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Strain Species Genotype
CB2620 C. elegans daf-9(e1406)/lon-2(e678) X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, lethal dauers (DAUER-LIKE LARVAE) and Lon. Can recombine; check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain.
CB27 C. elegans dpy-3(e27) X. Show Description
Dpy. Recessive. M-MATING+POOR <1%WT.
CB2810 C. elegans tra-1(e1575)/+ III; unc-42(e270) him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V. Show Description
Pick Unc hermaphrodite to maintain (these will be tra-1/+; unc-42 him-5 dpy-21 XO animals). Segregates Unc hermaphrodites (tra-1/+ III), Unc males (+/+ III), and DpyUnc hermaphrodites (+/+ III). dpy-21 not expressed in XO. dpy-21(e428) V; XX animals are weak Dpy. dpy-21(e428) V; XO animals are non-Dpy.
CB2842 C. elegans unc-58(e665e2112) X. Show Description
Intragenic revertant of dominant mutation e665. Slight uncoordinated phenotype.
CB3202 C. elegans hch-1(e1734) X. Show Description
Delayed hatching from egg shell. QL and descendant cells migrate forward instead of backward (incomplete penetrance).
CB3234 C. elegans him-13(e1742) I. Show Description
Selfed hermaphrodites produce 5% males and 2% XXX hermaphrodites (percent of viable progeny), and 30% unhatched eggs (percent of total progeny).
CB3253 C. elegans dpy-23(e840) lon-2(e678) X. Show Description
Variably Dpy, slow growing. Inviable on MYOB medium.
CB3270 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-7(e1506) X. Show Description
Long. Mechanosensory abnormal. Severe mechanosensory abnormal. Recessive.
CB3271 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-10(e1515) X. Show Description
Long. Mechanosensory abnormal.
CB3273 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-2(e75) X. Show Description
Long. Mechanosensory Abnormal. [NOTE: originally described as carrying e1084, this strain actually carries the e75 allele. The lesion has been verified by sequence analysis. (11/26/2018)]
CB3274 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-4(e1497) X. Show Description
Long. Mechanosensory abnormal.
CB3275 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-5(e1504) X. Show Description
Long. Mechanosensory abnormal.
CB3276 C. elegans lon-2(e678) mec-7(e1527) X. Show Description
Dominant Mechanosensory Abnormal at 20C. Long.
CB3298 C. elegans him-5(e1490) dpy-21(e428) V; mab-7(e1599) X. Show Description
Hermaphrodites are Dpy. Males are non-Dpy and have abnormal bursae in adult, with swollen rays. Males will mate, but with very low efficiency. [3/98: King Chow isolated a line from the CGC stock that was throwing 100% Mabs. Sent the strain back to the CGC to replace the old stock.]
CB3304 C. elegans vab-3(e1796) X. Show Description
Extra hypodermal nuclei. DTC migration abnormal. pka lin-20.
CB3475 C. elegans mcm-4(e1466)/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Lon males and thin sterile Unc animals. Maintain by picking WT.
CB3533 C. elegans +/szT1 [lon-2(e678)] I; twk-18(e1913)/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc and segregate Unc, dead eggs, and Lon males. e1913 is a dominant Unc and recessive lethal. Maintain by picking Unc. e1913 previously called unc-110.
CB3631 C. elegans tra-1(e1929) III; eDp6 (III;f). Show Description
WT hermaphrodites which segregate WT hermaphrodites and tra-1 homozygous XX; weakly masculinized class A7, never fertile as males.
CB3740 C. elegans eDf24 I; eDp20 (I;II); mnT12 (IV;X). Show Description
Phenotypically WT. See also CGC 801. eDf24 = let(e2000).
CB3769 C. elegans tra-1(e1575)/+ III; tra-3(e1767) IV. Show Description
Stable male/female strain propagated by crossing tra-3(e1767)IV females x tra-3(e1767)IV males. tra-1(e1575) is semi-dominant and transforms both XX and XO into fertile females. Strain contains 4 genotypes: 1) e1575/+; e1767 XX which are fertile females. 2) e1575/+; e1767 XO which are fertile females. 3) e1767 XX which are infertile pseudomales. 4) e1767 XO which are fertile males.
CB3778 C. elegans tra-2(e2020) II. Show Description
Obligate XX female, XO male strain. Maintain by mating. e2020 is a dominant mutation transforming XX into fertile females. XO animals are partly feminized by starvation or elevated temperatures, therefore the strain cannot be grown at 25C.
CB3816 C. elegans tra-3(e1107) IV; unc-58(e665) sup-21(e1957) dpy-6(e14)/+ X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Unc (shaker; don't move well) and segregate more Shaker Unc, WT and DpyUnc (short and fairly paralyzed). The WT give only males. e1957 previously called sup-21.
CB3874 C. elegans dpy-20(e2017) IV; sup-28(e2058) X. Show Description
Partly or completely suppressed Dpy.
CB3909 C. elegans dpy-20(e2017) IV; sup-21(e1957) X. Show Description
Suppressed Dpy. e1957 previously called sup-21.
CB3911 C. elegans dpy-27(rh18) III; 4A;3X. Show Description
Non-Dpy 4A;3X hermaphrodites segregating 4A;3X hermaphrodites, 4A;2X males and dead or very dumpy 4A;4X hermaphrodites. Reference: Strain 19 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387
CB3912 C. elegans eT2 (X;I)/unc-2(e55) X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc and dead embryos. eT2 homozygotes are embryonic lethals.
CB3967 C. elegans tra-2(e2046) II. Show Description
Obligate XX female, XO male strain. Maintain by mating. Viable 15-25C. e2046 is a dominant mutation transforming XX into fertile female; minimal effect on XO.
CB3989 C. elegans tra-1(q88) III; eDp6 (III;f). Show Description
Wildtype hermaphrodites segregating wild-type hermaphrodites and tra-1(q88) XX males, which are fertile and make yolk. Complex rearrangement of tra-1. Reference: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378
CB4015 C. elegans fem-3(e1999) IV. Show Description
Weakest known fem-3 mutation. Viable non-temperature-sensitive self-fertile XX hermaphrodites. e1999 XO males are slightly feminized, sometimes male-fertile. Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB4017 C. elegans fem-1(hc17) him-8(e1489) IV; unc-1(e1598) X. Show Description
Severely Uncoordinated; Him; feminized at temperatures above 20C. Grow at 15C. Used for generating patroclinous WT males, by exploiting non-disjunction caused by him-8, and dominant sex-linked unc-1.
CB4050 C. elegans tra-2(e2046e2115) unc-4(e120) II; sup-7(st5) X. Show Description
Phenotypically wildtype XX hermaphrodite at 20C; poor viability and fertility at 25C. Rare XO animals are hermaphrodite due to suppression of amber mutation e2115 and consequent transformation of XO due to tra-2(e2046) gain-of-function. Reference: Hodgkin & Albertson (1995) PMID: 8647390.
CB4053 C. elegans egl-26(e1952) II; tra-3(e1767) IV. Show Description
Self-fertile intersexual XX animals. Tra-3 masculinized phenotype suppressed by egl-26 mutation. Reference: Hodgkin (1986) PMID: 3770465.
CB4108 C. elegans fog-2(q71) V. Show Description
Male/female strain. Maintain by mating. XX animals are female. XO animals are WT males.
CB4289 C. elegans tra-1(e1575e1816e1835) III; eDp6 (III;f). Show Description
Wildtype hermaphrodites segregating wildtype hermaphrodites and tra-1 XX males, which mate with greater efficiency than most tra-1 XX mutants. Reference: Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4370 C. elegans unc-117(e2330) X. Show Description
Spontaneous mutation in TR679. Adults slightly Unc, slow and loopy. Larvae more affected, slow moving.
CB4371 C. elegans unc-118(e2331) X. Show Description
Spontaneous mutation in parental strain TR679. Adults backward coiler, slow forward, slight kinker. Larvae more affected, strong kinkers. Variable penetrance.
CB4377 C. elegans lin-22(n372) pal-2(e2260) IV; him-5(e1490) V; lin-32(e1926) X. Show Description
Hermaphrodites segregating males with abnormal ray lineages. Reference: Hodgkin et al. (1989) Genome, 31, 625-637. doi:10.1139/g89-116.
CB4389 C. elegans tra-2(e1209) II; smg-3(ma117) IV. Show Description
Poorly growing, low self-fertility masculinized XX hermaphrodites. Weak allele of tra-2, partly suppressed to self-fertility by smg (NMD) mutation; permits efficient selection of new feminizing mutations. References: Spence et al. (1990) PMID: 2317869. Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378.
CB4419 C. elegans tra-3(e2333) IV. Show Description
ZZ21 lev-1(x21) tra-3(e2333) isolated by Jim Lewis as EMS-induced levamisole resistant derivative of N2. Found to carry a cryptic tra-3 allele by Jonathan Hodgkin. XX animals are viable hermaphrodites which produce 500 rather than 330 self-progeny; occasionally Egl; no other signs of masculinization.
CB4461 C. elegans twk-18(e1913e2383) X. Show Description
Wild type. previously called unc-110.
CB4559 C. elegans smg-2(e2008) I; tra-1(e1732) III. Show Description
Grows poorly, best at 20C. Self-fertile intersexual XX hermaphrodite due to partial suppression of weak tra-1 allele by smg-2(NMD). References: Zarkower et al. (1994) PMID: 7520378. Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4567 C. elegans unc-53(e2432) II. Show Description
Unc-cannot back. Egl. Males abnormal. Multiple defects in neuronal outgrowth and branching, also defects in excretory canal extension and in sex muscles migration.
CB4613 C. elegans unc-32(e189) tra-1(e1575e1816e1831) III; eDp6 (III;f). Show Description
Unc-32 hermaphrodites segregating Unc hermaphrodites and Unc Tra homozygous XX pseudomales with variable male tails, hermaphroditic gonads and adult yolk production. Class B2 allele (male tail, sterile hermaphrodite gonad) derived by mutation of tra-(gf) allele e1575. Reference: Hodgkin (1987) PMID:3428597.
CB4628 C. elegans tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1/+; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 11 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4689 C. elegans dpy-28(y1) III; him-8(e1489) IV. Show Description
y1 is a temperature sensitive mutation affecting only XX animals. him-8(e1489) causes X non-disjunction, resulting in many males. Grow at 15C. XX and XXX animals not viable above 15C. After shifting to 25C, surviving population is almost all XO males.
CB4706 C. elegans tra-2(e1095) II; fem-1(e1927) IV; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fem-1; xol-1; eEx14[fem-1(+)] XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female strain with sex determined by an extrachromosomal transgene array carrying fem-1(+). Reference: Strain 16 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4734 C. elegans tra-2(e1095)/+ II; fog-2(q71) V; xol-1(y9) X. [XX females and tra-2; fog-2; xol-1 XX males] Show Description
Obligate male/female strain; maintain by crossing. Anatomically normal XX females and XX males. Male/female XX strain with sex determined by tra-2(+). Reference: Strain 6 in Hodgkin (2002) PMID: 12399387.
CB4747 C. elegans dpy-20(e2017) unc-24(e138) IV; sup-33(st389) X. Show Description
Variable phenotypes, slightly dumpy and/or uncoordinated, especially at 25C. Grows poorly at 15C. Low fertility. sup-33(st389) is a weak amber suppressor; e2017 and e138 are amber mutations. Reference: Kondo K, et al. (1990) J Mol Biol. 1990 Sep 5;215(1):7-19.
CB4834 C. elegans tra-3(e1108); eEx24. Show Description
eEx24 [tra-3(+) + rol-6(su1006)]. Pick Rollers to maintain. Roller hermaphrodites producing more Rol hermaphrodites and non-Rol hermaphrodites that produce broods of 100% Tra-3 XX pseudomales. Tra-3 mutant rescued by transgenic tra-3(+); useful source of homozygous m+z- tra-3 XX hermaphrodites. Reference: Barnes & Hodgkin (1996) PMID: 8887539.
CB4852 C. elegans Show Description
Wild type. Low Tc1 copy number; pattern X. [Obtained from Rothamsted by S. Brenner as 'Panagrellus redivivus'. Cross fertile with C. elegans N2.] Caenorhabditis elegans wild isolate. CB subclone of N3 (Tc1 pattern X).