Laboratory Information

NameDP View on WormBase
Allele designationed
HeadPilgrim, Dave
InstitutionUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Address University of Alberta
G-507A Biological Science Building - Genetics Wing
11355 - Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton T6G 2E9
Gene classes pdl 

Strains contributed by this laboratory

Strain Genotype Species Description
DP132 edIs6 IV. C. elegans edIs6 [unc-119::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Strong Roller phenotype. Hets are not Rollers (despite the presence of the supposedly dominant su1006 mutation in the array), so heterozygous males mate well. edIs6 is the integration of an array carrying pDP#MMUGF12 and pRF4. pDP#MMUGD12 ia an unc-119::GFP fusion that encodes 101 aa of UNC-119 and was made from the Fire lab vector pPD95.77. pRF4 is the rol-6(su1006) plasmid that gives a Rol phenotype. This strain allows the nervous system to be visualized by GFP fluorescence. GFP expression starts in the early embryo and continues through adulthood in most, if not all, of the nervous system. The expression of a similar lacZ fusion (but carrying a nuclear localizing signal) is described in Genetics 141: 977-988 1995.
DP246 unc-45(st601)/sC1 [dpy-1(s2170)] III. C. elegans Made from LV15. st601 is a non-conditional two-fold arrest lethal.
DP485 Ctr-dpy-10(ed73) II. C. tropicalis Homozygotes for this mutation express a dumpy phenotype, while heterozygotes are roller and slightly shorter-than-wildtype in length. This Ctr-dpy-10 mutation will serve as a suitable syntenic marker for chromosome II mutations in C. tropicalis that does not impact the viability or fecundity of the organism. Generated in a C. tropicalis JU1373 background. Hermaphrodite. Culture at 20°C or above.

Alleles contributed by this laboratory

Allele Type DNA Change Protein Change
ed3 Allele substitution nonsense
ed9 Allele substitution splice_site
ed4 Allele substitution nonsense