Variation Information: ra807

Namera807 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIV:16.35 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionIV: 17280344..17280344
Protein changeF26D10.3 Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
DM1602 hsp-1(ra807) IV; unc-23(e25) V. C. elegans Superficially wild-type. Temperature-sensistive. Maintain at 15C. hsp-1(ra807) is a missense allele that replaces the conserved Ala379 residue to a Val residue in the ATPase domain of the HSP-1 protein and fully suppresses the bent-head phenotype of unc-23(e25). Animals are sterile or arrest development as larvae at when grown at 20-25C. Reference: Rahmani P, Rogalski T, Moerman DG. (2015) Worm. In press.
DM2407 hsp-1(ra807) IV; dpy-11(e224) V. C. elegans Dpy. hsp-1(ra807) is a missense allele that replaces the conserved Ala379 residue to a Val residue in the ATPase domain of the HSP-1 protein and fully suppresses the bent-head phenotype of unc-23(e25). Reference: Rahmani P, Rogalski T, Moerman DG. (2015) Worm. In press.