Laboratory Information

NameFR View on WormBase
Allele designationsw
HeadMuller, Fritz
InstitutionUniversity of Fribourg, Switzerland
Address Departement of Biology University of Fribourg Chemin du Musee 10 CH-1700 Fribourg

Gene classes cec  pad 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
FR431 ceh-13(sw1)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339)] III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Dpy Steriles and ceh-13 homozygotes which are dead eggs and deformed embryos.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
sw1 Allele