Strain Information

Name QC156   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypeacs-13(et54) nhr-49(et8) I; mdt-15(et14) III.
DescriptionThis triple mutant strain contains an excess polyunsaturated fatty acids in its cell membranes accompanied by excess lipid peroxidation, cell permeability, increased autophagy and other defects. The acs-13(et54) mutation (G125R) can be detected using PCR with the following primers: WT FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TG 3; acs-13 mutant FWD: 5´CTA CCA GGG TGT TCG CCA TA 3; acs-13 REV: 5´TCA AAC TTG GGC ATT GCT CC 3´. Annealing 65°C, expected product 395 bp. The nhr-49(et8) C9873765T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: nhr-49 Fwd: 5’-CAGATTATGATTCGTGATGCTAGA-3; nhr-49 WT Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAG-3; nhr-49 Mut Rev: 5’-GAGATGAAAGATGTTGCTGTAGAA-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected products ~300 bp. The mdt-15(et14) C5832666T [WS200] mutation can be detected by PCR using the following primers: mdt-15(et14) Mut Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCT-3’; mdt-15(et14) WT Fwd: 5’-GTGCCTCCAGATCCACAGCC-3’; mdt-15 Rev: 5’-CACCCATTGGAGCACCACT-3’. Annealing 65°C, expected product ~400 bp. Reference: Devkota R, et al. Genetics (in press). Volume 219, Issue 1, September 2021.
Made byRakesh Bodhicharla
Laboratory QC
Reference Devkota, R., Kaper, D., Bodhicharla, R., Henricsson, M., Borén, J. And Pilon, M. (2021). A genetic titration of membrane composition in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals its importance for multiple cellular and physiological traits. Genetics (in press).
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