Transgene Information

NameuIs31 View on WormBase

Strains carrying this transgene

Strain Genotype Species Description
GN675 tba-1(pg77[tba-1::TagRFP-T + loxP]) I; uIs31 III. C. elegans uIs31 [mec-17p::GFP] III. pg77[tba-1::TagRFP-T + loxP] is a CRISPR-mediated c-external tag in the endogenous tba-1 locus. Reference: Lockhead D. et al Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 15; 27(23): 3717–3728.
GN683 tbb-1(pg79[tbb-1::TagRFP-T + loxP]) uIs31 III. C. elegans uIs31 [mec-17p::GFP] III. pg79[TBB-1::TagRFP-T + loxP] is a CRISPR-mediated c-external tag in the endogenous tba-1 locus. Reference: Lockhead D. et al Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 15; 27(23): 3717–3728.
GN688 tba-2(pg81[tba-2::tagRFP-T + loxP]) I; uIs31 III C. elegans uIs31 [mec-17p::GFP] III. pg81[TBA-2::tagRFP-T + loxP] is a CRISPR-mediated c-external tag in the endogenous tba-2 locus. Reference: Lockhead D. et al Mol Biol Cell. 2016 Nov 15; 27(23): 3717–3728.