Variation Information: n199

Namen199 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIV:5.94 +/- 0.006 cM
Genomic positiongenomic coordinates unknown or not listed
Protein changeprotein change unknown or not listed

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
CB4949 dpy-26(n199) IV; eDp26 X. C. elegans dpy-26(n199) is XO viable, XX lethal. eDp26 is a duplication of the left end of X, attached to X in an inverted orientation. Strain gives non-Dpy Egl hermaphrodites, intersexes, males and dead eggs.
CB5023 tra-2(e2046e253) unc-4(e120) / + + II; dpy-26(n199) IV. [XO females, dpy-26 XO males] C. elegans Obligate XO male/female strain, propagate by crossing. Low fertility. Fertile XO females and XO males; inviable XX embryos and larvae. Reference: Strain 7 Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5101 dpy-26(n199) IV; eEx36. C. elegans eEx36 [F16E1 + rol-6(su1006)]. eEx36 carries multiple copies of fox-1, which confers a Xol phenotype and pRF4 which confers a Rol phenotype. dpy-26(n199) is XO viable and XX lethal. Strain consists mostly of Rol hermaphrodites and non-Rol males, all XO.