Strain Information

Name CX6448   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypegcy-35(ok769) I.
Description668 bp deletion in cosmid T04D3. Break points are 31961 and 32629 with respect to T04D3. Sequence at break point: CCTGCTCAATGACCTTTATCTTCGTT/AACGTGGCGAACAAAATGGAATCCAACGGT. Primers for a ~2.4kb band in ok769 and a ~3.1kb band in N2: ok769L 5' CCT GGT ACA GTA TTT AGG CG; 3' ok769R 5' CTT TCA GTC CGT TGA GCT TC 3'.
Made byJesse Gray
Laboratory CX
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