Laboratory Information

NameDPB View on WormBase
Allele designationsjm
HeadBartel, David
InstitutionWhitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA
Address 455 Main Street
Cambridge 02142
United States
Gene classes 21ur  anr  linc 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
DPB2301 mir-43(sjm1) II. C. elegans Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes; miR-43(sjm1) accumulates in L4 larvae compared to wild-type miR-43. mir-43(sjm1) has an inversion of the miR-43 seed sequence. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
DPB2312 mir-43(sjm2) II. C. elegans Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes. mir-43(sjm2) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for random sequence. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
DPB2313 mir-43(sjm3) II. C. elegans Homozygotes lack gross phenotypes. mir-43(sjm3) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for the 3' region of miR-82. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42, and furthermore has 22bp of sequence deleted between miR-42* and miR-42. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
DPB2314 mir-43(sjm1) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. C. elegans Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to a loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm1) is an inversion of the seed sequence of miR-43. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm1) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
DPB2315 mir-43(sjm2) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. C. elegans Homozygotes lack gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm2) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for random sequence. This strain also has a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm2) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
DPB2316 mir-43(sjm3) II; ebax-1(tm2321) IV. C. elegans Homozygotes lack obvious gross phenotypes, though some miRNAs are elevated due to loss-of-function mutation in ebax-1. mir-43(sjm3) has positions 9-23 of miR-43 substituted for the 3' region of miR-82. This strain is also homozygous for a G>T point substitution at position 8 of miR-42, and furthermore has 22bp of sequence deleted between mir-42* and mir-42. Generated by mating parental strain CZ9907 hermaphrodites to mir-43(sjm3) males. Reference: Stubna MW, et al. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2024.06.28/601170.
This laboratory hasn't submitted any alleles to the CGC.