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Strain Species Genotype
EU1590 C. elegans zyg-12(or577) II. Show Description
Recessive, temperature-sensitive embryonic lethal mutant . Maintain at 15C, most embryos will hatch. Nearly all embryos fail to hatch at 25C. Centrosomes are detached from nuclear spindle envelope in one-cell stage embryos; sometimes reattach to pronuclei; sometimes stay unattached throughout prophase until nuclear envelope breakdown. Mis-sense mutation in Q367P. Hook family member. Localizes to nuclear envelope and centrosomes; interacts with SUN domain proteins at nuclear envelope and interacts with dynein.
WH223 C. elegans ojIs9. Show Description
ojIs9 [zyg-12(all)::GFP + unc-119(+)].
BW54 C. elegans ct350 II. Show Description
Maintain at 15C. Temperature sensitive embryonic lethal. Sterile at 25C. Congenic strain, N2 and Bergerac BE. This allele should NOT be assumed to define a gene to which someone gave the name zyg-12. This name should not be used unless someone finds a non-complementing Bristol mutation. There is no evidence at present that the ts results from a single gene defect. Has been backcrossed >6 times to Bristol strains and should only contain Bergerac DNA in the unc-85 to dpy-10 region.
FF1 C. elegans dpy-5(f1) I. Show Description
Dpy. Semi-sterile. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
FF10 C. elegans dpy-6(f10) X. Show Description
Dpy. Semi-sterile. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
FF11 C. elegans dpy-6(f11) X. Show Description
Dpy. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
FF14 C. elegans dpy-1(f14) III. Show Description
Dpy. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
FF17 C. elegans dpy-6(f17) X. Show Description
Dpy. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
FF18 C. elegans dpy-6(f18) X. Show Description
Dpy. Bergerac background. [NOTE: Presumably sterile at 25°C because of temperature-sensitive zyg-12(ct350) in the background (Malone et al., Cell 2003).]
WH220 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; ojIs7. Show Description
ojIs7 [zyg-12A::GFP + unc-119(+)].
WH276 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; ojIs13. Show Description
ojIs13 [zyg-12B/C::GFP + unc-119(+)].