Strain Information

Name PS8131   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
GenotypesyIs530; syIs300
DescriptionsyIs530 [ceh-63p::NLS::GAL4(sk)::VP64::let-858 3'UTR + unc-122p::RFP + 1kb DNA ladder (NEB)] cGAL driver for DVC neurons. syIs300 [15xUAS::(delta)pes-10::GFP::let-858 3'UTR + ttx-3p::RFP + 1kb DNA ladder(NEB)] is a GFP cGAL effector.  Some worms do not express ttx-3p::RFP marker, but will consistently produce worms with the transgenic marker in next generation. Reference: Wang H, et al. Nat Methods. 2017 Feb;14(2):145-148.
Made byJun Young Oh/Shahla Gharib
Laboratory PS
Reference Oh, JY et al. (2019). DVC interneuron cGAL driver in Caenorhabditis elegans. microPublication Biology. 
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