Transgene Information

NamedvIs14 View on WormBase
Description[Punc-54::Beta 1-42 + mtl-2::GFP]

Strains carrying this transgene

Strain Genotype Species Description
CL2120 dvIs14. C. elegans dvIs14 [(pCL12) unc-54::beta 1-42 + (pCL26) mtl-2::GFP]. mtl-2::GFP produces strong constitutive intestinal expression of GFP at all developmental stages. Expresses human AB peptide and accumulates B-amyloid fibrils. AB toxicity enhanced at higher temperatures.
PE873 feIs5 X; dvIs14. C. elegans feIs5 [sur-5p::luciferase::GFP + rol-6(su1006)] X. dvIs14 [(pCL12) unc-54::beta 1-42 + (pCL26) mtl-2::GFP]. Rollers. mtl-2::GFP produces strong constitutive intestinal expression of GFP at all developmental stages. Expresses human AB peptide and accumulates B-amyloid fibrils. AB toxicity enhanced at higher temperatures. Strain is bioluminescent when provided with exogenous D-luciferin (potassium salt) due to sur-5 promoter driving expression of firefly (Photinus pyralis) luciferase (lacking the peroxisome tagging signal) fused in-frame to GFP(S65C). Pick animals with high levels of fluorescence to retain expression of luciferase transgene. This strain is for academic use only. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects. References: Lagido C, et al. BMC Physiol. 2008 Apr 2;8:7. McLaggan D, et al. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46503. Lagido C, et al. Toxicol Sci. 2009 May;109(1):88-95.