Laboratory Information

NameHE View on WormBase
Allele designationsu
HeadEpstein, Henry
InstitutionBaylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
Address Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology University of Texas Medical Branch 301 University Blvd. Galveston, TX 77555-0641

Gene classes

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
CB1108 unc-54(e1108) I. C. elegans Slow moving Unc.
CB569 unc-54(e569) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc.
CB576 unc-54(e576) I. C. elegans Slow movement.
CB651 unc-54(e651) I. C. elegans
HE1006 rol-6(su1006) II. C. elegans Dominant Roller.
HE110 smg-1(re1) I; unc-97(su110) X. C. elegans Variable phenotype-WT when relaxed. Paralyzed. Dave Reiner identified smg-1(re1) in this strain.
HE115 unc-100(su115) I. C. elegans Slow. Slightly Dpy. Recessive. Grows fairly well. Body Muscle abnormal. Sarcomeres faint.
HE130 unc-98(su130) X. C. elegans Movement WT. Body muscle abnormal.
HE142 unc-27(su142) X. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Semi-dominant. Body muscle abnormal. Slightly small.
HE151 unc-96(su151) X. C. elegans Movement WT. Body muscle abnormal.
HE177 unc-94(su177) I. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Body muscle abnormal. Slightly small.
HE195 unc-27(su195) X. C. elegans Semi-paralyzed Unc. Semi-dominant. Body muscle abnormal. Paracrystals.
HE200 unc-52(su200) II. C. elegans
HE2000 unc-15(su2000) I. C. elegans Paralyzed Unc. Super Slow. Body Muscle Abnormal. Sarcomeres faint.
HE228 unc-15(su228) I. C. elegans Unc. Body Muscle Abnormal. Recessive.
HE250 unc-52(e669su250) II. C. elegans Temperature sensitive Unc.
HE33 unc-95(su33) I. C. elegans Unc-very slow or paralysed. Egl. Semi-dominant.
HE54 unc-52(su54) II. C. elegans

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
su1006 Allele substitution
su110 Allele substitution splice_site
su115 Allele
su130 Allele substitution splice_site
su142 Allele substitution nonsense
su151 Allele substitution splice_site
su177 Allele substitution splice_site
su195 Allele substitution nonsense
su200 Allele
su2000 Allele
su228 Allele
su250 Allele
su33 Allele substitution nonsense
su54 Allele
su158 Allele deletion
su2002 Allele substitution