Transgene Information

NameoxTi486 View on WormBase
Description[LacO unc-119 PuroR]

Strains carrying this transgene

Strain Genotype Species Description
EG7539 syIs46 II; unc-119(ed3) III; oxTi486 V. C. elegans syIs46 [hsp16p::GFP-LacI; dpy-30p::S65TGFP; dpy-20(+)], oxTi486 [256xLacO + Cbr-unc-119(+) + PuroR]. MiniMos plasmid (pCFJ797) with 256x LacO, Cbr-unc-119(+) and PuroR inserted into syIs46 II; unc-119(ed3) III strain derived from PS2958. May still contain ncl-1 (e1865) III, him-5(e1490)V or dpy-20(e1282ts) IV from PS2958. Puro resistance verified.