Variation Information: n1892

Namen1892 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIII:0.65 +/- 0.026 cM
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed
Protein changeprotein change unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
DG728 sma-2(e502) emb-30(tn377) ced-7(n1892) unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans Temperature sensitive emb-30 allele. Maintain at 15C. Small. Unc. Cell death abnormal.
DG796 sma-2(e502) tnDf2/sma-2(e502) ced-7(n1892) unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are SmaCed and segregate SmaCed, SmaCedUnc and dead eggs. Maintain by picking SmaCed. tnDf2 is not transmitted well by males (i.e. tnDf2/+ males have a low mating efficiency).
DG801 unc-32(e189) tnDf2/sma-2(e502) ced-7(n1892) unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Ced and segregate Ced, dead eggs and SmaCedUncs. Maintain by picking Ced. tnDf2 is not transmitted well by males (i.e. tnDf2/+ males have a low mating efficiency).
MT4917 unc-86(n946) ced-7(n1892) unc-50(e306) unc-49(e382) III. C. elegans
MT4925 glp-1(q231) ced-7(n1892) unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans Maintain at 15C. glp-1(q231) is temperature sensitive. Unc. ced-7(n1892) causes persistent cell corpes and has a maternal effect.
MT4947 ced-1(e1735) I; unc-32(e189) ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans Cell corpses persist. Unc. n1892 is the strongest allele of ced-7.
MT4960 ced-7(n1892) III; ced-2(e1752) IV. C. elegans ced-7(n1892): strongest allele, cell corpses persist.
MT4979 lon-1(e185) ced-6(n1813) unc-32(e189) ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans ced-6(n1813): dead cells persist, maternal rescue of embryonic. Unc. Long.
MT4982 ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans Persistent cell corpses. Maternal effect. Recessive.
MT4993 dpy-17(e164) ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans Dpy. Maternal effect persistent cell corpses.
MT4995 sma-2(e502) ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans Small. Maternal effect persistent cell corpses.
MT4996 sma-2(e502) ced-7(n1892) unc-69(e587) III. C. elegans
MT4997 unc-32(e189) ced-7(n1892) III. C. elegans Unc. Persistent cell corpses-Maternal effect.
MT5000 unc-32(e189) ced-7(n1892) III; ced-10(n1993) IV. C. elegans Unc.
MT5259 unc-86(n946) ced-7(n1892) unc-50(e306) unc-49(e382) dpy-18(e364) III. C. elegans
MT5260 unc-86(n946) ced-7(n1892) unc-50(e306) III. C. elegans
WM98 sma-2(e502) ced-7(n1892) cdk-1(ne236)/qC1 [dpy-19(e1259) glp-1(q339) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Smalls which produces dead eggs, and Dpy Steriles. Throws males.