Strain Information

Name EG4788   View On Wormbase
Species C. portoensis
GenotypeCaenorhabditis sp. 6 wild isolate.
DescriptionMale-female strain. Maintain by mating. Caenorhabditis sp. 6 wild isolate. Isolated by Michael Ailion and Ana-Joao Rodrigues from a rotting apple collected from the home of Anabela Fernandes in Amares, Portugal (address: Dr. Adolofo Vilela, no. 29, 4720-019 Amares, Portugal). Coordinates: 41 degrees, 37', 43.577 " N; 8 degrees, 20', 51.421 " W. Apple collected March 28, 2007. The apple produced a number of growing animals in different stages, including adults of both sexes. Male/Female Caenorhabditis species. 18S RNA sequence places it closest to PS1010 C. sp. 3.
MutagenNo mutagen
Made byMichael Ailion
Laboratory EG
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