Transgene Information

NamegwIs4 View on WormBase
Description[Pmyo-3::RFP; Pbaf-1::GFP::lacI::let-858(3'UTR)]

Strains carrying this transgene

Strain Genotype Species Description
GW76 gwIs4 X. C. elegans gwIs4 [myo-3p::RFP + baf-1::GFP-lacI:::let-858 3'UTR] X. Superficially wild-type. Expresses GFP-LacI from early embryogenesis and throughout development, which forms a small spot at the lacO array. RFP expression in muscles. Reference: Meister P, et al. Genes Dev. 2010 Apr 15;24(8):766-82. PMID: 20395364