Strain Information

Name FT575   View On Wormbase
Species C. elegans
Genotypeunc-119(ed3); xnIs243.
DescriptionxnIs243 [picc-1p::picc-1::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Weak maternal expression visible at early embryo cell contacts. Stronger zygotic expression visible at junctions of epithelial cells. Transgene generated from a recombineered genomic fosmid clone. Reference: Zilberman, Y., J. Abrams, D.C. Anderson, and J. Nance. 2017. Cdc42 regulates junctional actin but not cell polarization in the Caenorhabditis elegans epidermis. J Cell Biol 216: 3729-3744.
MutagenInsertion made by biolistic transformati
Made byDorian Anderson
Laboratory FT
Reference Zilberman, Y., J. Abrams, D.C. Anderson, and J. Nance. 2017. Cdc42 regulates junctional actin but not cell polarization in the Caenorhabditis elegans epidermis. J Cell Biol 216: 3729-3744
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