Laboratory Information

NameDZ View on WormBase
Allele designationez
HeadZarkower, David
InstitutionUniversity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
Address GCD University of Minnesota 6-160 Jackson Hall, 321 Church St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455

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Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
DZ205 dsh-2(ez25)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans mIs14 [myo-2p::GFP + pes-10p::GFP]. Him. Heterozygotes are WT with relatively dim pharyngeal GFP signal, and segregate WT dim GFP+ heterozygotes, Dpy bright GFP+ (mIn1 homozygotes), and Egl non-GFP ez25 homozygotes. Pick WT dim GFP and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
DZ224 him-8(e1489) IV; ezIs1 X. C. elegans ezIs1[K09C8.2::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. ezIs1 was integrated with pPD95.65(K09C8.2 promoter and unc-54 3') and pRF4. Worms are 100% Rollers. GFP is expressed in male seminal vesicle and vas deferens cells. No expression in the hermaphrodite gonad is observed.
DZ240 fkh-6(ez16)/mIn1 [dpy-10(e128) mIs14] II; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+ in the pharynx. mIn1[dpy-10(e128) mIs14] homozygotes are Dpy and GFP+ in the pharynx. Homozygous fkh-6(ez16) hermaphrodites are sterile and have gonadogenesis defects. Homozygous fkh-6(ez16) males are sterile and strong Gon, "white patch" phenotype. 25% of males have a hermaphrodite vulval structure.
DZ325 ezIs2 III; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans ezIs2 [fkh-6::GFP + unc-119(+)]. ezIs2 was integrated with pPD95.69 (fkh-6 promoter and unc-54 3') and pMM106b (unc-119(+)). Worms are 100% non-Unc (the unc-119 background has been crossed out). GFP expression in adult hermaphrodite spermatheca is bright and weak staining is also observed in the proximal sheath cells. Weak GFP staining is also observed in Z1/Z4 cells in both sexes.
DZ390 ezIs10 II; unc-119(ed3) III; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans ezIs10 [(pWY3) lin-32::GFP + unc-119(+)].
DZ393 mab-3(e1240) unc-4(e120) ref-1(ez11) II; him-8(e1489) IV. C. elegans Unc (cannot back). WT male tail.
DZ683 tra-2(ar221) II; xol-1(y9) X; rdIs4. C. elegans rdIs4 [ehn-3a::Venus(delta)]. Temperature-sensitive. Must be maintained at 15°C to produce progeny. Strain develops as hermaphrodites at 15°C (some animals are intersex with male tails), and develops as XX pseudomales at 25°C. GFP expressed in gonadal precursors. Reference: Kroetz MB & Zarkower D. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Oct 23;5(12):2831-41.
DZ685 xol-1(y9) X; rdIs4. C. elegans rdIs4 [ehn-3a::Venus(delta)]. Slightly Egl. Male lethal. GFP expressed in gonadal precursors. Reference: Kroetz MB & Zarkower D. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Oct 23;5(12):2831-41.
DZ710 fkh-6(ez73[3xflag + Cbr-unc-119(+)]) II. C. elegans fkh-6(ez73[3xflag + Cbr-unc-119(+)]) II.
DZ840 tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III. C. elegans tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III.
DZ841 tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III; zuIs236. C. elegans tra-1(ez72[biotag::GFP::TEV::3xflag::tra-1]) III. zuIs236 [his-72(1 kb 5'UTR)::BIRA::GFP::his-72(1 kb 3'UTR) + unc-119(+)]. Location of zuIs236 is not known, but is not in LG III.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
ez25 Allele substitution nonsense
ez16 Allele substitution
ez11 Allele substitution