Variation Information: ot406

Nameot406 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIII:-3.17 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed
Protein changeprotein change unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
MDH10 ast-1(hd1) rol-6(e187) II; ceh-43(ot406) III; vtIs1 V. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. Rollers. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype.
MDH17 ceh-43(ot406) ceh-20(mu290) III; vtIs1 V; muEx261. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. muEx261 [ceh-20::GFP + odr-1::RFP]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Rollers. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype. mu290 is Egl and has a PDE dopaminergic phenotype.
MDH30 ceh-43(ot406) III; vtIs1 V. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. Rollers. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype.
MDH7 ast-1(gk463) bli-2(e768) unc-4(e120) II; ceh-43(ot406) III; vtIs1 V; norEx42. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. norEx42 [ast-1(+)(cosmid) + ttx-3::GFP + dat-1::mCherry]. Rollers. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype. gk463 embryonic lethality is rescued by extrachromosomal array. Pick mCherry+ animals to maintain.
MDH93 ceh-43(ot406) ceh-20(mu290) III; vtIs1 V; ceh-40(gk159) X; muEx261. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. muEx261 [ceh-20::GFP at C terminus + odr-1::RFP(su1006)]. Pick RFP+ animals to maintain. Rollers. Embryonic lethality of ceh-20(mu290); ceh-40(gk159) double mutants is rescued by muEx261. ot406 has a dopaminergic phenotype.
OH7323 ceh-43(ot406) III; vtIs1 vsIs33 V. C. elegans vtIs1 [dat-1p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] V. vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. Rollers. Fewer or extra cells expressing dat-1::GFP.