Laboratory Information

NameER View on WormBase
Allele designationjd
HeadWalter William Walthall
InstitutionGeorgia State University, Atlanta
Address P. O. Box 4010
Atlanta 30302-4010
United States
Gene classes

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
ER10 unc-123(jd5) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive, semidominant mutant that is Unc when moving backward. Dorsal muscular contraction is stronger than that of ventral, resulting in an asymmetric pattern of locomotion in which the animal either forms a dorsal coil or moves in circles with the dorsal side central to the circle. Most likely a gain of function allele of sup-1.
ER50 unc-123(jd5jd10) III. C. elegans Recessive suppressor of unc-123(jd5). Exhibits a subtle dorsal asymmetric locomotory defect as a homozygote when grown at 25C. Dominant suppressor of unc-17(e245). Most likely unc-123 is allelic with sup-1.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
jd5 Allele
jd10 Allele