JH3230 |
pgl-3(bn104) V; axIs2076. |
C. elegans |
axIs2076 [meg-3p::GFP::meg-3::meg-3 3'UTR + unc-119(+)]. Maintain at 25C and pick non-Unc to retain transgene expression. Reference: Wang JT, et al. eLife 2014;3:e04591. |
SS608 |
pgl-3(bn104) V. |
C. elegans |
Fertile at all temperatures. |
SS609 |
pgl-3(bn104) dpy-11(e224) V. |
C. elegans |
Dpy. Fertile at all temperatures. |
SS615 |
pgl-1(bn101) unc-24(e138) IV; pgl-3(bn104) dpy-11(e224) V. |
C. elegans |
Dpy Unc. Temperature sensitive. Maintain at 15C. Grows very slowly. |
SS617 |
pgl-1(ct131) him-3(e1147) unc-24(e138) IV; pgl-3(bn104) dpy-11(e224) V. |
C. elegans |
Throws males. Dpy. Unc. Mostly sterile at all temperatures, but a small fraction are fertile at low temperatures. Maintain at 15C. |
SS618 |
pgl-1(ct131) him-3(e1147) IV; pgl-3(bn104) V. |
C. elegans |
Throws males. Mostly sterile at all temperatures, but a small fraction are fertile at low temperatures. Maintain at 15C. |
SS731 |
pgl-2(bn123) III; pgl-3(bn104) dpy-11(e224) V. |
C. elegans |
Dpy. Fertile at all temperatures. |
SS733 |
pgl-2(bn123) III; pgl-1(bn101) unc-24(e138) IV; pgl-3(bn104) dpy-11(e224) V. |
C. elegans |
Dpy. Unc. Mostly sterile at all temperatures, but a small fraction are fertile at low temperatures. Maintain at 15C. |