Strain Information

Name UP2436   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypelpr-1(cs207) I.
Descriptioncs207 is an early nonsense allele (Q72stop). Approximately 90% rod-like larval lethal, with 10% normal escapers. Exact percentages are sensitive to temperature and culture conditions.
Made byPu Pu
Laboratory UP
Reference Pu, P., Stone, C.E., Burdick, J.T., Murray, J.I. and Sundaram, M.V. (2017). The lipocalin LPR-1 cooperates with LIN-3/EGF signaling to maintain narrow tube integrity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 205, 1247-1260. PMCID: PMC5340336
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