Laboratory Information
Name | DPB View on WormBase |
Allele designation | sjm |
Head | Bartel, David |
Institution | Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA |
Address | 455 Main Street Cambridge 02142 United States |
Website | |
Gene classes | 21ur anr linc |
Strains contributed by this laboratory
Strain | Genotype | Species | Description |
DPB2301 | mir-43(sjm1) II. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes; miR-43(sjm1) accumulates in L4 larvae compared to wild-type miR-43. mir-43(sjm1) has an inversion of the miR-43 seed sequence. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
DPB2312 | mir-43(sjm2) II. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes. mir-43(sjm2) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for random sequence. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
DPB2313 | mir-43(sjm3) II. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack gross phenotypes. mir-43(sjm3) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for the 3' region of miR-82. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42, and furthermore has 22bp of sequence deleted between miR-42* and miR-42. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
DPB2314 | mir-43(sjm1) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to a loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm1) is an inversion of the seed sequence of miR-43. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm1) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
DPB2315 | mir-43(sjm2) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm2) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for random sequence. This strain also has a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm2) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
DPB2316 | mir-43(sjm3) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. | C. elegans | Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm3) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for the 3' region of miR-82. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42, and furthermore has 22bp of sequence deleted between mir-42* and mir-42. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm3) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170. |
This laboratory hasn't submitted any alleles to the CGC.