Variation Information: oy65

Nameoy65 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionI:3.53 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionI: 9098447..9098447
Protein changeW10D5.1 Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
PY2223 mef-2(oy65) I; kin-29(oy39) kyIs104 X. C. elegans kyIs104 [str-1::GFP]. AWB expression of GFP. mef-2 suppresses the phenotypes of kin-29 (small body size, hypersensitivity to dauer pheromone, reduced expression of the str-1 chemoreceptor in the AWB olfactory neurons). WT looking.