Strain Information

Name UL6   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
DescriptionleIs6 [vha-8::lacZ + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. This strain shows B-galactosidase expression in the excretory cell and lateral nuclei of the hypodermis adjacent to the anterior and posterior branches of the excretory cell. The second component to this expression pattern appears to be localized in the hypodermis adjacent to the excretory canals. B-galactosidase was seen in the nuclei from late embryogenesis through to the adult. plasmid name: pUL#64A1. Partial Sau3A fragments cloned into BamH1 site of vector. Plasmid backbone: pPD22.11. A 2.7 Kb HindIII fragment from the insert of pUL#64A1 hybridized to YACs Y55E11, Y53F3, Y50C9, and Y73B6 which overlap on LGIV. References: Young JM, Hope IA. Dev Dyn. 1993 Feb;196(2):124-32. Hope IA, et al. Mol Gen Genet. 1998 Nov;260(2-3):300-8.
MutagenNo mutagen
Made byJane Arnold/Ian Hope
Laboratory UL
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