Laboratory Information

NameKP View on WormBase
Allele designationnu
HeadJoshua M Kaplan
InstitutionMassachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
Address 185 CAMBRIDGE ST.
BOSTON 02114
United States
Gene classes acy  eos  fab  fshr  gska  not  sbt 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
KP1008 egl-36(n728n398) X. C. elegans Reference: Elkes DA, et al. Neuron. 1997 Jul;19(1):165-74.
KP1097 dgk-1(nu62) X. C. elegans Hyperactive locomotion and egg-laying. Hypersensitive to aldicarb. Suppresses goa-1(gf). Allelic to sag-1.
KP1148 nuIs25. C. elegans nuIs25 [glr-1p::glr-1::GFP + lin-15(+)]. Reference: Rango C, et al. Cell. 1998 Sep 18;94(6):751-9.
KP1182 acy-1(nu329) III. C. elegans No obvious phenotype on its own. Suppresses cell swelling and death caused by expression of a GTPase defective Gxs subunit expressed from the glr-1 promoter, semi-dominant. Strongest allele.
KP1287 nuIs26 IV. C. elegans nuIs26 [cat-1::GFP] IV. nuIs26 contains a full length CAT-1::GFP fusion protein (with GFP fused at the predicted carboxy terminus of CAT-1). This transgene rescues the hyperactive locomotion defect of cat-1(e1111). This strain is slightly sluggish for locomotion and has a high degree of sterility (80%), both of which appear to be associated with the transgene. GFP expression in this strain is similar to the CAT expression pattern described by Duerr et al (1999) J Neurosci 19: 72-84.
KP2048 ric-7(nu447) V. C. elegans Reference: Hao Y, et al. PLoS Genet. 2012 Jan;8(1):e1002464.
KP2342 pkc-1(nu448) V. C. elegans
KP2932 lin-23(nu412)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. C. elegans
KP3814 nuIs152 II. C. elegans nuIs152 [unc-129p::GFP::snb-1 + ttx-3p::mRFP] II.
KP3947 nuIs183. C. elegans nuIs183 [unc-129p::nlp-21::Venus + myo-2p::GFP]. [NOTE: nuIs183 was previously described as carrying myo-2p::NLS::GFP.] Reference: Sieburth D, et al. Nat Neurosci. 2007 Jan;10(1):49-57.
KP3948 eri-1(mg366) IV; lin-15B(n744) X. C. elegans Enhanced RNAi. Temperature sensitive sterile at 25C. Grow at 15 to 20C.
KP3957 nuIs190 X. C. elegans nuIs190 [unc-129p::ins-22::Venus + myo-2p::NLS::GFP] X. Pick GFP+ to maintain. Not all animals express GFP. Array might be prone to silencing or not homozygous. [NOTE: nuIs190 was previously described as carrying myo-2p::GFP without an NLS.] Reference: Ch'ng Q, Sieburth D, Kaplan JM. PLoS Genet. 2008 Nov;4(11):e1000283.
KP3972 nuIs184 X. C. elegans nuIs184 [unc-129p::apt-4::GFP + myo-2p::GFP] X.
KP3991 nuIs145 V. C. elegans nuIs145 [glr-1p::vps-4(dominant negative)] V. Reference: Chun DK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2008 Jul;19(7):2682-95.
KP4 glr-1(n2461) III. C. elegans pka not-3. Loss of function allele. Defective in response to nose touch but not to osmotic repellents.
KP4211 nuIs214 III. C. elegans nuIs214 [unc-129p::itsn-1::GFP + myo-2p::GFP] III.
KP5445 nuIs165. C. elegans nuIs165 [unc-129p::unc-10::GFP + myo-2p::GFP] II.
KP5832 unc-108(nu415) I. C. elegans Reference: Chun DK, et al. Mol Biol Cell. 2012; 19, 2682-95.
KP6200 ckr-2(tm3082) III. C. elegans Reference: Hu Z, et al. Neuron. 2011 Jul 14;71(1):92-102.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
nu62 Allele substitution nonsense
nu329 Allele substitution splice_site
nu447 Allele substitution
nu448 Allele substitution nonsense
nu412 Allele
nu415 Allele deletion
nu268 Allele
nu288 Allele