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WBM1215 C. elegans wbmIs89 IV. Show Description
wbmIs89 [rab-3p::3xFLAG::dpy-10::SL2::wrmScarlet::rab-3 3'UTR, *wbmIs68] (IV:5015000). Superficially wild-type. SKI LODGE system allows for CRISPR knock-in of single-copy transcripts downstream of the neuron-specific rab-3 promoter. wbmIs68 exhibits neuron-specific dpy-10 and wrmScarlet expression driven the rab-3 promoter. Derived from parental strain WBM1144 by CRISPR-mediated modification of tissue-specific transgene. Reference: Silva-GarcĂ­a CG, et al. G3 (Bethesda). 2019 Jul 9;9(7):2195-2198.
WBM1340 C. elegans wbmIs99 IV. Show Description
wbmIs99 [rab-3p::3xFLAG::rpl-22::SL2::wrmScarlet::rab-3 3'UTR, *wbmIs89] IV. N-terminal 3x flag tagged RPL-22 ribosomal subunit expressed in the nervous system. wrmScarlet expression in nervous system. Can be used for Single-copy Knock-In Translating Ribosome Immunoprecipitation (SKI TRIP) experiments. Derived by modification of wbmIs89. Reference: Wester LE, et al. Cell Rep. Methods 2023 3, 100433. 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100433