Variation Information: e14

Namee14 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionX:0.00 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionX: 8455626..8455626
Protein changeF16F9.2 Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
AS338 dpy-6(e14) gly-13(ok712) X. C. elegans
CB14 dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans Dpy.
CB3816 tra-3(e1107) IV; unc-58(e665) sup-21(e1957) dpy-6(e14)/+ X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Unc (shaker; don't move well) and segregate more Shaker Unc, WT and DpyUnc (short and fairly paralyzed). The WT give only males. e1957 previously called sup-21.
CH121 dgn-1(cg121)/dpy-6(e14) unc-115(mn481) X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs, and Ste (and Gon) cg121 homozygotes.
DA711 unc-10(e102) dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans DpyUnc.
DR1290 dpy-6(e14) unc-3(e151) X. C. elegans Medium sized Dpy which curls its tail.
EM122 stDp2 (X;II)/+ II; him-5(e1490) V; unc-18(e81) dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans Strain throws WT, DpyUncs and males (and some Lon-don't know where these come from??). Maintain by picking WT. non-Unc non-Dpy males mate at low frequency and will transmit stDp2.
EU307 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; mom-1(or46) dpy-6(e14)/szT1 X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lon males, lots of dead eggs, and Dpys. The Dpys should give all dead embryos at all temperatures. Approximately 60% of these dead embryos make excess mesoderm at the expense of endoderm, due to an E to MS fate transformation. Embryonic lethality is 100% penetrant for or46.
EU308 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; mom-1(or10) dpy-6(e14)/szT1 X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lon males, lots of dead eggs, and Dpys. The Dpys should give all dead embryos at all temperatures. Approximately 60% of these dead embryos make excess mesoderm at the expense of endoderm, due to an E to MS fate transformation. Embryonic lethality is 100% penetrant for or10.
MT3460 +/szT1 I; dpy-6(e14) egl-15(n1454)/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] X. C. elegans WT strain which segregates WT, Dpy L1 lethals, Lon males and dead eggs. Class II egl-15 mutation.
MT5222 sem-5(n2030)/unc-10(e102) xol-1(y9) dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vuls (bags) and DpyUncs. n2030: Vul; impenetrant Mel (rod-like larval-lethal).
SP1981 unc-115(mn481) dpy-6(e14) X; stDp2 (X;II)/+. C. elegans Wt strain throws WT and DpyUncs.
SP64 unc-6(e78) dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans Dpy. Unc.
SP928 dpy-6(e14) unc-9(e101) X. C. elegans DpyUnc.
TY1702 unc-42(e270) yDf12 V/nT1 [unc-?(n754) let-?] (IV;V); dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are DpyUnc and segregate DpyUnc and dead eggs.
TY2782 fox-1(y303) dpy-6(e14) X. C. elegans
VT191 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; dpy-6(e14) lin-14(n536) maDf1/szT1 X. C. elegans
VT192 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; dpy-6(e14) lin-14(n536) maDf2/szT1 X. C. elegans
VT333 +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; dpy-17(e164) III; dpy-6(e14) lin-14(n536) maDf2/szT1 X. C. elegans Heterozygotes are Dpy and segregate Dpy, males and dead eggs.