Variation Information: e286

Namee286 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIII:-26.82 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionIII: 500483..500483
Protein changeF30H5.1 Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
CB286 unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans Slow moving Unc. Body muscle abnormal. Temperature sensitive. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
DR1228 unc-45(e286) daf-7(e1372) dpy-1(e1) III. C. elegans Dpy. Temperature sensitive dauer constitutive (leaky). Temperature sensitive Unc. At 15C, Dpy adults and some dauers. At 25C, DpyUnc dauers and some DpyUnc adults (leakiness varies: 60-95% dauers).
LV13 unc-45(wc4)/unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans Maintain this strain at 15C so that you can score for dead eggs (3 fold stage). At 15C, both hets and e286 homozygotes move reasonably well. Place single animals on plates and allow them to lay eggs for a day; then remove the parent and score the plates the next day for dead eggs. At 25C, both hets and e286 homozygotes will be Unc and Egl; dead eggs will remain inside the parent worm.
RW1329 pat-12(st430)/unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans At 20C heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Uncs and PATs. st430 is a recessive lethal causing "mild" PAT phenotype. unc-45 is temperature sensitive (WT at 15C).
RW3550 pat-4(st551)/unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Uncs (at 20C and 25C) and Pats. Maintain by picking WT at or above 20C. See also WBPaper00005261.
SP529 unc-45(e286) dpy-1(e1) III. C. elegans Dpy. Unc (ts).
UP725 mat-3(cs53)/unc-45(e286) III. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Uncs, and Pvul which are sterile.