CB4628 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1/+; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 11 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4706 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1; xol-1; eEx14[fem-1(+)] XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by an extrachromosomal transgene array carrying fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 16 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4734 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(e1095)/+ II; fog-2(q71) V; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fog-2; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female XX strain with sex determined by tra-2(+). Reference: Strain 6 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5190 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(e2020) II; tra-1(e1099)/+ III; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Heterozygous. Maintain by picking fertile hermaphrodites. Stable XX male/female strain (fertile XX females and low fertility XX males); males sire only female progeny. Reference: Strain 3 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5265 |
C. elegans |
sup-1(e995e2636) III; unc-17(e245) IV; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Severely uncoordinated coiler, slow growing. Useful strain for selecting non-Sup-1 suppressors of unc-17(e245). Reference: Mathews et al. (2012) PMID: 23051648.
CB5300 |
C. elegans |
fem-1(hc17) IV; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
WT hermaphrodite if grown at 15-20C. WT females if grown at 25C. When crossed, these females yield only XX viable hermaphrodite progeny, all XO progeny are dead.
CB5362 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(ar221) II; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
ar221 is a tra-2 ts allele. Strain will grow at 15C as Egl hermaphrodites. When grown at 25C, all animals mature into X males, many of which are fertile. Good source of pure XX mating males. ar221 isolated by Jane Hubbard.
CB5590 |
C. elegans |
her-1(e1518) sdc-3(y52) V; xol-1(y9) X. [XX hermaphrodites, her-1/+ sdc-3/sdc-3; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Maintain by crossing males and hermaphrodites; may revert to purely hermaphrodite line. Fertile hermaphrodites and fertile males. Obligate XX strain with sex determined by her-1 V. Reference: Strain 9 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB5638 |
C. elegans |
sup-34(e2227)/+ I; tra-3(e1107) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX hermaphrodites and tra-3; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Male/hermaphrodite strain, propagate by crossing. Fertile XX hermaphrodites and fertile XX males. Obligate XX strain with sex determined by amber-suppressing tRNA, sup-34. Reference: Strain 14 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB6452 |
C. elegans |
dpy-25(e817) II; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Severe dumpy; dominant, hence crossing with wild-type males yields dumpy hermaphrodites and dead eggs (dpy-25/+; xol-1/0).
CX2357 |
C. elegans |
odr-5(ky9) X. Show Description
Defective chemotaxis to some volatile odorants: benzaldehyde, 2-butanone, isoamyl alcohol. Linked sterility has not been separated from Odr phenotype.
DZ683 |
C. elegans |
tra-2(ar221) II; xol-1(y9) X; rdIs4. Show Description
rdIs4 [ehn-3a::Venus(delta)]. Temperature-sensitive. Must be maintained at 15°C to produce progeny. Strain develops as hermaphrodites at 15°C (some animals are intersex with male tails), and develops as XX pseudomales at 25°C. GFP expressed in gonadal precursors. Reference: Kroetz MB & Zarkower D. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Oct 23;5(12):2831-41.
DZ685 |
C. elegans |
xol-1(y9) X; rdIs4. Show Description
rdIs4 [ehn-3a::Venus(delta)]. Slightly Egl. Male lethal. GFP expressed in gonadal precursors. Reference: Kroetz MB & Zarkower D. G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Oct 23;5(12):2831-41.
MT5222 |
C. elegans |
sem-5(n2030)/unc-10(e102) xol-1(y9) dpy-6(e14) X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Vuls (bags) and DpyUncs. n2030: Vul; impenetrant Mel (rod-like larval-lethal).
MY9 |
C. elegans |
Show Description
Natural isolate; obtained in July 2002 from compost heap in Roxel, Münster, North-West Germany; frozen within 5 generations after isolation; microsatellite genotype "EU3".
NH2106 |
C. elegans |
ceh-20(ay9) III. Show Description
Egl (Vul). 90% penetrant. lesion: M78I.
OU6 |
C. elegans |
png-1(cy9) I; cyIs4. Show Description
cyIs4 [cat-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Reference: Habibi-Babadi N, et al. J Neurosci. 2010 Feb 3;30(5):1766-76.
TY1077 |
C. elegans |
C25D7.12(y128) unc-76(e911)/sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) V; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Uncs, Dpy Uncs [C25D7.12(y128) unc-76(e911) homozygotes], and Tra Uncs [sdc-3(y52) unc-76(e911) homozygotes]. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it directly from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
TY1807 |
C. elegans |
xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Fully penetrant XO lethal. XX is WT. Enhancer of her-1(sd), tra-2(lf), tra-3(lf) XX masculinization phenotypes. Does not enhance tra-1(lf).
TY418 |
C. elegans |
dpy-21(y47) V. Show Description
Isolated as a suppressor of xol-1(y9). Dpy. Throws males. Pick L4 hermaphrodites to maintain. dpy- 21(y47) is a nonsense mutation predicted to terminate translation at codon 1396, and can be suppressed by the amber suppressor sup-7. Reference: Yonker SA & Meyer BJ. Development. 2003 Dec;130(26):6519-32.
TY525 |
C. elegans |
him-8(e1489) IV; xol-1(y9) X. Show Description
Fully penetrant XO lethal. XX is WT. Enhancer of her-1(sd), tra-2(lf), tra-3(lf) XX masculinization phenotypes. Does not enhance tra-1(lf).
TY574 |
C. elegans |
dpy-21(y59) V. Show Description
Isolated as a suppressor of xol-1(y9). Dpy. Throws males. Pick L4 hermaphrodites to maintain. dpy- 21(y59) is a nonsense mutation predicted to terminate translation at codon 417, and can be suppressed by the amber suppressor sup-7. Reference: Yonker SA & Meyer BJ. Development. 2003 Dec;130(26):6519-32.
BC10180 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx10180. Show Description
sEx10180 [rCes Y94H6A.9::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC13032 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx13032. Show Description
sEx13032 [rCes Y97E10AR.7::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC13565 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx13565. Show Description
sEx13565 [rCes Y95B8A.1::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC14767 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx14767. Show Description
sEx14767 [rCes Y9C9A.14::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC14768 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx14768. Show Description
sEx14768 [rCes Y9C9A.15::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC16028 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx16028. Show Description
sEx16028 [rCes Y9C9A.9::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC16030 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx16030. Show Description
sEx16030 [rCesY9C9A.3::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
BC16205 |
C. elegans |
dpy-5(e907) I; sEx16205. Show Description
sEx16205 [rCes Y9C9A.6::GFP + pCeh361]. Maintain by picking WT. WT animals are GFP+. Strain construction supported by Genome British Columbia and Genome Canada. Please acknowledge McKay et al, Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 68: 159-169 2004 (WBPaper00006525).
CHS1176 |
C. elegans |
str-170(yum2047) str-171(yum2048) str-172(yum2049) str-173(yum2050) str-174(yum2051) str-175(yum2052) str-166(yum2053) y9c9a.5(yum2054) IV. Show Description
Engineered null mutations in predicted GPCR genes. Reference: Pu L, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):8410. PMID: 38110404.
DM7388 |
C. elegans |
pha-1(e2123) III; raEx388. Show Description
raEx388 [T05G5.1p::Y9C2UA.1(cDNA)::GFP + pha-1(+) + rol-6(su1006)]. Temperature-sensitive pha-1 mutant rescued by extrachromosomal array carrying pha-1(+), dominant rol-6, and cDNA::GFP fusion driven by muscle promoter (T05G5.1). Grow at 25 degrees to maintain. At 15 degrees maintain by picking Rol-6 animals. WBPaper00038444.
EG8952 |
C. elegans |
oxTi1016 I. Show Description
oxTi1016 [eft-3p::GFP::2xNLS::tbb-2 3'UTR + NeoR] I. Strain is healthy. NOTE: This strain is not necessarily homozygous - please verify before using. Nuclear green fluorescence is broadly expressed (in most cells) and visible under dissection microscope. This strain can be used for mapping or to facilitate genetic crosses. Integration site: (I:-18.09). Insertion into Y95B8A.8. Please see wormbuilder.org for exact insertion site. miniMos insertion of pCFJ1659 into N2 with neomycin selection.
IG125 |
C. elegans |
frP15 IV. Show Description
Mos1 transposon insertion: Y97E10B (at position 1022) acacctggtaAAACATGCTGAAAGTTTACTAAAATTGAAT. Mos1 sequence is in lowercase.
JJ1550 |
C. elegans |
dpl-1(zu355) unc-4(e120)/rol-6(e187) let-23(sy97) II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Uncs which give only deads egss with a Mex phenotype, and Vulvaless Rollers. sy97 is only 15% viable.
MT7052 |
C. elegans |
lin-45(sy96) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
NK2621 |
C. elegans |
eif-1.A(qy90[eif-1.A::mNG]) IV. Show Description
mNG tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous eif-1.A locus.
NK2633 |
C. elegans |
elo-1(qy97[elo-1::mNG]) IV. Show Description
mNG tag inserted into the C-terminus of the endogenous elo-1 locus.
NK2636 |
C. elegans |
fasn-1(qy98[fasn-1::mNG]) I. Show Description
fasn-1 locus endogenously tagged with mNG at the C-terminus. Superficially wild-type. Reference: Park K, et al. J Cell Biol. 2024 Oct 7;223(10):e202402035. PMID: 39007804.
NK3080 |
C. elegans |
cpIs91 II; sbp-1(qy94[mNG::sbp-1]) III. Show Description
cpIs91 [lag-2p::2x mKate2::PLC(delta)PH::3xHA::tbb-2 3'UTR LoxN] II. sbp-1 locus endogenously tagged with mNG at the N-terminus. Superficially wild-type. Reference: Park K, et al. J Cell Biol. 2024 Oct 7;223(10):e202402035. PMID: 39007804.
PD3165 |
C. elegans |
unc-39(ct73) V; ccEx3163. Show Description
ccEx3163 [unc-39p::unc-39 gene (genomic fragment)::GFP::unc-39 3'UTR + rol-6(su1006)]. Maintain by picking Rollers. ccEx3163 carries unc-39 construct pJLY99.1.
PJ1069 |
C. elegans |
let-60(sy93) IV; ccIs55 V. Show Description
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V. Dominant Vul allele, however, worms appear to be Egl and have multiple pseudovulvae (due to sup-7??).
PJ1092 |
C. elegans |
lin-45(sy96) IV; ccIs55 V. Show Description
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V.
PJ1099 |
C. elegans |
lin-45(sy96) let-60(ga89) IV; ccIs55 V. Show Description
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V. Vul. Non-Clr at 25C. Poor growers (sub-viable?) at 25C.
PJ1110 |
C. elegans |
clr-1(e1745) II; lin-45(sy96) IV; ccIs55 V. Show Description
ccIs55 [unc-54::lacZ + sup-7(st5)] V. sy96 appears to suppress the Clr phenotype of e1745. Lots of Bags and larval lethals.
PS295 |
C. elegans |
let-23(sy97) unc-4(e120)/mnC1 [dpy-10(e128) unc-52(e444)] II. Show Description
Heterozgyotes are WT and segregate WT, DpyUncs and Vulvaless Unc-4s. sy97 is only 15% viable. Maintain by picking WT. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS427 |
C. elegans |
lin-45(sy96) IV. Show Description
Vulvaless. 90% of the progeny are larval lethal-most die as L1s. Males are mating defective. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS436 |
C. elegans |
let-60(sy93) IV. Show Description
Dominant Vul (>99% Egl). Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS5332 |
C. elegans |
unc-119(ed4) III; him-5(e1490) V; syIs187. Show Description
syIs187 [pes-10::7XTCF-mCherry-let-858(3'UTR) + unc-119(+)]. Cherry POPTOP. POPTOP expression is best visualized using the mCherry/Texas Red filter. POPTOP transgenes display background expression. POPFOP(sy974) is the control plasmid with mutated binding sites. Analysis of POPFOP should always be used to subtract background expression. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
PS536 |
C. elegans |
unc-24(e138) let-60(sy99) IV/nT1 [let-?(m435)] (IV;V). Show Description
Heterozygotes are Vul (97% Egl). Segregates dead eggs. sy99 homozygotes are lethal. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.