Strain Information

Name GS9407   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
GenotypearTi361 [rps-27p::GFP(lox2272-flexon-lox2272)::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + NeoR] I.
DescriptionarTi361 [rps-27p::GFP(lox2272-flexon-lox2272)::H2B::unc-54 3'UTR + NeoR] I (-12.74). First intron of GFP is replaced with a Flexon containing two lox2272 sites. GFP::H2B is expressed at a high level in lineages where Cre is expressed with a second transgene. Transgene maps to -12.74 (I). Reference: Wittes J & Greenwald I. (2024). New Flexon-based reagents for tissue-specific Auxin-Inducible Degradation and for characterizing Cre and Flp drivers in C. elegans. microPublication Biology.
Made byJustin Shaffer and Henry Kim
Laboratory GS
Reference Shaffer JM, Greenwald I. 2022. Floxed exon (Flexon): A flexibly positioned stop cassette for recombinase-mediated conditional gene expression. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 119(3):e2117451119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2117451119. PMID: 35027456
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