Laboratory Information
Name | KWN View on WormBase |
Allele designation | rny |
Head | Keith Webster Nehrke |
Institution | University of Rochester, Rochester, NY |
Address | University of Rochester 601 Elmwood Ave., Box 675 Rochester 14642 United States |
Website | |
Gene classes | chpf |
Strains contributed by this laboratory
Strain | Genotype | Species | Description |
KWN117 | pha-1(e2123) III; him-5(e1490) V; rnyEx60. | C. elegans | rnyEx60 [vha-6p:::vha-6::mCherry + myo-3p::GFP + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for animals carrying the array. Labels apical intestinal membrane. Reference: Allman et al. (2009) Am J Physiol Cell 297:C1071-81. |
KWN190 | pha-1(e2123) III; him-5(e1490) V; rnyEx109. | C. elegans | rnyEx109 [nhx-2p::D3cpv + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 20-25C to select for array. KWN190 strain expresses the FRET-based calcium indicator protein D3cpv throughout the cytoplasm of intestinal cells. Dual emission ratio imaging (ex. 435, em. 480/535-nm) can be used to measure intestinal calcium and, although the FRET pair is CFP/YFP, intestinal D3cpv fluorescence is observable under standard GFP filter sets. The D3cpv biosensor has the advantages of being relatively pH-insensitive and not interfering with endogenous calmodulin signaling. References: Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 301:C1389-1403. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 297:C1071-81. FASEB J. 27:760-768. PLoS Biol. 11: e1001613. |
KWN246 | pha-1(e2123) III; rnyEx133. | C. elegans | rnyEx133 [opt-2p:::opt-2(aa1-412)::GFP) + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 25C to select for animal carrying the array. Labels apical intestinal membrane. Reference: Nehrke (2003) 278(45):44657-66. |
KWN26 | pha-1(e2123) III; rnyEx6. | C. elegans | rnyEx6 [nhx-2p::pHluorin + pha-1(+)]. Maintain at 20-25C to select for array. KWN26 strain expresses the pH-sensitive GFP variant pHluorin throughout the cytoplasm of intestinal cells. Dual excitation ratio imaging (ex. 410/470, em. 435-nm) can be used to measure intestinal pH and intestinal pHluorin fluorescence is observable under standard GFP filter sets. References: J Biol Chem 278:44657-44666. Curr Biol. 18: 297-302. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 297:C1071-81. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol.302 C1045-1054. |
This laboratory hasn't submitted any alleles to the CGC.