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JPS575 C. elegans slo-1(js379) V; vsIs48; vxEx326. Show Description
vsIs48 [unc-17::GFP]. GFP expressed in all cholinergic neurons. vxEx326 [slo-1p::hslo(T352I)::mCherry::unc-54 3'UTR + myo-2p::mCherry]. Pick animals with mCherry expression in the pharynx to maintain the array. vxEx326 rescues ethanol-independent phenotypes of a slo-1(null) mutants without rescuing ethanol intoxication. vxEx326 expresses human BK channel protein (hslo(T352I)) with a C-terminal mCherry tag. Reference: Davis SJ, Scott LL, Hu K & Pierce-Shimomura JT. J Neurosci. 2014 Jul 16;34(29):9562-73.
JU1184 C. remanei mfEx34. Show Description
Male-female strain. mfEx34 [Cel-sid-2 + Cel-myo-2::DsRed]. Made by injection of PB4641 with a PCR product of the Cel-sid-2 gene and a myo-2::DsRed plasmid. Sensitive to RNAi by feeding.
JVR406 C.elegans jerEx30. Show Description
jerEx30 [ddr-2p::BiFC1 (EGFH1-LINK-SYN) + tph-1p::BIFC2 (SYN-EGFH2) + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. a-Synuclein BiFC transfer strain is a model to investigate neuron-to-neuron alpha-syn transfer. Reference: Tyson T, et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 8;7(1):7506.
KC421 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Unc. Male-female strain.
KC422 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Dumpy. Male-female strain.
KC431 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Small (non-Mab)/Dumpy. Male-female strain.
KC435 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Small (non-Mab)/Dumpy. Male-female strain.
KC436 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Dumpy. Male-female strain.
KC467 C. remanei Show Description
Caenorhabditis remanei mutant. Unc (coiler). Male-female strain.
KR2409 C. elegans unc-11(e47) I; hEx30. Show Description
hEx30 [C12H4 + M01A12 + C07F10 + rol-6(su1006)]. Line 2. Maintain by picking UncRollers. Segregates Uncs and UncRollers. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Ann Rose.
KR2502 C. elegans unc-11(e47) I; hEx33. Show Description
hEx33 [F40D12 + M01E11 + C12H2 + rol-6(su1006)]. Line 1. Maintain by picking Unc Rollers. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Ann Rose.
KX38 C. elegans ifg-1(ok1211)/mIn1 [mIs14 dpy-10(e128)] II. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. ok1211 homozygotes arrest at L2 stage. mIn1 animals are Dpy and GFP+.
LH247 C. elegans lad-2(tm3056) IV; otEx331. Show Description
otEx331 [lad-2p::GFP + pha-1(+)]. Axon guidance defects in SDQ, PLN and SMD neurons. Maintain under normal conditions. Not known if pha-1 is still present in background; maintain by picking GFP+ animals. Reference: Wang X, et al. J Cell Biol. 2008 Jan 14;180(1):233-46.
LS396 C. elegans dyc-1(cx32) X. Show Description
LS505 C. elegans dyb-1(cx36) I. Show Description
LS550 C. elegans dyb-1(cx36) I; ace-1(p1000) X. Show Description
LS551 C. elegans dyb-1(cx36) ace-2(g72) I. Show Description
LS590 C. elegans dyb-1(cx36) I; hlh-1(cc561) II. Show Description
Grows better at 15C. cc561 is ts.
LS617 C. elegans dyb-1(cx36) dys-1(cx18) I. Show Description
LWA1564 C. elegans wleSi151 II; wleEx35. Show Description
wleSi151 [unc54p::mCherryTAG156 + Cbr-unc-119(+)] II. wleEx35 [unc-54p::DanRS_rpr-1::tRNA(CUA)Tyr + myo-2p::GFP]. Pick animals expressing GFP in their pharynx to maintain wleEx35. It is likely that unc-119(ed3) remains in the background. Superficially wild-type. Expression of the mCherry reporter is dependent upon expression of temperature-sensitive suppression of premature amber stop codon. Strain may be raised at 20C, but should be raised at 15C for several generations before assaying reporter expression. Reference: Parrish AR, et al. ACS Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 20;7(7):1292-302.
MAH19 C. elegans rrf-1(pk1417) I; myo-3(st386) V; stEx30. Show Description
stEx30 [myo-3p::GFP::myo-3 + rol-6(su1006)]. Rollers. Pick GFP+ Rollers to maintain. Reference: Kumsta C, Hansen M. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e35428.
ML846 C. elegans vha-5(mc38) IV; mcEx337. Show Description
mcEx337 [vha-5(+)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Animals with the array are Rollers and GFP+ in the excretory canal. Animals which have lost the array are dead L1 larvae that are translucent and often found away from the bacterial lawn (can be difficult to spot on the lawn).
ML851 C. elegans vha-5(mc38) IV; mcEx342. Show Description
mcEx342[vha-5(E830Q)::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Animals with the array are slightly Dpy and are occasionally Rollers and GFP+ in the excretory canal. Animals which have lost the array are dead L1 larvae that are translucent and often found away from the bacterial lawn (can be difficult to spot on the lawn).
MOS374 C. elegans him-5(e1490) V; etyEx106. Show Description
etyEx106 [sra-6p::Cx36::YFP + flp-18p::Cx36::mCherry + unc-122p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP+ coelomocytes to maintain. Artificial gap-junction between ASH and AVA. Reference: Pechuk V., et al. 2022, Current Biology 32, 1–14.
MT26375 C. elegans lin-15B&lin-15A(n765) X; nEx3045. Show Description
nEx3045 [C32F10.8p::GCaMP3::unc-54 3' UTR + lin-15(+)]. Pick non-Muv animals to maintain array. Line is quite stable, ~80% transmission. Expression of GCaMP3 in pm3, mc1, and in other pharyngeal cells posterior to pm3. Reference: Sando SR, et al. eLife 2021;10:e59341 doi: 10.7554/eLife.59341
NC821 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx329. Show Description
wdEx329 [F09C3.2::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in ventral nerve cord. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NC844 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx345. Show Description
wdEx345 [F55C12.4::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in VNC, head neurons, and tail neurons. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NC845 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx346. Show Description
wdEx346 [tig-1::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in head neurons, tail neurons. head muscles, and vulva. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NC847 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx348. Show Description
wdEx348 [C13G3.1::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in VNC, head neurons, and tail neurons. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NC850 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx351. Show Description
wdEx351 [tsp-7::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in motor neurons. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NC852 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx353. Show Description
wdEx353 [Y34D9B.1a::GFP + unc-119(+)]. mig-1::GFP construct made by Marc Vidal's group at Harvard as part of the promoterome project; unc-37 target gene. GFP expression observed in all classes of VNC motor neurons, head & tail neurons, body wall muscle, and intestine. [The strain is described as unc-119 and unc-119(+) as the co-injection marker, but looks to actually be lin-15 (Muv).]
NC865 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx359. Show Description
wdEx359 [F29G6.2::GFP + unc-119(+)]. GFP+ seen in ventral nerve cord. Pick non-Unc worms that are GFP+.
NC902 C. elegans unc-119(ed3) III; wdEx381. Show Description
wdEx381 [F55C12.4::GFP + unc-119(+)]. Pick non-Unc to maintain. GFP expression in VNC, head neurons, and tail neurons. Construct made by M. Vidal lab; candidate unc-37 target gene.
NFB608 C. elegans vlcEx324. Show Description
vlcEx324 [egl-46p::NLS::DsRed + ttx-3p::mCherry + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Transcriptional reporter for egl-46 contains NLS::DsRed fused to 4477 bp intergenic DNA. Reference: Lloret-Fernández et al. eLife 2018;7:e32785 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.32785.
OH4130 C. elegans bwIs2 vab-1(dx31) II; wrk-1(ok695) X. Show Description
bwIs2 [flp-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Segregates >90% Rollers and 100% GFP+. Expresses GFP in the AVK neurons. Insertion site not mapped.
OH4132 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II; rhIs4 III; wrk-1(ok695) X. Show Description
rhIs4 [glr-1p::GFP + dpy-20(+)] III.
OH4133 C. elegans bwIs2 II; vab-1(dx31) II. Show Description
bwIs2 [flp-1::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. Segregates >90% Rollers and 100% GFP+. Expresses GFP in the AVK neurons. Insertion site not mapped.
OH4139 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II; oyIs14 V. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)].
OH4140 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II; oyIs14 V; wrk-1(ok695) X. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)].
OH4143 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II; zdIs13 IV. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV.
OH4144 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) II; zdIs13 IV; wrk-1(ok695) X. Show Description
zdIs13 [tph-1p::GFP] IV.
OH443 C. elegans otEx304. Show Description
otEx304 [unc-75p::GFP + rol-6(su1006)]. 5kb upstream of promoter of unc-75 cloned into pPD95.75. Expressed pan neuronally. Pick Rollers to maintain.
OH7061 C. elegans ref-2(ot327) X; otEx3091. Show Description
otEx3091[ref-2::ven + rol-6(su1006)]. ot327 is larval lethal. otEx3091 carries a ref-2::venus translational fusion and rescues the lethality.
OH7202 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3124. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3124 [rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7203 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3125. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3125 [rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7204 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3135. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3135 [myo-3p::sax-7cDNA short + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7213 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3126. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3126 [dpy-7p::sax-7cDNA long + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7216 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3140. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3140 [unc-14p::sax-7cDNA long-delta11 + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7217 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3141. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3141 [unc-14p::sax-7cDNA long-delta11 + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.
OH7219 C. elegans sax-7(ky146) IV; oyIs14 V; otEx3139. Show Description
oyIs14 [sra-6::GFP + lin-15(+)]. otEx3139 [unc-14p::sax-7cDNA long + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Reference: Pocock R, et al., Mol Cell Neurosci. 2008 Jan;37(1):56-68.