Variation Information: as38

Nameas38 View on WormBase
Species C. elegans
Genetic positionIV:5.90 +/- 0.000 cM
Genomic positionIV: 12389433..12389433
Protein change Substitution

Strains carrying this variation

Strain Genotype Species Description
AD281 spe-45(as38) IV; him-5(e1490) V. C. elegans Him. Temperature-sensitive sterile. Small brood size even at permissive temperatures; pick fertile animals and maintain at 15C. Worms lacking spe-45 function produce morphologically normal and motile sperm that cannot fuse with oocytes despite direct contact in the reproductive tract. spe-45 hermaphrodites and males are subfertile at 16C and sterile at 25C. Reference: Singaravelu G, et al. Current Biology 2015.