Strain Information

Name NKZ35   View On Wormbase
Species C. inopinata
GenotypeCaenorhabditis inopinata wild isolate
DescriptionCaenorhabditis inopinata wild isolate; 10x inbred line. Male-Female. Maintain by mating at 25C or above; does not grow well at 20C. See reference for the details d( Sibling species of C. elegans. Inbred 10 times, full genome sequence available. Frozen stock recovery is lower efficiency than C. elegans with glycerol; DMSO method works more efficiently. Adult: Large and slender species; ca. 1.5–2.5 mm in length, and individuals may reach up 3.0 mm under optimal culturing conditions. Cuticle is moderate to thick with four-lined lateral field. Deirids on the lateral field, at the level slightly behind the secretory–excretory pore. Lip separated into six sectors, not clearly offset. Six labial sensilla and four cephalic sensilla present. The anterior end of each lip sector very slightly elongated and forming six stomatal flaps. Amphid small, oval pore-like, at the level of the margin of cheilo and gymnostom. Tube-like stoma separated into three parts; short tube-like cheilostom; simple tube-like gymnostom, which is weakly separated into two subsections; and tube-like stegostom covered by pharyngeal sleeve, which is separated into four subsections, prostegostom, mesostegostom, metastegostom, and telostegostom. Metastegostomatal three teeth flap-like. Pharynx separated into four sections; procorpus forming muscular tube, well-developed metacorpus (median bulb); glandular and narrow isthmus; and basal bulb with double haustrulum as the glottoid apparatus. Pharyngo-intestinal valve (cardia) prominent. Nerve ring around the middle of isthmus. Excretory pore located around the margin of isthmus and basal bulb. Female: Gonadal system didelphic, amphidelphic. Anterior and posterior gonadal system are basically symmetric with each other, arranged as ovary, oviduct, spermatheca, spermathecal-uterus junction tissue, uterus and vulva/vagina from distal. Sometimes more than 20 developing eggs are deposited. Tail conical or forming slightly elongated conus with pointed tip. Anus and rectum clearly visible; three (two subventral and one dorsal) rectal glands present. Phasmid forming small pore at ca. 60% of total tail length from anus. Male: Testis single, anteriorly reflexed rightwardly. Vas deferens occupying ca. 1/5 of total gonadal length. Tail enveloped by a closed bursa, supported by nine pairs of bursal rays. Anterior cloacal lip with a rounded and sclerotized appendage and bulge-like appendage between rounded appendage and cloacal opening; a small sensilla-like papilla on the bulge-like appendage. Posterior cloacal lip with tongue-like appendage with two cloacal sensilla. Spicules paired, separate, long and slender with evenly slightly ventrally curved blade and simply pointed tip. Gubernaculum slender, ventrally arcuate with small squared appendage at the distal end in lateral view. Bursa heart-shaped in ventral view, anteriorly closed with serrated edge; serratae obvious in anterior half and vague in posterior half; terminal notch present but unclear. The nine pairs of genital papillae or bursal rays supporting the bursal velum with an arranged (2/1 + 1 + 2 + 3).
Made byNatsumi Kanzaki
Laboratory 3658
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