Variation Information: ok198

Nameok198 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionI:-17.42 +/- 0.003 cM
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed
Protein changeprotein change unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
NH3119 F54A5.3a(ok198) I. C. elegans No obvious phenotype. The primers used to isolate (ok198)were: LS969.E1: TGAGCTCGGAGATGTTGCT; LS969.E2: CCGGTCATTCCTCATTCACT; LS969.I1: GGGAGGGTCTTACGTTGTGA; LS969.I2: GTCGAAAAATCAACTTGCGG; The deletion band runs at about 2000bp. The wt band (based on the inside primers) is 3195bp making the deletion about 1200bp of the gene F54A5.3.