Variation Information: sa26

Namesa26 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionV:-0.26 +/- 0.010 cM
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed
Protein changeprotein change unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
DA1426 exp-2(sa26ad1426) V. C. elegans Reversion of sa26. Severely reduced R spikes, long pumps, short hold-backs.
JT5132 +/eT1 III; exp-2(sa26)/eT1 [let-?(n886)] V. C. elegans Heterozygotes have jerky movement, are Exp defective, and are Egl (dominant). Homozygous exp-2 are recessive lethal. Homozygous eT1 are lethal also.