Laboratory Information

NameMJ View on WormBase
Allele designationk
HeadMiwa, Johji
InstitutionChubu University, Aichi, Japan
Address Department of Environmental Biology College of Bioscience and Biotechnology Chubu University 1200 Matsumoto-cho Kasugai-shi, Aichi-ken 487-8501

Gene classes tpa  xrep 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
MJ500 tpa-1(k501) IV. C. elegans Resistant to tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate. Semi-dominant.
MJ563 tpa-1(k530) IV. C. elegans Animals grow to be adults with smaller than normal body size and produce a reduced number of progeny on TPA-containing medium. No other apparent phenotypes were so far observed on NGM. Tc1 was originally inserted into a 2.4 kb HindIII genomic fragment. The 1.8 kb portion adjacent to the 3' end of the inserted Tc1 was replaced by an unidentified 1.0 kb fragment probably due to rearrangement during backcrossing.
MJ57 emb-1(hc57) III. C. elegans ts embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C, 20C. Lethal at 25C.
MJ58 emb-2(hc58) III. C. elegans ts egg lethal. Will grow at 15C and 20C. Will not grow at 25C.
MJ59 emb-3(hc59) IV. C. elegans Temperature sensitive, maintain at 15C. At 25C the embryos arrest at the lima bean stage. Will grow at 20C.
MJ60 emb-4(hc60) V. C. elegans Temperature-sensitive embryonic lethal. Maintain at 15C. Some growth at 20C. Does not grow at 25C.
MJ61 emb-5(hc61) lin-12(ar170) III. C. elegans ts embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C, 20C. Lethal at 25C. [Also contains a temperature sensitive lin-12 hypomorphic allele called ar170. Has 2 anchor cells. Jane Hubbard, 3/96 See WBPaper00002483. See GS1369 for emb-5 reference strain.]
MJ62 emb-1(hc62) III. C. elegans ts embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C.
MJ63 mus-101(k12) I. C. elegans Temperature sensitive sterile. Maintain at 15C.
MJ65 tyms-1(hc65) I. C. elegans ts embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C, 20C. Lethal at 25C.
MJ66 emb-7(hc66) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive egg lethal. Maintain at 15C. Will grow at 20C, and a few leak through at 25.4C.
MJ67 emb-5(hc67) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive egg lethal. Maintain at 15C. Will grow at 20C, but not at 25C.
MJ69 emb-8(hc69) III. C. elegans ts embryonic lethal. Grows at 15C. Does not grow reliably at 20C. Lethal at 25C.
MJ70 emb-9(hc70) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive egg lethal. Maintain at 15C. Some growth at 20C, no growth at 25C.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
k114 Allele substitution
k501 Allele substitution
k530 Transposon insertion insertion
k12 Allele substitution
k181 Transposon insertion insertion
k172 Allele substitution
k174 Allele substitution nonsense
k175 Allele substitution
k179 Transposon insertion insertion
k180 Allele
k140 Allele substitution nonsense
k141 Allele substitution
k142 Allele
k201 Allele substitution
k206 Allele substitution
k148 Allele
k113 Allele substitution
k149 Allele substitution nonsense