Strain Information

Name ZM11285   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypetwk-40(hp834) III; hpEx4479.
DescriptionhpEx4479 [npr-4p::snb-1::pHluorin + lin-15(+)]. Pick animals with green fluorescence in VNC to maintain. twk-40(hp834) is a loss-of-function allele. Loopy. Synapse exocytosis marker for AVA. Transgenic animals exhibit punctate fluorescent signals along AVA neurites in the ventral cord, with stronger expression than in a wild-type background.
MutagenNo mutagen
Made byJun Meng
Laboratory ZM
Reference A tonically active neuron continuously drives mutually exclusive motor states at different timescales. Meng et al., 2023. Submitted.
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