Variation Information: e245

Namee245 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIV:-3.12 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionIV: 3619060..3619060
Protein changeZC416.8a ZC416.8b Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
AG166 mdf-2(av16) unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans Reduced brood size. Reduced hatching. Slow growth. Larval lethal. Larval arrest. Bursts at vulva. Suppresses the mat-3 one-cell arrest at 25C.
CB2110 unc-17(e245) IV; sup-2(e997) X. C. elegans Suppressed Unc. Movement almost WT.
CB3031 unc-17(e245) IV; snb-1(e1563) V. C. elegans Dominant suppressor of Unc. Movement almost WT.
CB5265 sup-1(e995e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV; xol-1(y9) X. C. elegans Severely uncoordinated coiler, slow growing. Useful strain for selecting non-Sup-1 suppressors of unc-17(e245). Reference: Mathews et al. (2012) PMID: 23051648.
CB7427 unc-17(e245) IV; eEx849. C. elegans eEx849 [C28H8.4(sdmV186E)]. unc-17 missense mutant suppressed by missense C28H8.4 transgene. Pick non-Unc hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB7430 unc-17(e245) IV; eEx855. C. elegans eEx855 [erd-2(sdmV186E) + sur-5p::GFP]. unc-17 missense mutant partly suppressed by missense erd-2 (a.k.a. sup-2) transgene. Pick GFP+ (weak Unc) hermaphrodites to maintain. Animals that have lost the array are severely Unc (coilers). Reference: Stroud et al (in preparation).
CB933 unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans M-MATING-NO SUCCESS. UNC-Severe coiler at all stages-small and thin. SCORED EASILY. Suppressed by sup-1, sup-2, and snb-1. Resistant to lannate. See also CGC 1770.
DR105 unc-17(e245) dpy-20(e1282) IV. C. elegans DpyUnc.
DR1786 dpy-13(e184) unc-24(e138) IV; mDp4[unc-17(e245)] (IV;?). C. elegans WT phenotype. Segregates WT and DpyUncs. mDp4 carries dpy-13(+) and unc-24(+). Duplication may recombine with normal homologues. Presence of unc-17(e245) on mDp4 confirmed: got Unc-17 segregants after heat shock of this stock to generate males. Pick WT and check for segregation of progeny to maintain.
MT4150 unc-17(e245) dpy-4(e1166) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans DpyUnc. Segregates males.
MT628 dpy-9(e12) unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans Dpy. Unc.
RM3643 sup-1(e995 e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans Indistinguishable from unc-17(e245) single mutants (small, slow-growing, coily uncoordinated, jerky going backward, aldicarb-resistant). For additional information, see descriptions of the RM908 unc-17(e245) IV and RM3671 sup-1(e995 e2636)) III single mutant strains. PCR methods for scoring e245, e995, and e2636 mutations in individual worms are presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. Derived by crossing RM908 (6x outcrossed) and RM3571 (6x outcrossed). Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.
RM3645 unc-17(e245) IV; snb-1(e1563) V. C. elegans Almost full suppression of all unc-17 mutant phenotypes; animals are superficially wild type in appearance, development, and behavior, and males mate well. For additional information, see descriptions of the RM908 unc-17(e245) IV and the RM3659 snb-1(e1563) V single mutant strains. Reference: Sandoval GM, et al. Nat Neurosci. 2006 May;9(5):599-601.
RM3660 sup-1(e995) III; unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans Almost full suppression of all unc-17 mutant phenotypes; animals are superficially wild type in appearance, development, and behavior, and males mate well. For additional information, see descriptions of the RM908 unc-17(e245) IV and the RM3670 sup-1(e995) III single mutant strains. PCR methods for scoring e245 and e995 mutations in individual worms are presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.
RM908 unc-17(e245) IV. C. elegans Small, slow-growing, coily uncoordinated, jerky going backward, aldicarb- and lannate-resistant. Molecular details: G347R (gga>>aga) in the 9th transmembrane domain of the UNC-17 protein. PCR method for scoring the e245 mutation in individual worms is presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012.