Strain Information

Name RM2754   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypednj-14(ok237) X.
DescriptionKnock-out allele ok237 is a large (2229-bp) deletion. Coordinates: leftmost deleted base = 35441 of K02G10; rightmost deleted base = 296 of F55D10. ok237 eliminates almost all of K02G10.8 (dnj-14) and also the 5'-part of F55D10.3 (glit-1, encodes a homolog of gliotactin), as well as the presumed promoter regions between the 2 genes. In addition, F55D10.3 could be the first member of an operon, with F55D10.2 (aka rpl25.1, which encodes a ribosomal protein) as the second member of the operon. The deletion is likely to eliminate the expression of 2 or 3 genes, not just dnj-14.
MutagenNo mutagen
Made byOMRF Knockout Group
Laboratory RM
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