Laboratory Information

NameYY View on WormBase
Allele designationgg
HeadScott G Kennedy
InstitutionHarvard Medical School
Address 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur
NRB Room 266
Boston 02115
United States
Gene classes hrde  nrde  znfx 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
YY11 dcr-1(mg375) III. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Sterile at 25 degrees. Referenced in Pavelec et al. Genetics (2009).
YY13 rrf-3(mg373) II; oxls12. C. elegans oxls12 [unc-47p::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Enhanced RNAi. Sterile at 25 degrees. [NOTE: the genotype of YY13 as previously annotated only as rrf-3(mg373)] References: Pavelec DM, et al. Genetics. 2009 Dec;183(4):1283-95. PMID: 19797044. McIntire SL, et al. Nature. 1997 Oct 23;389(6653):870-6. PMID: 9349821.
YY1325 wago-4(gg620[3xflag::gfp::wago-4]) II. C. elegans 3xflag::gfp inserted into endogenous wago-4 locus using CRISPR/Cas9 engineering. 3xFLAG::GFP::WAGO-4 is partially functional in this strain. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.
YY1446 znfx-1(gg634[HA::tagRFP::znfx-1]) II. C. elegans HA::tagRFP inserted into endogenous znfx-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9 engineering. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.
YY1492 mut-16(cmp3[mut-16::gfp::flag + loxP] I; znfx-1(gg634[HA::tagRFP::znfx-1]) II; pgl-1(gg640[pgl-1::3xflag::mCardinal]) IV. C. elegans gfp::flag inserted into endogenous mut-16 locus, 3xflag::gfp inserted into endogenous znfx-1 locus, and 3xflag::tagRFP inserted into endogenous pgl-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9 engineering. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.
YY156 nrde-2(gg95) II. C. elegans Reference: Guang S, et al. Nature. 2010 Jun 24;465(7301):1097-101.
YY158 nrde-3(gg66) X. C. elegans Nuclear RNAi defective. Reference: Guang et al., Science 321(5888):537-41 (2009).
YY160 nrde-1(gg88) III. C. elegans eri-1(mg366) has been crossed out of the background. Reference: Burkhart KB, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug;7(8):e1002249.
YY166 ergo-1(gg98) V. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Isolated in lin-15B RNAi screen. Referenced in Pavelec et al. Genetics (2009).
YY168 ergo-1(gg100) V. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Isolated in lin-15B RNAi screen. Referenced in Pavelec et al. Genetics (2009).
YY169 ergo-1(gg102) V. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Isolated in lin-15B RNAi screen. Referenced in Pavelec et al. Genetics (2009).
YY178 ggIs1. C. elegans ggIs1 [nrde-3p::3xFlag::GFP::nrde-3 ORF + unc-119(+)]. Unknown if unc-119 is still in background. Reference: GuangS, et al. Nature. 2010 Jun 24;465(7301):1097-101.
YY186 nrde-2(gg91) II. C. elegans T to A substitution at position 129 and Y to stop at position 24 in exon 2. Reference: GuangS, et al. Nature. 2010 Jun 24;465(7301):1097-101.
YY216 eri-9(gg106) III. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Isolated in lin-15B RNAi screen. Referenced in Pavelec et al. Genetics (2009).
YY238 nrde-3(gg64) X. C. elegans Nuclear RNAi defective. Reference: Guang et al., Science 321(5888):537-41 (2009).
YY346 nrde-2(gg91) II; ggIs28. C. elegans ggIs28 [nrde-3p::3xFlag::GFP::nrde-2 ORF + unc-119(+)]. Unknown if unc-119 is still in background. Reference: Burkhart KB, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug;7(8):e1002249.
YY453 nrde-4(gg129) IV. C. elegans Reference: Burkhart KB, et al. PLoS Genet. 2011 Aug;7(8):e1002249.
YY470 dcr-1(mg375) III. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi response. Sterile at 25 C. Outcrossed from YY11; wild-type for mut-16. Superficially wild-type.
YY538 hrde-1(tm1200) III. C. elegans Maintain at 15C. Heritable RNAi defective, germline mortality (Mrt) at 25C. Reference: Buckley BA, et al. Nature. 2012 Sep 20;489(7416):447-51.
YY916 znfx-1(gg544[3xflag::gfp::znfx-1]) II. C. elegans GFP tag inserted at the N-terminus of endogenous znfx-1 via CRISPR/Cas9. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.
YY968 znfx-1(gg544[3xflag::gfp::znfx-1]) II; pgl-1(gg547[pgl-1::3xflag::tagRFP]) IV. C. elegans 3xflag::gfp inserted into endogenous znfx-1 locus, and 3xflag::tagRFP inserted into endogenous pgl-1 locus using CRISPR/Cas9 engineering. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.
YY996 znfx-1(gg561) II. C. elegans Heritable RNAi defective, germline immortality. Reference: Wan G, et al. Nature. 2018 May;557(7707):679-683.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
gg66 Allele substitution
gg88 Allele
gg98 Allele deletion frameshift
gg100 Allele substitution nonsense
gg102 Allele substitution
gg91 Allele
gg106 Allele substitution nonsense
gg64 Allele
gg129 Allele substitution