf1 eDp21/sma-1(e30) V. C. elegans Heterozygotes are slow moving. Segregates paralysed small. eDf1 eDp21 homozygotes die in larval development.
CB268 unc-41(e268) V. C. elegans Unc. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB27 dpy-3(e27) X. C. elegans Dpy. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB270 unc-42(e270) V. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. Mapping marker standard. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB2744 lin-5(e1348)/dpy-10(e128) II. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT. Segregates Dpy. Segregates sterile Unc--Unc cannot back. Balanced well.
CB2842 unc-58(e665e2112) X. C. elegans Intragenic revertant of dominant mutation e665. Slight uncoordinated phenotype.
CB286 unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Body muscle abnormal. Temperature sensitive. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB293 unc-29(e293) I. C. elegans Levamisole resistant. Segregates Dpy.
CB30 sma-1(e30) V. C. elegans Small. Recessive. Abnormal bursae. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. See also WBPaper00003721.
CB3031 unc-17(e245) IV; snb-1(e1563) V. C. elegans Dominant suppressor of Unc. Movement almost WT.
CB3035 unc-54(e1258) I; wdDp1 V. C. elegans Suppressed Unc.
CB306 unc-50(e306) III. C. elegans Levamisole resistant. Recessive. Kinky Unc. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB315 unc-34(e315) V. C. elegans Unc. Male spicules abnormal. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB3168 him-1(e879) I; mab-3(e1240) II. C. elegans Lineage abnormal. Bursae abnormal. Segregates abnormal males. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB3191 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild type, apparently identical to N2. Isolated by Carl Johnson in June 1973 in a garden in Altadena, CA. Sample obtained from laboratory of R.E. Russell in October 1980. Sent to CGC in Jan. 1997. Reference WBG 10(2) 140-141. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate.
CB3192 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles N2. Wild isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA2.
CB3193 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles N2. Natural isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA3.
CB3194 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles N2. Natural isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA4.
CB3195 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles N2. Natural isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA5.
CB3196 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles CB4854 (GA9). Natural isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA13.
CB3197 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles CB4854 (GA9). Natural isolate from Altadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = GA23.
CB3198 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles CB4853 (GA12). Natural isolate from Pasadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = PA2.
CB3199 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans WT. Resembles CB4857 (Cl2a). Natural isolate from Pasadena, CA. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Original name = PA3.
CB3203 ced-1(e1735) I. C. elegans Abnormal cell death.
CB3214 smg-1(e1228) him-2(e1065) I. C. elegans Bursae abnormal. Have slightly protruding vulva in adults. Segregates males with abnormal swollen bursae. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB3218 him-2(e1065) I; mab-4(e1252) III. C. elegans Bursae abnormal. Vulva protruding. Segregates abnormal males. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB3221 him-2(e1065) I; mab-8(e1250) II. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are nearly WT. Vulva slightly swollen. Males have abnormal swollen bursae. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB3234 him-13(e1742) I. C. elegans Selfed hermaphrodites produce 5% males and 2% XXX hermaphrodites (percent of viable progeny), and 30% unhatched eggs (percent of total progeny).
CB324 unc-23(e324) V. C. elegans Unc. Head muscles degenerative. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB3243 rab-10(e1747) III. C. elegans Homozygous viable and looks almost normal by dissecting scope, but under Nomarski microscopy the gut has a very abnormal spongy appearance, which is especially noticeable in L4 larvae.
CB3252 rnt-1(e1241) I; him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are Dpy and Him. Males are non-Dpy and Mab. Males have abnormal bursa and defective rays. Both sexes show lateral hypodermis lineage defexts. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB3253 dpy-23(e840) lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Variably Dpy, slow growing. Inviable on MYOB medium.
CB3257 ced-2(e1752) IV. C. elegans Abnormal cell death.
CB3261 ced-1(e1754) I. C. elegans
CB3284 mec-12(e1605) III. C. elegans Touch insensitive, lethargic.
CB3297 vab-9(e1744) II; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Him. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT. Tail abnormalities->knob-like swelling in larvae and adults.
CB3298 him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V; mab-7(e1599) X. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are Dpy. Males are non-Dpy and have abnormal bursae in adult, with swollen rays. Males will mate, but with very low efficiency. [3/98: King Chow isolated a line from the CGC stock that was throwing 100% Mabs. Sent the strain back to the CGC to replace the old stock.]
CB3299 mab-5(e1239) III; him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are Dpy and segregate males. Males are non-Dpy and Mab. Both sexes show lineage alterations.
CB330 unc-29(e330) I. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. Levamisole and lannate resistant.
CB3304 vab-3(e1796) X. C. elegans Extra hypodermal nuclei. DTC migration abnormal. pka lin-20.
CB3313 ect-2(e1778)/dpy-10(e128) II. C. elegans Poorly balanced. Hets are WT and segregate WT, Dpys and ect-2 homozygotes. ect-2 homozygotes are sterile Uncs which reach adulthood, sometimes giving polynucleate oocytes. ect-2 pka let-21.
CB3335 anc-1(e1802) I. C. elegans Nuclei not anchored in certain epithelial cells.
CB3339 anc-1(e1753) I. C. elegans Nuclei not anchored in certain epithelial cells.
CB3353 mab-9(e1245) II; him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are Dpy and segregates males. Males are non-Dpy and have severe tail abnormalities; frequently lethal to adult males.
CB3397 eDf20 III; eDp6 (III;f) C. elegans Wild type strain segregating more wild type and embryonic lethals, in approximately 1:1 ratio.
CB3432 anc-1(e1802) dpy-5(e61) I. C. elegans Dpy. Nuclei not anchored in certain epithelial cells.
CB3439 lin-16(e1743) III; mnDp37 (III;f). C. elegans Animals which have lost the Dup are thin, sterile, and uncoordinated. Maintain by picking WT (Egl).
CB3497 dpy-25(e817) II. C. elegans Dpy. Severe. Semidominant. Inviable at 15C.
CB351 unc-65(e351) V. C. elegans Slightly Unc-cannot back. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. CGC received new stock 6/01.
CB3518 mab-10(e1248) II; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodtes segregate impotent males. Males show very slight swelling of bursa.
CB3533 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; twk-18(e1913)/szT1 X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, dead eggs, and Lon males. e1913 is a dominant Unc and recessive lethal. Maintain by picking Unc. e1913 previously called unc-110.
CB3549 ncl-2(e1896)/dpy-13(e184) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are weakly Dpy and segregate more weak Dpys, dpy-13 homozygotes and ncl-2 homozygotes. ncl-2 homozygotes are viable, sterile animals with abnormal nucleoli (abnormal refractile appearance by Nomarski). Imperfectly balanced: May Break Down!!
CB355 unc-65(e355) V. C. elegans Stronger phenotype than e351.
CB3574 lin-30(e1908) III. C. elegans Variable failures in cytokinesis. Mostly viable and fertile.
CB3610 mig-6(e1931)/dpy-11(e224) V. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpys, and steriles. mig-6(e1931) hermaphrodites are sterile, with failure of DTC migrations. Gonad sterile, disorganized, otherwise hermaphrodites appear normal. Strain is imperfectly balanced - check for correct segregation of Dpy and Mig from WT hermaphrodites.
CB362 unc-44(e362) IV. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Small. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB3631 tra-1(e1929) III; eDp6 (III;f). C. elegans WT hermaphrodites which segregate WT hermaphrodites and tra-1 homozygous XX; weakly masculinized class A7, never fertile as males.
CB364 dpy-18(e364) III. C. elegans Dpy. Mapping marker standard. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB369 unc-51(e369) V. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB3695 fem-1(e1965)/unc-5(e53) mor-2(e1125) IV. C. elegans WT heterozygote, fem-1(e1965) maternal. Segregates WT heterozygotes, WT fem-1 homozygotes that give only fertile female progeny, and UncMor. (Probably has lost mor-2 [Edgley, 4/92]. When confirmed, should be given a new strain name.)
CB3737 sup-29(e1986) tra-3(e1903) IV. C. elegans WT phenotype. tra-3 amber mutant carrying homozygous linked amber suppressor.
CB3740 eDf24 I; eDp20 (I;II); mnT12 (IV;X). C. elegans Phenotypically WT. See also CGC 801. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB3769 tra-1(e1575)/+ III; tra-3(e1767) IV. C. elegans Stable male/female strain propagated by crossing tra-3(e1767)IV females x tra-3(e1767)IV males. tra-1(e1575) is semi-dominant and transforms both XX and XO into fertile females. Strain contains 4 genotypes: 1) e1575/+; e1767 XX which are fertile females. 2) e1575/+; e1767 XO which are fertile females. 3) e1767 XX which are infertile pseudomales. 4) e1767 XO which are fertile males.
CB3775 dpy-20(e2017) IV. C. elegans Severe roundheaded Dpy. Almost inviable at 15C.
CB3778 tra-2(e2020) II. C. elegans Obligate XX female, XO male strain. Maintain by mating. e2020 is a dominant mutation transforming XX into fertile females. XO animals are partly feminized by starvation or elevated temperatures, therefore the strain cannot be grown at 25C.
CB3816 tra-3(e1107) IV; unc-58(e665) sup-21(e1957) dpy-6(e14)/+ X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Unc (shaker; don't move well) and segregate more Shaker Unc, WT and DpyUnc (short and fairly paralyzed). The WT give only males. e1957 previously called sup-21.
CB382 unc-49(e382) III. C. elegans Shrinker-contracts both dorsally and ventrally when prodded. Slow, poor backing. Slightly small. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT
CB3823 eDf18/unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
CB3824 eDf19/unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT (somewhat Unc and Egl) and segregate WT, DpyUnc and dead eggs. Maintain by picking WT.
CB3843 fem-3(e1996)/unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUnc and fertile females.
CB3844 fem-3(e2006) IV. C. elegans Temperature sensitive Fem. Hermaphrodites at 15C, female at 25C. Maintain at 15C.
CB3855 plg-1(e2001) III; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites and males superficially WT. Males lay down a gelatinous plug over the vulva of mated hermaphrodites. Plug formation controlled only by male genotype. Both plg-1 and plg-1/+ males make plugs.
CB3874 dpy-20(e2017) IV; sup-28(e2058) X. C. elegans Partly or completely suppressed Dpy.
CB3875 sup-23(e2059) dpy-20(e2017) IV. C. elegans Weak suppression of dpy-20 by sup-23. Medium Dpy.
CB3908 sup-22(e2057) dpy-20(e2017) IV. C. elegans Weak suppression of dpy-20 by sup-22. Dpy phenotype, but less Dpy than dpy-20 alone.
CB3909 dpy-20(e2017) IV; sup-21(e1957) X. C. elegans Suppressed Dpy. e1957 previously called sup-21.
CB3911 dpy-27(rh18) III; 4A;3X. C. elegans Non-Dpy 4A;3X hermaphrodites segregating 4A;3X hermaphrodites, 4A;2X males and dead or very dumpy 4A;4X hermaphrodites. Reference: Strain 19 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387
CB3967 tra-2(e2046) II. C. elegans Obligate XX female, XO male strain. Maintain by mating. Viable 15-25C. e2046 is a dominant mutation transforming XX into fertile female; minimal effect on XO.
CB3970 unc-4(e120) bli-1(e769) II. C. elegans Uncoordinated and Blistered.
CB3989 tra-1(q88) III; eDp6 (III;f). C. elegans Wildtype hermaphrodites segregating wild-type hermaphrodites and tra-1(q88) XX males, which are fertile and make yolk. Complex rearrangement of tra-1. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378
CB3991 sma-8(e2111) V. C. elegans Short, blunt head. Dominant.
CB4000 sma-1(e30) V. (high Tc1 copy number) C. elegans High Tc1 copy number, arose spontaneously in CB30. Him. Small, roundheaded.
CB4015 fem-3(e1999) IV. C. elegans Weakest known fem-3 mutation. Viable non-temperature-sensitive self-fertile XX hermaphrodites. e1999 XO males are slightly feminized, sometimes male-fertile. Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB4017 fem-1(hc17) him-8(e1489) IV; unc-1(e1598) X. C. elegans Severely Uncoordinated; Him; feminized at temperatures above 20C. Grow at 15C. Used for generating patroclinous WT males, by exploiting non-disjunction caused by him-8, and dominant sex-linked unc-1.
CB402 unc-55(e402) I. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB403 unc-29(e403) I. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. W176Stop, a "C" to "T" mutation at 3305 on the T08G11 cosmid.
CB4035 fem-2(e2105)/unc-45(r450) dpy-1(e1) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT and DpyUnc. 1/3 of the WT are fem-2 homozygotes. Homozygous fem-2 animals are hermaphrodites if mother was heterozygous for fem-2, and are fertile females if mother was homozygous for fem-2.
CB404 unc-53(e404) II. C. elegans Unc-cannot back. Males abnormal. Bursae abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB4043 smg-2(e2008) I; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans e2008 recessively suppresses the phenotypes of mutations in unc-54(r293), lin-29(n546), tra-2 and dpy-5. Abnormal male tail. smg-2 homozygotes have slightly abnormal movement.
CB4050 tra-2(e2046e2115) unc-4(e120) II; sup-7(st5) X. C. elegans Phenotypically wildtype XX hermaphrodite at 20C; poor viability and fertility at 25C. Rare XO animals are hermaphrodite due to suppression of amber mutation e2115 and consequent transformation of XO due to tra-2(e2046) gain-of-function. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB4053 egl-26(e1952) II; tra-3(e1767) IV. C. elegans Self-fertile intersexual XX animals. Tra-3 masculinized phenotype suppressed by egl-26 mutation. Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB406 unc-57(e406) I. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB407 unc-49(e407) III. C. elegans Uncoordinated, shrinker.
CB4077 eDf21/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. C. elegans WT heterozygotes segregate WT, DpyUnc and unhatched eggs.
CB4088 him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans From CB1490, which is a double mutant of him-5 with ali-1. CB4088 has been outcrossed to remove ali-1.
CB4104 mab-12(e2166) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Males have abnormal swollen bursa. Hermaphrodites have abnormal swollen vulva.
CB4108 fog-2(q71) V. C. elegans Male/female strain. Maintain by mating. XX animals are female. XO animals are WT males.
CB4118 unc-32(e189) ooc-4(e2078)/eDf2 III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Uncs which are sterile and dead eggs (eDf2 homozygotes). Strain breaks down very rarely.
CB4121 sqt-3(e2117) V. C. elegans Viable Dpy at 15C. Extreme Dpy or L1 lethal at 25C.
CB4123 lon-3(e2175) V. C. elegans Long, especially obvious in adults. Males mate well.
CB4147 fog-1(e2121) unc-11(e47) I; sDp2 (I;f). C. elegans Animals with the Dup are WT. Animals which have lost the Dup are Unc and female. Maintain by picking WT.
CB419 unc-42(e419) V. C. elegans Unc. Recessive.
CB4219 pal-2(e2260) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans WT hermaphrodites. Mails have ectopic lateral alae in tail region. Segregates males.
CB4227 sup-34(e2227) I; unc-24(e138) dpy-20(e2017) IV. C. elegans sup-34 is dominant amber suppressor: weak suppression of Unc, medium suppression of Dpy.
CB4270 tra-1(e2200) C. elegans Hermaphrodite at 15C, sterile and gonad-defective at 25C; feminized by smg (NMD) mutations.
CB4281 +/eT1 III; eDf43 dpy-11(e224)/eT1 V. C. elegans eDf43 pka lin-49(e2173). Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc-36, and LinDpys. The lin-40 dpy-11 homozygotes are Dpy, Sterile and abnormal. Maintain by picking WT.
CB4289 tra-1(e1575e1816e1835) III; eDp6 (III;f). C. elegans Wildtype hermaphrodites segregating wildtype hermaphrodites and tra-1 XX males, which mate with greater efficiency than most tra-1 XX mutants. Reference: Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4354 smg-3(ma117) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites have an abnormal protrusive vulva. Segregate males with abnormally swollen bursa. Suppressor of certain alleles of certain genes.
CB4355 him-8(e1489) IV; smg-4(ma116) V. C. elegans Hermaphrodites have an abnormal protrusive vulva. Segregate males with abnormally swollen bursa. ma116 is a weak recessive suppressor of certain alleles of certain genes.
CB4370 unc-117(e2330) X. C. elegans Spontaneous mutation in TR679. Adults slightly Unc, slow and loopy. Larvae more affected, slow moving.
CB4371 unc-118(e2331) X. C. elegans Spontaneous mutation in parental strain TR679. Adults backward coiler, slow forward, slight kinker. Larvae more affected, strong kinkers. Variable penetrance.
CB4377 lin-22(n372) pal-2(e2260) IV; him-5(e1490) V; lin-32(e1926) X. C. elegans Hermaphrodites segregating males with abnormal ray lineages. Reference: Hodgkin et al. (1989) Genome, 31, 625-637. doi:10.1139/g89-116.
CB4389 tra-2(e1209) II; smg-3(ma117) IV. C. elegans Poorly growing, low self-fertility masculinized XX hermaphrodites. Weak allele of tra-2, partly suppressed to self-fertility by smg (NMD) mutation; permits efficient selection of new feminizing mutations. References: Spence et al. (1990) PMID: 2317869. Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB4419 tra-3(e2333) IV. C. elegans ZZ21 lev-1(x21) tra-3(e2333) isolated by Jim Lewis as EMS-induced levamisole resistant derivative of N2. Found to carry a cryptic tra-3 allele by Jonathan Hodgkin. XX animals are viable hermaphrodites which produce 500 rather than 330 self-progeny; occasionally Egl; no other signs of masculinization.
CB4425 tra-3(e1107) sup-24(st354) IV. C. elegans Wild type hermaphrodite phenotype, since tra-3(e1107) is fully suppressed.
CB4435 dpy-20(e2017) sup-24(st354) IV. C. elegans Extreme Dpy suppressed to weak Dpy or non-Dpy phenotype by amber suppressor. Received new stock from J. Hodgkin 5/31/95.
CB444 unc-52(e444) II. C. elegans Unc. Larvae move. Paralyzed adult. Dystrophic body muscle. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. Recessive.
CB4457 fem-1(e2342) / unc-5(e53) mor-2(e1125) IV. C. elegans Wild-type hermaphrodites segregating WT, Fem, Unc Mor. Maintain by picking wild-type hermaphrodites. Deletion allele of fem-1, with unusual maternal effect. Reference: Spence AM, et al. Cell. 1990 Mar 23;60(6):981-90. Johnson CL & Spence AM.. Science. 2011 Sep 2;333(6047):1311-4.
CB4461 twk-18(e1913e2383) X. C. elegans Wild type. previously called unc-110.
CB448 unc-24(e448) IV. C. elegans Unc. Recessive.
CB450 unc-13(e450) che-3(ky1018) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. This strain carries a tightly linked mutation, che-3(ky1018), that changes Q1107 of che-3 to a stop codon. Reference: Larsch, et al. (2015) Cell Reports.
CB4504 gon-1(e1254)/eDf18 IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes mostly fertile at or below 20C; all sterile at 25C. Progeny are fertile heterozygotes with variable Gon abnormality, e1254 homozygotes (strong Gon, "white patch" phenotype) and eDf18 homozygotes (embryonic lethal). See also WBPaper00003841.
CB4507 C. briggsae wild isolate. C. elegans Wild isolate from Palm Canyon, CA. Segregated to remove gro-1(e2400) [CB4512]. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate CB gro-1(+) subclone of PaC1 (Tc1 pattern IV).
CB4512 gro-1(e2400) III. C. elegans Slow growing. Homozygous gro-1(e2400) derived from PaC-1 (CB4507). Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate CB subclone of PaC1 (Tc1 pattern IV?)].
CB4549 dpy-11(e224) smg-4(ma116) V. C. elegans Dpy hermaphrodites. Protruding vulva in adult; viable at all temperatures.
CB4550 dpy-1(e1) smg-6(r896) III. C. elegans Dpy hermaphrodites. Protruding vulva in adult; viable at all temperatures.
CB4554 smg-2(e2008) smg-1(e1228) I; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Smg (protruding vulva) hermaphrodites segregating Smg hermaphrodites and Smg (Male abnormal) males. Reference: Hodgkin et al. (1989) PMID: 2583479.
CB4555 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild isolate from Pasadena, Ca. [Flower bed on CIT campus in summer of 1971 (or 1973??). Wild type phenotype. High copy Tc1. Reference WBG 10(2) 140-141. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of PA1 (Tc1 pattern HCG?).
CB4559 smg-2(e2008) I; tra-1(e1732) III. C. elegans Grows poorly, best at 20C. Self-fertile intersexual XX hermaphrodite due to partial suppression of weak tra-1 allele by smg-2(NMD). References: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378. Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4570 lev-1(x577) gro-2(e2442) IV. C. elegans Levamisole resistant. Slow growing.
CB458 dpy-13(e458) IV. C. elegans
CB4605 mab-9(e2410) II; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans
CB4613 unc-32(e189) tra-1(e1575e1816e1831) III; eDp6 (III;f). C. elegans Unc-32 hermaphrodites segregating Unc hermaphrodites and Unc Tra homozygous XX pseudomales with variable male tails, hermaphroditic gonads and adult yolk production. Class B2 allele (male tail, sterile hermaphrodite gonad) derived by mutation of tra-(gf) allele e1575. Reference: Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4628 tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1/+; xol-1 XX males] C. elegans Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 11 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4689 dpy-28(y1) III; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans y1 is a temperature sensitive mutation affecting only XX animals. him-8(e1489) causes X non-disjunction, resulting in many males. Grow at 15C. XX and XXX animals not viable above 15C. After shifting to 25C, surviving population is almost all XO males.
CB4706 tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1; xol-1; eEx14[fem-1(+)] XX males] C. elegans Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by an extrachromosomal transgene array carrying fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 16 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4734 tra-2(e1095)/+ II; fog-2(q71) V; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fog-2; xol-1 XX males] C. elegans Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female XX strain with sex determined by tra-2(+). Reference: Strain 6 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4747 dpy-20(e2017) unc-24(e138) IV; sup-33(st389) X. C. elegans Variable phenotypes, slightly dumpy and/or uncoordinated, especially at 25C. Grows poorly at 15C. Low fertility. sup-33(st389) is a weak amber suppressor; e2017 and e138 are amber mutations. Reference: Kondo K, et al. (1990) J Mol Biol. 1990 Sep 5;215(1):7-19.
CB4760 fem-1(e2044) mor-2(e1125) unc-24(e158) fem-3(q20) / unc-5(e53) dpy-20(e1282) IV C. elegans Wild-type hermaphrodites segregating wild-type hermaphrodites, Unc-24 females, Unc Dpy hermaphrodites. Maintain by picking wild-type hermaphrodites. Deletion allele of fem-1, with unusual maternal effect. Reference: Spence AM, et al. Cell. 1990 Mar 23;60(6):981-90. Johnson CL & Spence AM.. Science. 2011 Sep 2;333(6047):1311-4.
CB4834 tra-3(e1108); eEx24. C. elegans eEx24 [tra-3(+) + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Roller hermaphrodites producing more Rol hermaphrodites and non-Rol hermaphrodites that produce broods of 100% Tra-3 XX pseudomales. Tra-3 mutant rescued by transgenic tra-3(+); useful source of homozygous m+z- tra-3 XX hermaphrodites. Reference: Barnes & Hodgkin (1996) PMID: 8887539.
CB4845 unc-119(e2498) III. C. elegans Small, severely uncoordinated. Spontaneous segregant from N2/RW7000 (Bristol/Bergerac) hybrid strain. Daf-d.
CB4851 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild type-slightly Unc. Tc1 pattern high copy; different from RW7000. Bergerac isolate obtained by S. Brenner from Brun group. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Bergerac N62 (Tc1 pattern HCB). To obtain ECA243, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4852 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild type. Low Tc1 copy number; pattern X. [Obtained from Rothamsted by S. Brenner as 'Panagrellus redivivus'. Cross fertile with C. elegans N2.] Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of N3 (Tc1 pattern X).
CB4853 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Isolated from Carl Johnson's organic garden in Altadena, CA in 1974. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern III. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of GA-12 (Tc1 pattern III). To obtain ECA245, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4854 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Isolated from Carl Johnson's organic garden in Altadena, CA in 1974. Wild type. Low copy Tc1, pattern V. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of GA-9 (Tc1 pattern V).
CB4856 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Isolated from a pineapple field in Hawaii in 1972 by L. Hollen. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern IX. C. elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of HA-8 (Tc1 pattern IX). See also WBPaper00005369. [NOTE (4-2014): Users reported abnormalities in CB4856 in late 2013 and early 2014. The current working stock at the CGC was thawed in 2-2014 from stock frozen in 1995.]
CB4857 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Isolated from decaying mushroom during rain in Claremont, CA in November 1972. Wild type. Low copy Tc1, pattern II. Reference WBG 10(2) 140-141 and 11(5) 60. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of Cl2a (Tc1 pattern II). To obtain ECA249, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4858 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Isolated from Caltech flowerbed in the summer of 1971 (1973??) in Pasadena, CA. Wild type. Low copy Tc1; pattern XI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. EM subclone of PA1 (Tc1 pattern XI). To obtain ECA251, a sequenced isolate of this wild strain, please visit the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource at
CB4869 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are WT at all stages. Adult males abnormal with swollen distorted bursal anatomy. Male mating efficiency is zero. Natural mutation present in original KR314 isolate.
CB4870 unc-122(e2520) I. C. elegans Medium coiler Unc at all stages.
CB4883 let-551(e2517)/dpy-21(e428) rol-9(sc148) V. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lethals (L2/L3 arrest at 20C, some survive to sterile adults at 15C), and DpyRol. Not balanced well: get recombinants. Must maintain by picking hets at each generation and check for proper segregants in F1.
CB489 dpy-2(e489) II. C. elegans Temperature sensitive. Left hand Roller. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB4890 smg-2(e2008) I; tra-1(e1488) III. C. elegans Intersexual self-fertile XX hermaphrodites with Smg (protruding vulva) phenotype. Grows poorly, does best at 20C. Class B1 allele of tra-1 combined with smg-2(NMD), useful for selection of modifiers. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378
CB4900 tra-1(rh132) III; eDp6 (III; f). C. elegans Fertile hermaphrodites segregating more fertile hermaphrodites and sterile Class A10 tra-1(rh132) XX homozygotes, which have hermaphrodite non-gonadal anatomy and male gonads; Smg (NMD)-sensitive. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378
CB4905 tra-2(e1403) II. C. elegans Weak Tra-2 allele, homozygous self-fertile XX. Slightly masculinized hermaphrodite, adults lack tail spike. Reference: Hodgkin & Barnes (1991) PMID: 1684664.
CB491 sma-3(e491) III. C. elegans Small. Recessive. Males abnormal-abnormal spicules. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB4932 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild isolate with unique Tc1 pattern. Bor phenotype. Isolated by P.S. Grewal before 1991, from mushroom farm near Taunton, England. Sent to Ann Burnell in 1991. Sent from Burnell to J. Hodgkin in Jan. 1992. Sent to CGC in Jan. 1997. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate.
CB4949 dpy-26(n199) IV; eDp26 X. C. elegans dpy-26(n199) is XO viable, XX lethal. eDp26 is a duplication of the left end of X, attached to X in an inverted orientation. Strain gives non-Dpy Egl hermaphrodites, intersexes, males and dead eggs.
CB4950 eDp26 X. C. elegans eDp26 is a duplication of the left end of X, attached to X in an inverted orientation. CB4950 is homozygous for eDp26, which is XX viable and XO lethal. XX hermaphrodites are slightly small and slightly Egl.
CB4951 spe-12(hc76) I; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Male/female strain which must be maintained by mating. spe-12(hc76) prevents self-fertility in hermaphrodites but does not impair spermatogenesis in males. Presence of him-8(e1489) increases male frequency.
CB4952 tra-2(e2541) II. C. elegans Hypomorphic allele. Homozygous XX animals are masculinized; have hermaphrodite gonad, abnormal male non-gonadal anatomy; self-fertile.
CB502 sma-2(e502) III. C. elegans Small. Recessive. Male spicules abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. Synthetic lethal common.
CB5020 gro-3(e2556) I. C. elegans Slow growth and movement. Egl. Somewhat Uncoordinated. Maternal effect: m+z- homozygotes have no obvious phenotype.
CB5023 tra-2(e2046e253) unc-4(e120) / + + II; dpy-26(n199) IV. [XO females, dpy-26 XO males] C. elegans Obligate XO male/female strain, propagate by crossing. Low fertility. Fertile XO females and XO males; inviable XX embryos and larvae. Reference: Strain 7 Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5035 tra-1(e1575 e1816 e1834) III; eDp25[tra-1(e1575 e1816)] (III; f). C. elegans Male/female strain, propagate by crossing. XX females and tra-1 XX males. Low fertility. Fertile females and fertile males; male-biased sex ratio. Strain with sex determined by a feminizing fragment chromosome (LGIIIR); unusual sex ratio. Reference: Strain 15 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5042 lon-2(e678)^lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Attached X chromosome line. Long hermaphrodites with low fertility, producing some X^X X^X dead eggs. May spontaneously revert to unattached lon-2 XX. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB5101 dpy-26(n199) IV; eEx36. C. elegans eEx36 [F16E1 + rol-6(su1006)]. eEx36 carries multiple copies of fox-1, which confers a Xol phenotype and pRF4 which confers a Rol phenotype. dpy-26(n199) is XO viable and XX lethal. Strain consists mostly of Rol hermaphrodites and non-Rol males, all XO.
CB5133 tra-1(e1732) III; eDp25[tra-1(e1575 e1816)] (III; f). C. elegans Male/female strain, propagated by crossing. eDp25 carries tra-1 gain-of-function allele. Anatomically normal XX females, tra-1(e1732) XO males, and intersexual tra-1(e1732) XX and e1732; eDp25 XO. References: Hodgkin (1987) PMID: 3428597. Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB5140 gro-2(e2442) IV. C. elegans Slow growth. Maternal rescue: m+z- homozygotes have no obvious phenotype.
CB5145 vab-14(e2610) X. C. elegans Hermaphrodites have abnormal truncated or blebbed tails, pale appearance, some excretory cell abnormalities, especially in adults. Males have variably abnormal tails, some are able to mate.
CB5161 Caenorhabditis brenneri. C. brenneri Male-female strain. Reference WBG 9(3) 121. Isolated from sugar cane in Trinidad by D.J. Hunt (Commonwealth Institute of Parasitology). [7/7/93: Scott Baird and David Fitch question whether this strain is really C. remanei.] [7/95: Not cross-fertile with the authentic C. remanei isolated by Walter Sudhaus.] Previously called C. remanei by the CGC. Walter Sudhaus has tentatively described this strain as Caenorhabditis sp.; this description is not offical and is contigent upon its being published. See WBPaper00002633 and WBPaper00003993. sp. 4 in Kiontke and Sudhaus Wormbook Ecology chapter.
CB5166 dif-1(e2562) IV/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). C. elegans Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, dead eggs, and WT (dif-1/dif-1). The WT animals give 100% dead eggs. dif-1 is a maternal effect embryonic lethal gene and e2562 is a putative null allele.
CB518 bli-5(e518) III. C. elegans Blistered cuticle. Small. Bursae abnormal. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB5190 tra-2(e2020) II; tra-1(e1099)/+ III; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans Heterozygous. Maintain by picking fertile hermaphrodites. Stable XX male/female strain (fertile XX females and low fertility XX males); males sire only female progeny. Reference: Strain 3 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5200 smg-2(e2008) I; tra-1(e2272) III. C. elegans Self-fertile hermaprodite or female. Protruding vulva. tra-1(e2272) XX homozygotes are sterile with abnormal gonads; e2272 mutation is partly suppressed by NMD (smg-2(e2008)), hence double mutants are fertile. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB5203 plg-1(e2001) III. C. elegans Hermaphrodites are WT. Males form copulatory plug when mating. Weaker than CB3855 males.
CB5213 tra-2(e2272e2624) II. C. elegans Intragenic partial revertant of tra-1(e2272). Fertile hermaphrodites or females. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB522 unc-29(e522) I. C. elegans
CB524 unc-70(e524) V. C. elegans Unc. Semi-dominant at 25C. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB5265 sup-1(e995e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans Severely uncoordinated coiler, slow growing. Useful strain for selecting non-Sup-1 suppressors of unc-17(e245). Reference: Mathews et al. (2012) PMID: 23051648.
CB5281 air-2(e2631)/dpy-5(e61) I; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans WT hermaphrodites segregate WT hermaphrodites and males, Dpy hermaphrodites and males and Stu (Sterile and Uncoordinated) hermaphrodites and males.
CB5300 fem-1(hc17) IV; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans WT hermaphrodite if grown at 15-20C. WT females if grown at 25C. When crossed, these females yield only XX viable hermaphrodite progeny, all XO progeny are dead.
CB5310 unc-4(e120) II; lon-2(e678)^lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Attached X strain with autosomal unc-4 marker, which facilitates test-crosses. Uncoordinated Long hermaphrodites, reduced fertility with many X^X X^X unhatched eggs. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB5311 egl-26(e1952e2650) II; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Partial intragenic revertant. Weak Egl phenotype, less severe than egl-26(e1952). Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB5330 vab-12(dx25) III; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Vab XX hermaphrodites and XO males, viable at all temperatures. Adult hermaphrodite tail spike is invariably shortened and/or vacuolated, often also abnormal in larvae. Possible excretory cell abnormalities. Rays of adult male tail variably abnormal, other structures normal; males can mate.
CB5337 sma-8(e2656) V. C. elegans Small, blunt rounded nose; heterozygous e2656/+ are animals similar, XO males can mate. Molecularly and phenotypically different from sma-8(e2111).
CB5348 mrt-2(e2663) III. C. elegans Unable to propagate indefinitely: lines become sterile from F10-F28, with short telomeres and fused chromosomes. Hypersensitive to X-irradiation; weak Him phenotype; strong Him phenotype in later generations resulting from X-A fusions. Cross once or twice, freeze down many F2 mrt-2 plates, and go back to these plates every two months for fresh a mrt-2 line. A BstN1 RFLP makes the mrt-2 mutation easy to track.
CB5362 tra-2(ar221) II; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans ar221 is a tra-2 ts allele. Strain will grow at 15C as Egl hermaphrodites. When grown at 25C, all animals mature into X males, many of which are fertile. Good source of pure XX mating males. ar221 isolated by Jane Hubbard.
CB5365 tra-3(bn75) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Him. Temperature-sensitive: infertile above 20C. Variably masculinized XX hermaphrodites segregating normal XO males. Stronger XX masculinization than null alleles of tra-3. Reference: Francis et al. (1995) PMID: 7713420.
CB5378 unc-42(e270) let-560(e2658) V/nT1 (IV;V). C. elegans let-560(e2658) was a spontaneous mutation in strain DH424. let-560 homozygotes are late embryonic lethal. Strain segregates WT, Vul and dead eggs.
CB5380 fox-1(e2643) X. C. elegans fox-1(e2643) is a 1.2 kb deletion of fox-1; functional null. Hermaphrodites and males are WT in gross phenotype, slightly abnormal in hermaphrodite fertility and male mating. Synergistic masculinizing effects with some X chromosome deletions.
CB541 unc-71(e541) III. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING+++ 10-30%WT.
CB5414 srd-1(eh1) II. C. elegans EMS-induced deletion from -583 to +1017, including first two exons and part of third exon. Probable null. No obvious phenotype.
CB5423 him-17(e2707) V. C. elegans Him. Sterile at 25C. Weak allele, R862stop.
CB5443 bus-4(e2693) IV. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Slightly small.
CB5475 her-1(e1518) V; sdc-2(y15) X. C. elegans Obligate XO hermaphrodite. Low fertility, segregating many dead XX and nullo-X zygotes. Double mutant combining two null or near-null mutations. Reference: van den Berg MCW, et al. Genetics. 2006 Jun;173(2):677-83. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.056093. PMID: 16582430.
CB5495 bus-10 & ZK596.4 & ZK596.5(e2715) IV. C. elegans Viable, Bus, resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. e2715 is a small deficiency (3191 bp) which removes all of the bus-10 exons and internal ncRNA genes ZK596.4 & ZK596.5. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB5535 hda-1(e1795) V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V). C. elegans Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, non-Unc Sterile Gon, and dead eggs.
CB5542 dpy-6(e2762) X. C. elegans Dumpy. e2760/0 Dpy males are able to mate (ME 1/2), in contrast to other dpy-6 alleles. mrt-2 induced.
CB5584 mIs12 II. C. elegans mIs12 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP] II. Hermaphrodites expressing compound GFP reporter (see PD4790). Strong pharyngeal muscle expression, easily scored by GFP dissecting scope. mIs12 is tightly linked to unc-4 II, and not to LG III or IV as previously reported. mIs12 homozygous males mate well (ME3).
CB5590 her-1(e1518) sdc-3(y52) V; xol-1(y9) X. [XX hermaphrodites, her-1/+ sdc-3/sdc-3; xol-1 XX males] C. elegans Maintain by crossing males and hermaphrodites; may revert to purely hermaphrodite line. Fertile hermaphrodites and fertile males. Obligate XX strain with sex determined by her-1 V. Reference: Strain 9 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5595 unc-85(e1414) II; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Unc hermaphrodites and males. Mate have variably abnormal tail anatomy. ME 0.
CB5600 ccIs4251 I; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans ccIs4251 [(pSAK2) myo-3p::GFP::LacZ::NLS + (pSAK4) myo-3p::mitochondrial GFP + dpy-20(+)] I. Superficially WT hermaphrodites and males expressing GFP in nuclei and mitochondria of body wall muscles. Fluorescent body wall muscle nuclei can be seen by dissecting microscope with epifluoresence optics. Males mate poorly (ME 1/2). ccIs4251 mapped to LGI, + 2.5.
CB5609 bus-1(e2678) V. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5610 bus-2(e2687) IV. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5611 bus-3(e2696) I. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5612 bus-5(e2688) X. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Slightly skiddy movement, some cuticle fragility.
CB5613 bus-6(e2691) V. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5614 bus-5(e2701) X. C. elegans Bus (M. nematophilum resistant), bleach-sensitive, non-Bah (Yersinia sensitive). e2701 is an intermediate strength missense allele, S167N (YAASKAA>YAANKAA). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB5617 bus-10(e2702) IV. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5635 ptr-15(e2710) V. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Abnormal lectin staining. ptr-15 also known as bus-13.
CB5636 bus-12(e2740) IV. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB5638 sup-34(e2227)/+ I; tra-3(e1107) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX hermaphrodites and tra-3; xol-1 XX males] C. elegans Male/hermaphrodite strain, propagate by crossing. Fertile XX hermaphrodites and fertile XX males. Obligate XX strain with sex determined by amber-suppressing tRNA, sup-34. Reference: Strain 14 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB566 unc-34(e566) V. C. elegans Unc.
CB5661 srf-2(e2771) I. C. elegans Surface abnormal, resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2005) PMID: 16079230.
CB5664 dpy-31(e2770) III; sqt-3(e2809) V. C. elegans Dumpy (partially-suppressed Dpy-31). Sqt-3 mediated suppression of dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB5680 bus-16(e2802) I. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Skiddy movement; frequent vulval rupture; bleach sensitive; hypersensitive to drugs. Abnormal lectin staining.
CB5699 bus-15(e2709) IV. C. elegans Abnormal response to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Abnormal lectin staining.
CB572 unc-33(e572) IV. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Small.
CB587 unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB6036 him-17(e2806) V. C. elegans Him. Sterile at 25C. Weak allele, M223I.
CB6037 bus-18(e2795) V. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Small, skiddy movement; slow-growing; frequent vulval rupture; bleach sensitive, hypersensitive to drugs. Abnormal lectin staining.
CB6038 tax-4(e2861) III. C. elegans Chemotaxis-defective; partly resistant to bacterial infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (Bus phenotype) and Leucobacter Verde2; abnormal surface. Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007) PMID: 17151260.
CB6055 bus-8B(e2698) X. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Slightly skiddy, fragile cuticle, bleach sensitive, hypersensitive to drugs. Abnormal lectin staining.
CB6064 bus-14(e2779) V. C. elegans Abnormal response to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling).
CB6081 bus-17(e2800) X. C. elegans Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Skiddy movement; bleach sensitive; hypersensitive to drugs. Abnormal lectin staining.
CB6088 egl-9(sa307) hif-1(ia4) V. C. elegans
CB6090 hif-1(ia4) V; vhl-1(ok161) X. C. elegans
CB6116 egl-9(sa307) V; vhl-1(ok161) X. C. elegans Egg-laying defective. Slow growing.
CB6121 eT5 (X; III); fog-2(q71) V females and eT5 (X; III) / eT1(III; V); fog-2 / eT1 (fog-2 V; III) males C. elegans Male/female strain, propagate by crossing. Females are eT5 (III;X); fog-2(q71) V. Males are eT5 (III;X) / eT1(III;V); fog-2 / eT1 (fog-2 III;V). Strain with multichromosomal sex determination. Reference: Strain 21 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB6129 dpy-27(rh18) III; fem-1(hc17) IV. [4A;3X] C. elegans Temperature-sensitive: Maintain at 15C. Stable, temperature-sensitive tetraploid strain: fertile 4A;3X hermaphrodites and 4A;2X males at 15C; fertile 4A;3X females and feminized sterile 4A;2X males at 25C. Reference: Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB6144 dpy-31(e2770) III; eEx512. C. elegans eEx512 [dpy-31(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Lethal dpy-31 mutant rescued by array containing dpy-31(+) 6.5 kb fragment. Reference: Novelli et al. (2004) PMID: 15579684.
CB6147 bus-8B(e2882) X. C. elegans Viable allele. Hypersensitive to many drugs.
CB6177 bus-8B(e2883) X. C. elegans Viable slightly dumpy hermaphrodites, drug and bleach sensitive, resistant to M. nematophilum (Bus phenotype) and Leucobacter Verde1, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. References: Partridge et al. (2008) PMID: 18395708. Hodgkin et al. (unpublished, in preparation).
CB6193 bus-8B(e2885) X. C. elegans Viable allele. Hypersensitive to many drugs.
CB620 lin-18(e620) X. C. elegans Some hermaphrodites (<50%) have single small protrusion posterior to vulva, occassional vulval rupture.
CB6208 bus-8B(e2887) X. C. elegans Cold-sensitive lethal allele. Viable at >18C. Strongly hypersensitive to many drugs.
CB6216 bus-8B(e2887) X; eEx541. C. elegans eEx541 [bus-8(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Nearly inviable, severely dumpy bus-8 mutant rescued by array. Reference: Partridge et al. (2008) PMID: 18395708.
CB623 unc-42(e623) V. C. elegans Unc.
CB6233 dpy-17(e2898) dpy-31(e2770) III. C. elegans Viable dumpy. Suppressor allele of dpy-17: lethality of dpy-31(e2770) suppressed by e2898. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6234 dpy-17(e2899) dpy-31(e2770) III. C. elegans Weak dumpy. Lethal dpy-31 mutation suppressed by dpy-17 mutation. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6246 sqt-3(e2911) V. C. elegans Slightly dumpy. Variable cold-sensitive lethal (poor viability at 15C). Unusual missense allele (D297G) of sqt-3, suppresses dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6253 bus-8B(e2992) X; eEx541. C. elegans eEx541 [bus-8(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. bus-8(e2892) animals are viable on Leucobacter Verde1, unlike most other bus-8 mutants. References: Partridge et al. (2008) PMID: 18395708. Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB6335 dpy-31(e2919) III; sqt-3(e2906) V. C. elegans Homozygous viable dpy. dpy-31(e2919) homozygotes are almost inviable, but lethality is efficiently suppressed by sqt-3(e2906). Reference: Novelli J, et al., Genetics. 2004 Nov;168(3):1259-73.
CB6338 bus-19(e2912) V. C. elegans Small, skiddy movement, drug-sensitive, fragile cuticle, Bus (resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum).
CB6347 dpy-18(e364) III; hif-1(ia4) V. C. elegans Dpy.
CB6430 sqt-3(e2924) V. C. elegans Squat, dumpy at 15C. Inviable at higher temperatures. Deletion of most of sqt-3 coding sequence. Null by antibody staining.
CB644 unc-62(e644) V. C. elegans Unc. Recessive. Bursae abnormal. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB6449 sqt-3(e2909) V. C. elegans Weak dumpy. Variable tail abnormal at 20C or higher. Cold-sensitive: most arrest as pretzel-stage embryos, with some escapers arresting as severely distorted L1 larvae at 15. Unusual missense allele (K280E) of sqt-3, cold-sensitive lethal and suppressor of dpy-31 lethality. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB6452 dpy-25(e817) II; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans Severe dumpy; dominant, hence crossing with wild-type males yields dumpy hermaphrodites and dead eggs (dpy-25/+; xol-1/0).
CB6453 dpy-31(e2770) unc-119(ed3) III; eIs101. C. elegans eIs101 [dpy-17(E301K) + unc-119(+)]. Weakly dumpy, non-Unc. dpy-31 lethality suppressed by integrated dpy-17(gf) transgene. Reference: Novelli et al. (2006) PMID: 16452136.
CB648 vab-3(e648) X. C. elegans Notched head. Recessive. 100% Penetrance. Male spicules abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. See also WBPaper00002236.
CB6503 bgIs312 I; him-8(e1489) IV; bus-17(e2923) X. C. elegans bgIs312 [pes-6::GFP]. GFP expression in excretory cell only. Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum and Leucobacter Verde2), hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1, bleach-sensitive, drug-sensitive; Him (high incidence of males). e2923 is a Mos1 insertion in bus-17 (ZK678.8). Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007), Genetics 175: 681-697
CB652 dpy-22(e652) X. C. elegans Unc. Dpyish. Recessive. Males lethal.
CB6596 bus-19(e2964) V. C. elegans Weak Dpy, Gro, Skd, Daf-d, bleach sensitive. Resistant to infection by M. nematophilum (Bus). <10% larval arrest with rod-like lethality. Severe missense allele (G90E), probable null allele. Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007) PMID: 17151260.
CB6598 bus-19(e2966) V. C. elegans Bus: resistant to M. nematophilum, Leucobacter Verde2; hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde2. Weak allele, missense (Pro235Leu). Reference: Yook & Hodgkin (2007) PMID: 17151260.
CB6614 egl-8(e2917) V. C. elegans Egg-laying defective, Bus (no tail swelling after infection by Microbacterium nematophilum).
CB6627 srf-3(e2689) IV. C. elegans Surface abnormal. Resistant to infection by Microbacterium nematophilum (no tail swelling). Nonsense mutation Q89stop(UAA).
CB665 unc-58(e665) X. C. elegans Shaker Unc. Reverts spontaneously. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB6667 bus-12(e2977) IV. C. elegans Bus: resistant to M. nematophilum, Leucobacter Verde2; hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Strong nonsense mutation of bus-12 (Gln123Amber); reference null allele. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2011) PMID: 20980242.
CB6689 nit-1(tm1190) III. C. elegans No obvious phenotype, wildtype pathogen resistance. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6710 unc-119(ed3) III; eEx650. C. elegans eEx650 [ilys-3p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. Transcriptional reporter transgene for ilys-3. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6712 unc-119(ed3) III; eEx652. C. elegans eEx652 [ilys-1p::DsRed2 + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-1Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6725 unc-119(ed3); eEx655. C. elegans eEx655 [ilys-2p::CFP; unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. Transgenic animals carry ilys-2 transcriptional reporter. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6734 clec-60(tm2319) II. C. elegans No obvious phenotype. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6736 clec-61(tm2566) II. C. elegans No obvious phenotype, apparently wildtype sensitivity to pathogens. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6737 clec-69&clec-70(ok2061) IV. C. elegans No obvious phenotype, apparently wild-type sensitivity to pathogens. Derivative of RB1663, further out-crossed into wild-type background. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6738 lys-7(ok1384) V. C. elegans Gross phenotype wildtype, increased sensitivity to some bacterial pathogens. Derivative of RB1285, further out-crossed into wild-type background. References: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667. Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6740 bus-20(e2990) III; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Anatomically normal hermaphrodites and males; Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum); weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde2; insensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: J Hodgkin (unpublished).
CB6742 dhs-5(e2992) II; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Bus (resistant to M. nematophilum infection); sensitive to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: M J Gravato-Nobre, J Hodgkin (unpublished).
CB6746 mif-1(ok2009) III. C. elegans No obvious phenotype, normal sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Derived from RB1633; further out-crossed into wild-type background. Reference: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667.
CB6747 glf-1(tm2412) IV; nbEx146. C. elegans nbEx146 [glf-1p::glf-1(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ animals to maintain. Array rescues glf-1(null) mutant. Reference: Novelli et al. (2009) PMID: 19751718.
CB675 unc-54(e675) I. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Semi-dominant.
CB6755 osr-1(ok959) I; glf-1(tm2412) IV. C. elegans Maintain at 15C. Small, sluggish, slow-growing fragile hermaphrodites. Almost inviable above 20C. Reference: Novelli et al. (2009) PMID: 19751718.
CB6761 unc-119(ed3); eEx665. C. elegans eEx665 [trf-1p::dsRed2 + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for trf-1. Reference: Wang et al. (2015) PMID: 26687621.
CB677 unc-60(e677) V. C. elegans Unc-slow moving. Body muscle abnormal. Semi-dominant. Birefringent patches. Eggs laid. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB6772 clec-50(ok2455) V. C. elegans No obvious phenotype, apparently normal sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Derived from RB1897; further out-crossed into wild-type background. References: O’Rourke et al. (2005) PMID: 16809667. D J O'Rourke and J Hodgkin, unpublished.
CB678 lon-2(e678) X. C. elegans Long. Mapping marker standard. M-MATING++++ >30%WT.
CB6785 unc-119(ed3) III; eEx650. C. elegans eEx650 [ilys-4p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-4. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6786 unc-119(ed3) III; eEx671. C. elegans eEx671 [ilys-5p::GFP; unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-5. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB6794 dhs-5(e2997) II. C. elegans Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), sensitive to both Leucobacter Verde1 and Leucobacter Verde2. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB6858 srf-10(yj10) bus-12(e2997) IV. C. elegans Viable, surface abnormal, Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2011) PMID: 20980242.
CB6881 bus-22(e2798) III. C. elegans Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB6921 bus-10 & ZK596.4 & ZK596.5 & ZK596.1(e2737) IV. C. elegans Viable, Bus (M. nematophilum resistant), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. e2737 is a ~4.5 kb deficiency which removes all of the bus-10 exons, internal ncRNA genes ZK596.4 & ZK596.5, and ZK596.1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB6931 bus-10 & ZK596.4 & ZK596.5(e2715) IV; dhs-29(e3014) X. C. elegans Bus, bleach-sensitive, resistant to Leucobacter Verde2 and Leucobacter Verde1. e2715 is a small deficiency (3191 bp) which removes all of the bus-10 exons and internal ncRNA genes ZK596.4 & ZK596.5. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB6965 vab-18(e1210) X. C. elegans Most L1 larvae are deformed with irregular shapes. Older larvae and adults exhibit variably bent-head. Resembles spon-1(e2623) II. Homozygous viable, but inviable as hemizygotes (e1210/maDf2). Reference: Hodgkin (unpublished).
CB6978 bus-24(e3020) IV. C. elegans Skiddy, bleach-sensitive, Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2 and to Leucobacter Verde1. Missense mutation in Y11D7A.9. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB698 vab-10(e698) I. C. elegans Head abnormal-bent. Variable penetrance. Other abnormalities.
CB6990 srf-2(yj262) bah-1(ok2197) I. C. elegans Viable, but surface abnormal, Bus (resistant to infection by M. nematophilum), Bah (resistant to Yersinia biofilm). Reference: O'Rourke et al. (in preparation)
CB6991 mrp-1(pk89) bus-5(br19) X. C. elegans Skiddy hermaphrodites, bleach-sensitive, drug-hypersensitive, abnormal bacterial pathogen resistance. Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB6992 bus-5(br19) pgp-3(pk18) X. C. elegans Hypersensitive to drugs. Resistant to infection by M. nematophilum and Leucobacter Verde2. Hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al. (in preparation).
CB7007 ilys-3(ok3222) IV. C. elegans Viable, but defective in bacterial grinding and hypersensitive to bacterial pathogens. Derived by out-crossing parental strain VC2496. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7080 eEx754. C. elegans eEx754 [ilys-3p::ilys-3::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Translational reporter for ilys-3. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7101 dhs-29(e3014) X. C. elegans Skiddy, bleach-sensitive hermaphrodites. Resistant to infection by Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al. (in preparation).
CB7109 acs-20(e3031) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Him. Skiddy, bleach-sensitive hermaphrodites and males. Resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al. (in preparation).
CB713 unc-108(e713) I. C. elegans Unc. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT. Previously called unc-67.
CB7148 him-5(e1490) V; bus-8B(tm1410) X; eEx763. C. elegans eEx763 [bus-8(exonU2stop) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Lethal bus-8 mutation rescued by bus-8 transgene defective in 5' exons U1 and U2. Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7151 him-8(e1489) IV; ptr-15(e2710) V. C. elegans Him. Bus (resistant to M. nematophilum); hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. References: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2005) PMID: 16079230. Hodgkin et al (in preparation).
CB7171 tra-1(e1099) subs-4(e3026) III; eDp6 (III;f). C. elegans Pick wild-type to maintain. Wild-type hermaphrodites segregate wild-type and dead masculinized embryos. e3026 is nonsense mutation in essential gene Y47D3B.1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7172 ilys-3(ok3222) IV; lys-7(oj1385) V. C. elegans Viable, poor bacterial grinding, increased sensitivity to bacterial pathogens. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7173 ilys-3(ok3222) IV; ilys-5(tm3151) X. C. elegans Viable, but with poor bacterial grinding and increased susceptibility to some bacterial pathogens. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB7174 ptr-15(e2710e3062) V. C. elegans Intragenic missense revertant. Partly resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: Stroud et al. (2013) IWM2013Abstract. ptr-15 also known as bus-13.
CB7176 bus-8A(lj22) dhs-29(e3066) X. C. elegans Skiddy, bleach-sensitive, drug-sensitive. Resistant to infection by Leucobacter Verde1 and Leucobacter Verde2. lj22 is a missense mutation (R32C) in bus-8A and might also affect bus-8B (out-of-frame 5'exon U1). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7177 bus-8A&B(lj22e3067) X. C. elegans Small, skiddy, slow-growing, bleach-sensitive; resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Intragenic pseudorevertant of bus-8(lj22), P63L = KLHPGDWW> KLHLGDWW. lj22 is a missense mutation (R32C) in bus-8A and might also affect bus-8B (out-of-frame 5'exon U1). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7181 bus-8B(e2883e3071) X. C. elegans Weak Bus, viable on Leucobacter Verde1. e3071 is a missense intragenic revertant (P97S) of e2883 (G378E). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB719 unc-1(e719) X. C. elegans Unc: recessive kinker.
CB7191 srf-5(gk424525) X. C. elegans Bus (M. nematophilum resistant). Weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde2; hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Weak missense allele (C59Y). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7198 acs-20(e3031) IV. C. elegans Bleach-sensitive, drug-sensitive, resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7201 bah-2(gk487599) IV. C. elegans Bah (resistant to bacterial Biofilm formation by Yersinia). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7212 unc-119(ed3) III; eEx781. C. elegans eEx781 [ilys-6p::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for ilys-6. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al. (2016) PMID: 27525822.
CB723 unc-60(e723) V. C. elegans Semi-paralyzed Unc. Stiff.
CB7248 dpy-18(e499)/subs-4(e3026) III; wIs78 IV. C.elegans wIs78 [SCMp::GFP + ajm-1p::GFP + F58E10 (cosmid) + unc-119(+)] IV. Heterozygous strain. Wild-type hermaphrodites segregating wild-type, Dpy-18, and dead eggs (subs-4 homozygotes). Pick wild-type to maintain. Reference: Gravato-Nobre et al (in preparation).
CB7259 bus-8B(ok1175) X; eEx763. C. elegans eEx763 [bus-8(exon2stop) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. bus-8(ok1175) rescued by modified bus-8(+) transgene. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7272 ccIs4251 I; mIs12 II; dpy-17(e164) III; frIs7 IV; uIs69 V. C. elegans ccIs4251 [(pSAK2) myo-3p::GFP::LacZ::NLS + (pSAK4) myo-3p::mitochondrial GFP + dpy-20(+)] I. mIs12 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP + F22B7.9p::GFP] II. frIs7 [nlp-29p::GFP + col-12p::DsRed] IV. uIs69 [pCFJ90(myo-2p::mCherry) + unc-119p::sid-1] V. Mapping strain. This strain is homozygous for integrated fluorescence markers on LG I, II, IV and V, all of which are easily and independently scored using a fluorescent dissecting microscope, plus an easily scored visible marker (dpy-17) for LGIII. The good markers on all five autosomes facilitate linkage assignment of unmapped mutations, and enable rapid replacement of chromosomes when outcrossing heavily mutagenized strains such as those from the Million Mutation Project.
CB73 unc-15(e73) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Semi-dominant. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB7401 unc-119(ed3) III; bah-2(gk487599) IV; eEx835. C. elegans eEx835 [bah-2(+) + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type to maintain. bah-2(gk487599) rescued by transgene. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7403 bah-3(br9) I; bah-2(gk487599) IV. C. elegans Bah (resistant to Yersinia biofilm formation). Reference: Hodgkin et al (in preparation).
CB7410 bah-1(ok2197) I; bah-2(gk487599) IV. C. elegans Bah (resistant to Yersinia biofilm formation). Reference: Hodgkin et al (in preparation).
CB7422 bus-22(e3108) subs-4(e3048) III. C. elegans Viable, small, slow-growing, bleach-sensitive, resistant to Leucobacter Verde1 and Leucobacter Verde2. Lethality of subs-4(e3048) suppressed by bus-22(e3108) mutation. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7425 him-5(e1490) V; bus-25(e3094) X. C. elegans Him. Small, slow-growing, bleach-sensitive; Bus (resistant to M. nematophilum), slightly resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: Hodgkin et al (in preparation).
CB7427 unc-17(e245) IV; eEx849. C. elegans eEx849 [C28H8.4(sdmV186E)]. unc-17 missense mutant suppressed by missense C28H8.4 transgene. Pick non-Unc hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7430 unc-17(e245) IV; eEx855. C. elegans eEx855 [erd-2(sdmV186E) + sur-5p::GFP]. unc-17 missense mutant partly suppressed by missense erd-2 (a.k.a. sup-2) transgene. Pick GFP+ (weak Unc) hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7431 bus-17(br2) X. C. elegans Altered surface properties; somewhat skiddy movement; drug-sensitive, bleach-sensitive. Resistant to some bacterial pathogens (hence Bus, Bah phenotypes) and hypersensitive to others. Reference: Yook K, Hodgkin J. Genetics. 2007 Feb;175(2):681-97.
CB7448 bus-5(e3133) X. C. elegans Slightly skiddy, bleach-sensitive, drug-sensitive, Bus (M. nematophilum resistant), Bah (Yersinia biofilm resistant), Leucobacter Verde1 hypersensitive. CRISPR/Cas9-induced deletion. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7468 acs-22(gk373989) X. C. elegans No obvious phenotype; derived from VC20689. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7471 unc-119(ed3) III; bus-8A(lj22) X; eEx861. C. elegans eEx861 [bus-8(U1,2)::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick wild-type (non-Unc) to maintain. bus-8 exon U1 mutation rescued by small U1,2 transgene. lj22 is a missense mutation (R32C) in bus-8A and might also affect bus-8B (out-of-frame 5'exon U1). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7476 him-8(e1489) IV; galt-1(op497) V. C. elegans Him. Resistant to fungal toxin CGL2; weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Him strain derived from pmk-1;galt-1 double mutant. References: Butschi et al (2010). O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7492 bus-28(gk236264) V. C. elegans Bus (M. nematophilum resistant), weakly resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7505 him-8(e1489) IV; ptr-15(cr52) V; eEx730. C. elegans eEx730 [ptr-15(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Him. Lethal 1118bp deletion allele of ptr-15 rescued by eEx730. Non-GFP animals will be dead eggs and dead hatchlings. References: O’Rourke et al. (in revision 2024), Kuwabara et al. (in prep.)
CB7516 bus-10(e2702) IV; bus-28(gk236264) V. C. elegans Viable, Bus (M. nematophilum resistant), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7517 ptr-15(cr52) lon-3(e2175) V; eEx730. C. elegans eEx730 [ptr-15(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Lon. Non-GFP animals will mostly be dead eggs and dead hatchlings, but can segregate rare GFP-negative viable ptr-15 lon-3 homozygotes (which are fertile but grow very poorly). Reference: Kuwabara et al. (in prep.)
CB7537 srf-2(e3137) I. C. elegans Srf, Bus, Bah. Amber nonsense mutation: W125* (TIPFFCKW>TIPFFCK*). Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB7538 lon-2(e678) bus-8B(ok1176) X. C. elegans Very slow-growing, grows best at 25C. Small, bleach-sensitive, Bus, resistant to Leucobacter Verde1. Reference: O'Rourke et al (in preparation).
CB754 rol-3(e754) V. C. elegans Left hand Roller. Incomplete penetrance. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB7549 bus-4(br4) IV. C.elegans Q288Stop(UAA). Reference null. Surface abnormal, resistant to M. nematophilum and Leucobacter Verde2, killed by Leucobacter Verde1. References: Darby C, et al. Genetics. 2007 May;176(1):221-30. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.067496. Epub 2007 Mar 4. PMID: 17339204. O’Rourke D, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2023 May 2;13(5):jkad056. doi: 10.1093/g3journal/jkad056. PMID: 36911920.
CB7550 erd-2.1(e997) X. C. elegans Val186Glu. Null allele. Slightly cold-sensitive; dominant suppressor of unc-17(e245). Lethal with erd-2.2(RNAi). Also known as sup-2(e997). Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2021;218(4):iyab065. doi:10.1093/genetics/iyab0. PMID: 33914877.
CB7575 dhs-29(e3013) X. C. elegans W242StopUAG. Reference null. Surface abnormal, bleach and drug sensitive; resistant to Leucobacter Verde1.
CB7587 ptr-15(gk5234) V; crEx498. C. elegans crEx498 [dpy-14p::ptr-15(+) + sur-5p::GFP]. Pick animals with nuclear GFP throughout body to maintain. Lethal ptr-15 deletion allele marked with pharyngeal GFP [loxP ::myo-2p::GFP::unc-54 3’UTR + rps-27p::neoR::unc-54 3’UTR::loxP]; lethality rescued by hypodermal expression of PTR-15 form crEx498 array. Non-nuclear GFP animals (only pharyngeal expression) will be dead eggs and dead hatchlings. Derived from parental strain VC4151. References: O’Rourke et al. (in revision 2024).
CB767 bli-3(e767) I. C. elegans Blistered cuticle. Bursae abnormal. Dpy. Males abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB768 bli-2(e768) II. C. elegans Blistered cuticle. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB769 bli-1(e769) II. C. elegans Blistered cuticle. Male tale abnormal. M-MATING-NO SUCCESS.
CB840 dpy-23(e840) X. C. elegans Dpyish. Head abnormal. Lethal hemizygous.
CB843 unc-54(e843) I. C. elegans Stiff. Body muscle abnormal.
CB845 unc-30(e191) IV. C. elegans Unc-cannot back up.
CB879 him-1(e879) I. C. elegans Segregates males. Recessive. Non-disjunction X-specific. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CB91 rol-1(e91) II. C. elegans Adults left-handed rollers.
CB927 eDf28 IV. C. elegans Unc-weak kinker. Fairly active. Healthy. See WBPaper00002474. Previously called unc-24(e927).
CB928 unc-31(e928) IV. C. elegans Unc-very slow and sluggish. Insensitive to prodding. Egl. Constitutive pharyngeal pumping. Long lived.
CB933 unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. UNC-Severe coiler at all stages-small and thin. SCORED EASILY. Suppressed by sup-1, sup-2, and snb-1. Resistant to lannate. See also CGC 1770.
CB934 sma-1(e934) V. C. elegans Short, round-headed, especially in early larvae. Adults have slight rolling tendency. Males can mate.
CB937 bli-4(e937) I. C. elegans M-MATING+POOR <1%WT. Adult blistered, especially head.
CB94 unc-1(e94) X. C. elegans Kinky Unc. Recessive. M-MATING++ 1-10%WT.
CBX102 Microbacterium nematophilum Microbacterium nematophilum Bacteria. Caenorhabditis pathogen. Previously called Aureobacterium nematophilum. Biosafety Level: BSL-1.
DC19 bus-5(br19) X. C. elegans Severe missense mutation. Bus (resistant to M. nematophilum), Bah (resistant to Yersinia biofilm formation), resistant to Leucobacter Verde2, hypersensitive to Leucobacter Verde1, drug and bleach sensitive. Slightly skiddy movement. Useful for drug screening. Reference: Xiong H, et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 29;7(1):9839.
DR103 dpy-10(e128) unc-4(e120) II. C. elegans DpyUnc. [NOTE: Likely contains background mrt mutation (re47) (D. Reiner). Segregates males, sickly animals, and dark steriles growing progessively worse in subsequent generations. (D. Reiner & S. Ahmed, 2011)]
DR104 dpy-18(e364) unc-25(e156) dnj-17(ju1162) III. C. elegans DpyUnc.
DR105 unc-17(e245) dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans DpyUnc.
DR113 lon-2(e678) mec-4(e1339) X. C. elegans Long. Mechanosensory Abnormal. Sometimes touch sensitive in tail.
DR115 unc-15(e73) unc-54(e675) I. C. elegans Slow movement.
JT529 ndg-4(sa529) III. C. elegans Ndg: nordihydroguairetic acid resistant. Nrf: nose resistant to fluoxetine-induced hypercontraction. Pale eggs. Accumulates yolk. Some embryonic lethality. Nonsense mutation W404stop(UGA).
MT679 nDf2/lin-31(n301) bli-2(e768) II. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Muv and segregate Muv, dead eggs, and MuvBli. Maintain by picking Muv nonBli. Alarming tendency to lose the deficiency. New stock received 9/15/97 from MT.
MT682 nDf4/lin-31(n301) bli-2(e768) II. C. elegans Hets are Muv and segregate Muv, dead eggs, and MuvBli. Maintain by picking Muv nonBli. Received new stock from Horvitz lab 10/97.
N2 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans C. elegans var Bristol. Generation time is about 3 days. Brood size is about 350. Also CGC reference 257. Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966. Subcultured by Don Riddle in 1973. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. DR subclone of CB original (Tc1 pattern I). [NOTE: This stock might carry a ~1.8 kb deletion in alh-2 in the background. (UPDATE: 03/26/2018 - a user reported the stock they received was homozygous for the alh-2(ot588) mutation.)]
N2 (ancestral) C. elegans wild type (ancestral). C. elegans WT C. elegans. From Cambridge collection-originally frozen around 1968: In 1980, in order to establish an ancestral stock, Jonathan Hodgkin thawed one of the earliest frozen tubes of N2, dating from 1968. From this plate J.H. grew up a population en masse (without subculturing) on NGM plates (about 2 generations). Multiple samples of this were frozen in order to provide a reference N2 stock. This set of stock samples was replenished by regrowth in 1985 and 1991, using the same procedure, and a freshly thawed sample was sent to the CGC in 1993. Thus, samples from this frozen stock, called N2 (ancestral), should be only about 6 generations away from the stock used by Sydney Brenner as his standard WT N2. [Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966.] Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. Note: N2 (ancestral) has reduced lifespan and fertility relative to the standard CGC N2 strains. See Worm Breeder's Gazette 16(5): 24 (February 1,2001).
N2 Male C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans C. elegans var Bristol. Self-fertilizing hermaphrodite. Generation time is about 3.5 days at 20C. Male stock maintained by mating. Also CGC reference 257. Isolated from mushroom compost near Bristol, England by L.N. Staniland. Cultured by W.L. Nicholas, identified to genus by Gunther Osche and species by Victor Nigon; subsequently cultured by C.E. Dougherty. Given to Sydney Brenner ca. 1966. Subcultured by Don Riddle in 1973. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. DR subclone of CB original (Tc1 pattern I). [NOTE: (09/07/2018) The Gems Lab has identified a mutation in the gene fln-2 carried in this stock causing an increased lifespan. The effect is quite modest (+11%, median lifespan), but this effect can be more pronounced in other genetic backgrounds.] [NOTE: (03/26/2018) - a user reported the stock they received was homozygous wild-type for alh-2; some N2 stocks carry the ot588 mutation in alh-2.)
OP50 E. coli. Escherichia coli Bacteria. Uracil auxotroph. E. coli B. Biosafety Level: BSL-1.
TR388 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild type. Low Tc1 copy number. Isolated in Madison, WI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate (Tc1 pattern I?).
TR389 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans Wild type. Low copy Tc1 number. Isolated in Madison, WI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate (Tc1 pattern I?).
TR403 C. elegans wild isolate. C. elegans A wild type C. elegans virtually indistinguishable from N2. Males mate with high efficiency, unlike Bergerac. High copy number of Tc1 elements. Active for Tc1 transposition and excision. Not temperature sensitive for growth (unlike Bergerac). See also WBPaper00001053 and WBG 10(2) 140-141 and 11(5) 60. Collected from soil in Madison, WI. Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate (Tc1 pattern HCD).
X1666 E. coli. Escherichia coli Bacteria. E. coli. Plasmidless, NAL-resistant, ARA-minus, Good growth, high density. Uracil prototroph. Biosafety Level: BSL-1.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
e1072 Allele
e2123 Allele substitution
e1091 Allele
e128 Allele substitution slient
e937 Allele deletion
e1490 Allele
e678 Allele
e1321 Allele
e151 Allele substitution nonsense
e120 Allele substitution splice_site
e769 Allele
e61 Allele substitution nonsense
e450 Allele substitution nonsense
e1414 Allele
e768 Allele
e245 Allele substitution
e270 Allele
e187 Allele substitution
e444 Allele substitution nonsense
e1489 Allele substitution
e1372 Allele substitution splice_site
e1 Allele
e2141 Allele substitution
e936 Allele substitution splice_site
e14 Allele substitution nonsense
e1370 Allele substitution
e1166 Allele insertion
e369 Allele substitution
e2498 Transposon insertion insertion
e364 Allele substitution nonsense
e1562 Allele
e1259 Allele substitution
e911 Allele deletion frameshift
e224 Allele substitution
e156 Allele substitution nonsense
e189 Allele substitution splice_site
e184 Allele
e73 Allele
e1282 Allele substitution
e66 Allele
e138 Allele
e907 Allele deletion
e188 Allele substitution
e51 Allele
e177 Allele substitution nonsense
e169 Allele
e677 Allele
e346 Allele
e152 Allele substitution nonsense
e540 Allele
e354 Allele substitution nonsense
e164 Allele substitution nonsense
e428 Allele substitution nonsense
e1865 Allele substitution nonsense
e8 Allele substitution
e30 Allele substitution nonsense
e251 Allele substitution nonsense
e271 Allele substitution nonsense
e262 Allele
e1393 Allele substitution
e1099 Allele
e25 Allele
e1017 Allele
e1438 Allele
e1001 Allele
e1002 Allele
e1003 Allele
e1004 Allele
e1005 Allele substitution
e1008 Allele
e1009 Allele
e101 Allele substitution splice_site
e102 Allele substitution splice_site
e1026 Allele substitution nonsense
e1033 Allele
e1034 Allele substitution
e53 Allele substitution nonsense
e1392 Allele substitution nonsense
e105 Allele
e1375 Allele
e1062 Allele substitution nonsense
e1065 Allele
e1066 Allele substitution splice_site
e1068 Allele
e1069 Allele
e1071 Allele
e1073 Allele
e108 Allele
e109 Allele deletion
e1092 Allele substitution nonsense
e1108 Allele
e1111 Allele substitution nonsense
e1112 Allele substitution nonsense
e112 Allele
e1122 Allele substitution nonsense
e1124 Allele substitution nonsense
e1125 Allele
e1126 Allele
e1128 Allele
e113 Allele
e1104 Allele
e1141 Allele substitution
e1147 Allele substitution
e1152 Allele substitution
e1157 Allele
e1168 Allele
e1170 Allele
e1172 Allele
e1174 Allele deletion
e1179 Allele
e1180 Allele insertion frameshift
e1189 Allele deletion frameshift
e1190 Allele
e1193 Allele
e1196 Allele insertion frameshift
e1197 Allele
e1199 Allele
e12 Allele substitution
e1201 Allele
e1214 Allele
e1215 Allele
e1216 Allele substitution slient
e1217 Allele substitution
e1220 Allele
e1253 Allele substitution splice_site
e1255 Allele
e1256 Allele substitution
e1258 Allele
e1260 Allele
e1261 Allele
e1265 Allele substitution
e1266 Allele
e1267 Allele
e1272 Allele substitution nonsense
e1275 Allele substitution nonsense
e1281 Allele
e1291 Allele
e1292 Allele substitution nonsense
e1295 Allele
e130 Allele
e1300 Allele substitution nonsense
e1301 Allele
e1309 Allele
e1313 Allele substitution nonsense
e1314 Allele substitution splice_site
e1315 Allele
e1323 Allele
e1324 Allele substitution
e1338 Allele insertion frameshift
e1339 Allele substitution
e1340 Allele
e1345 Allele substitution
e1350 Allele substitution
e1359 Allele
e1364 Allele deletion
e1376 Allele deletion frameshift
e1377 Allele substitution nonsense
e1378 Allele
e1379 Allele
e1386 Allele substitution splice_site
e1387 Allele substitution nonsense
e139 Allele
e1396 Allele
e1402 Allele
e1408 Allele
e1410 Allele substitution
e1413 Allele substitution nonsense
e1416 Allele
e1417 Allele substitution
e1419 Allele substitution nonsense
e1421 Allele substitution
e1439 Allele substitution nonsense
e1449 Allele substitution nonsense
e1456 Allele substitution splice_site
e1459 Allele substitution
e1460 Allele substitution nonsense
e1464 Allele
e1467 Allele
e1342 Allele substitution
e1343 Allele substitution
e1423 Allele
e1480 Allele
e1482 Allele
e1487 Allele
e1934 Allele
e1494 Allele substitution
e15 Allele substitution
e1503 Allele
e1507 Allele
e1511 Allele substitution
e1515 Allele substitution
e1518 Allele
e155 Allele substitution nonsense
e1561 Allele
e1597 Allele substitution
e1598 Allele
e1611 Allele
e309 Allele
e1146 Allele substitution nonsense
e182 Allele
e185 Allele substitution
e190 Allele deletion frameshift
e193 Allele
e2 Allele substitution
e644 Allele substitution nonsense
e204 Allele substitution
e205 Allele substitution nonsense
e246 Allele substitution
e207 Allele substitution nonsense
e935 Allele
e91 Allele substitution
e1877 Allele
e995 Allele substitution
e211 Allele
e997 Allele
e268 Allele substitution nonsense
e587 Allele
e1430 Allele substitution nonsense
e228 Allele substitution nonsense
e1425 Allele
e1107 Allele substitution nonsense
e1240 Allele
e1249 Allele
e234 Allele substitution nonsense
e239 Allele
e24 Allele
e257 Allele
e1094 Allele
e1096 Allele deletion
e1098 Allele
e261 Allele substitution
e1406 Allele deletion frameshift
e912 Allele deletion
e27 Allele
e1348 Allele substitution nonsense
e1095 Allele substitution nonsense
e1716 Allele
e1717 Allele
e1718 Allele
e1719 Allele
e1720 Allele
e1721 Allele
e1722 Allele
e1723 Allele
e1575 Allele substitution
e1488 Allele
e1076 Allele
e1209 Allele substitution nonsense
e665 Allele
e2112 Allele
e286 Allele substitution
e293 Allele
e1563 Allele substitution
e306 Allele substitution nonsense
e1500 Allele
e307 Allele substitution splice_site
e312 Allele
e315 Allele
e879 Allele substitution
e318 Allele
e1734 Allele
e1735 Allele substitution nonsense
e1228 Allele substitution nonsense
e1252 Allele
e1250 Allele
e1742 Allele
e324 Allele
e1745 Allele substitution nonsense
e1747 Allele
e1241 Allele substitution
e840 Allele deletion
e1751 Allele
e1752 Allele substitution nonsense
e1754 Allele substitution nonsense
e1506 Allele substitution
e1084 Allele substitution nonsense
e1497 Allele insertion
e1504 Allele substitution
e1527 Allele substitution
e1605 Allele substitution
e1744 Allele substitution
e1599 Allele substitution
e1239 Allele
e330 Allele
e1787 Allele substitution nonsense
e1796 Allele substitution
e1778 Allele deletion
e1805 Allele substitution nonsense
e1809 Allele
e1810 Allele substitution nonsense
e1812 Allele substitution splice_site
e1802 Allele
e1753 Allele
e1245 Allele
e1861 Allele
e1743 Allele
e1880 Allele
e1466 Allele
e817 Allele
e351 Allele
e1883 Allele
e1248 Allele substitution
e1913 Allele substitution
e1896 Allele
e355 Allele
e1908 Allele
e1931 Allele substitution nonsense
e362 Allele
e1929 Allele
e1960 Allele substitution splice_site
e1965 Allele
e1986 Allele
e1903 Allele substitution nonsense
e376 Allele
e1767 Allele
e2017 Allele
e2020 Allele deletion
e1957 Allele
e382 Allele substitution
e384 Allele
e1996 Allele
e2006 Allele
e2001 Allele
e2058 Allele
e2059 Allele
e2057 Allele
e55 Allele substitution nonsense
e2091 Allele
e2046 Allele deletion
e398 Allele substitution nonsense
e2111 Allele
e402 Allele
e403 Allele substitution nonsense
e2105 Allele
e404 Allele
e2008 Allele
e406 Allele deletion frameshift
e407 Allele substitution nonsense
e408 Allele substitution
e2166 Allele
e2169 Allele
e2078 Allele
e2117 Allele
e2175 Allele insertion
e2121 Allele substitution nonsense
e47 Allele
e419 Allele substitution nonsense
e2260 Allele
e2227 Allele
e2309 Allele substitution
e2330 Allele
e2331 Allele
e928 Allele deletion
e2340 Allele
e2343 Allele
e2333 Allele substitution
e2383 Allele
e448 Allele
e1254 Allele
e2400 Allele insertion frameshift
e2432 Allele deletion
e2442 Allele
e458 Allele
e2410 Allele
e2430 Allele
e2347 Allele
e2434 Allele
e2436 Allele
e2438 Allele
e2439 Allele
e2437 Allele
WBVar00144862 SNP substitution
e2520 Allele
e2519 Allele substitution
e2517 Allele
e489 Allele substitution
e49 Allele substitution
e491 Allele
e5 Allele substitution nonsense
e2542 Allele
e502 Allele
e2556 Allele
e2610 Allele
e2562 Allele deletion frameshift
e518 Allele substitution
e522 Allele
e524 Allele substitution
e2631 Allele substitution splice_site
e2663 Allele substitution splice_site
e2658 Allele
e538 Allele
e2643 Allele deletion
e541 Allele substitution
e2707 Allele substitution nonsense
e2693 Allele
e1795 Allele substitution
e2762 Allele deletion
e2678 Allele
e2687 Allele
e2696 Allele
e2688 Allele
e2691 Allele
e2702 Allele
e2710 Allele
e2740 Allele
e566 Allele
e2802 Allele
e569 Allele
e2709 Allele
e57 Allele
e572 Allele
e576 Allele
e2806 Allele substitution
e2795 Allele
e2698 Allele substitution
e2779 Allele
e611 Allele
e2882 Allele substitution
e2885 Allele substitution
e620 Allele substitution nonsense
e2887 Allele substitution
e623 Allele
e2919 Allele substitution nonsense
e2906 Allele substitution
e2912 Transposon insertion insertion
e2924 Allele deletion
e648 Allele substitution nonsense
e651 Allele
e652 Allele
e2917 Transposon insertion insertion
e2689 Allele substitution nonsense
e669 Allele substitution nonsense
e675 Allele deletion
e697 Allele
e698 Allele substitution
e713 Allele substitution
e719 Allele
e723 Allele
e75 Allele
e754 Allele substitution
e767 Allele substitution
e78 Allele
e81 Allele substitution nonsense
e843 Allele
e191 Allele substitution nonsense
e88 Allele substitution
e883 Allele
e264 Allele
e934 Allele
e94 Allele
e950 Allele
e96 Allele substitution nonsense
e998 Allele substitution nonsense
e2144 Allele substitution
e1368 Allele substitution
e1942 Allele substitution nonsense
e2088 Allele
e917 Allele
e856 Allele substitution
e1036 Allele substitution nonsense
e699 Allele substitution
e2623 Allele substitution
e2027 Allele
e259 Allele
e2337 Allele
e1777 Allele substitution nonsense
e961 Allele
e625 Allele substitution
e729 Allele
e1371 Allele substitution
e1391 Allele substitution
e979 Allele substitution
e345 Allele deletion
e2346 Allele
e1820 Allele
e1926 Allele
e2167 Allele
e1362 Allele
e2310 Allele
e298 Allele
e499 Allele
e2300 Allele
e2215 Allele substitution
e2217 Allele deletion
e2223 Allele substitution
e1365 Allele substitution
e1948 Allele substitution nonsense
e2072 Allele substitution
e2551 Allele
e2406 Allele substitution
e873 Allele
e2510 Allele substitution
e2500 Allele
e2074 Allele
e3015 Allele
e3016 Allele substitution nonsense
e2507 Allele
e1446 Allele substitution nonsense
e580 Allele substitution
e2225 Transposon insertion insertion
e2127 Allele
e165 Allele
e26 Allele substitution
e2322 Allele substitution
e2530 Allele
e1756 Allele substitution nonsense
e1907 Allele
e1363 Allele
e2531 Allele substitution
e1763 Allele deletion
e323 Allele
e1463 Allele
e1991 Allele
e1213 Allele substitution nonsense
e596 Allele
e1383 Allele
e28 Allele
e1457 Allele substitution
e327 Allele substitution
e2662 Allele