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BW1102 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) mei-2(ct102) unc-29(e1072) I; sDp2 (I;f). Show Description
Animals with the duplication are Unc. Animals that have lost the duplication are DpyUncMel. mei-2 is non-conditional recessive maternal effect lethal.
HR75 C. elegans mei-1(b284) unc-29(e1072)/mei-1(ct46) unc-13(e1091) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT. ct46 is a dominant, temperature sensitive maternal effect lethal. ct46 homozygotes are viable and fertile at 15C. b284 is a non-conditional, recessive maternal effect lethal. Heterozygotes give more viable progeny at 15C than 25C.
JK1553 C. elegans ces-1(n703) qDf9/unc-29(e1072) lin-11(n566) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Ces and throw dead eggs and Unc Vuls. ces-1(n703) is dominant. Well balanced. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
AC68 C. elegans unc-29(e1072) aph-2(zu181)/unc-13(e1091) lin-11(n566) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Unc Egls, and dead eggs.
PS3465 C. elegans unc-38(sy576) unc-29(e1072) I; unc-64(e246) III; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
EL302 C. elegans ego-1(om71) unc-29(e193)/hT2 [dpy-18(h662)] I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937)] III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, Sterile Uncs and Dpys. bli-4 is suppressed by dpy-18 in hT2 homozygotes-only see a very few DpyBli.
EL391 C. elegans ego-1(om84) unc-29(e193)/hT2 [dpy-18(h662)] I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937)] III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, mild Unc that are Sterile, and Dpys. bli-4 is suppressed by dpy-18 in hT2 homozygotes-only see a very few DpyBli.
JK1534 C. elegans ces-1(n703) qDf5/unc-29(e193) mec-8(e398) blmp-1(s71) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Ces and grow slowly. Hets segregate DpyUncs and dead eggs. ces-1(n703) is dominant. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
JK1561 C. elegans ces-1(n703) qDf15/unc-29(e193) mec-8(e398) lin-11(n566) I. Show Description
Heterozygotes are Ces and segregate VulUncs and dead eggs. ces-1(n703) is dominant. Do not distribute this strain; other labs should request it from the CGC. This strain cannot be distributed to commercial organizations. This strain cannot be used for any commercial purpose or for work on human subjects.
KR1459 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450)/hT1 [unc-29(e403)] I; +/hT1 [unc-42(e270)] V. Show Description
Pick wild-type to maintain. Segregates wild-type, Dpy Unc, arrested hT1 homozygotes, and dead eggs. Reference: McKim KS, et al. Genetics. 1988 Dec;120(4):987-1001.
MT9647 C. elegans unc-29(e1072) sqv-5(n3039)/hT2 I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(h661)] III. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, UncSqv and dead eggs. n3039: mid-L4 vulva abnormal, sterile.
KR1557 C. elegans hDf10 dpy-5(e61) unc-29(e403)/hT2 [dpy-18(h662)] I; +/hT2 [bli-4(e937)] III. Show Description
Wild-type to mildly long phenotype, sometimes a bit Unc. Segregates wild-type, Dpy-18 (hT2[dpy-18 bli-4] homozygotes), hDf10 dpy-5 unc-29 homozygotes (probably dead eggs) and large numbers of aneuploids (dead eggs). dpy-18(h662) completely suppresses bli-4(e937), is only very mildly Dpy, and has a distinctive dark body and large clear vulval region as a young adult, before becoming gravid. Do not passage: hT2 homozygotes seem somewhat healthier than the het, and will overgrow the plate. Pick longish wild-types and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Ann Rose.
MT15080 C. elegans sup-17(n1306) unc-29(e1072) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. hT2[qIs48] animals are recessive lethal. n1306 is recessive late larval lethal. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
MT15081 C. elegans sup-17(n1315) unc-29(e1072) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. hT2[qIs48] animals are recessive lethal. n1315 is recessive lethal. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
MT15082 C. elegans sup-17(n1318) unc-29(e1072) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. hT2[qIs48] animals are recessive lethal. n1318 is recessive lethal. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
MT15083 C. elegans sup-17(n1319) unc-29(e1072) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. hT2[qIs48] animals are recessive lethal. n1319 is recessive lethal. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
MT15084 C. elegans sup-17(n1320) unc-29(e1072) I/hT2 [bli-4(e937) let-?(q782) qIs48] (I;III). Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and GFP+. hT2[qIs48] animals are recessive lethal. n1320 is recessive lethal. Note: qIs48 has been observed to recombine off hT2, typically leaving behind a functional homozygous viable hT2 with Bli-4 phenotype.
KR1537 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) let-540(h884) unc-13(e450)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygote is wild-type, segregating WT, late-larval arresting DpyUncs, szT1 homozygotes (lethal, probably embryonic), and aneuploids (dead eggs). Pick WT and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain stock. Note that some lethals recovered by hT1 are expected to be outside the szT1 crossover suppression boundary and these strains may thus produce DpyUnc progeny. unc-29 marker may also cross away from szT1(I).
KR1588 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) let-539(h938) unc-13(e450)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, arrested DpyUncs, Lon males and large number of aneuploid progeny (arrested embyros or larvae). Note that unc-29 is outside the recombination-suppressed region of szT1 and may cross off resulting in Unc-29 progeny. Pick WT and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Ann Rose.
KR1594 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) let-542(h986) unc-13(e450)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Heterozygotes are WT and segregate WT, arrested DpyUncs, Lon males and large number of aneuploid progeny (arrested embyros or larvae). Note that unc-29 is outside the recombination-suppressed region of szT1 and may cross off resulting in Unc-29 progeny. Pick WT and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. This strain was generated by the Genetic Toolkit project, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use: The Genetic Toolkit is funded by the NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) (USA) to Ann M. Rose, David L. Baillie, and Donald L. Riddle. Report all experimental results to Ann Rose.
KR1598 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450) let-538(h990)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Wild-type phenotype. Segregates WT, sterile adult DpyUncs, Lon-2 males (szT1 hemizygotes) and a large number of arrested aneuploid progeny (mostly dead eggs). Pick WT and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Note that unc-29 on szT1(I) lies in the non-balanced region and may recombine onto the normal LG I.
KR1692 C. elegans dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450) let-535(h993)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
Wild-type phenotype. Segregates WT, mid-larval arrested DpyUncs, Lon-2 males (szT1 hemizygotes) and a large number of arrested aneuploid progeny (mostly dead eggs). Pick WT and check for correct segregation of progeny to maintain. Note that unc-29 on szT1(I) lies in the non-balanced region and may recombine onto the normal LG I.
KR1694 C. elegans let-508(h995) dpy-5(e61) unc-13(e450)/szT1 [lon-2(e678) unc-29(e403)] I; +/szT1 X. Show Description
BP76 C. elegans eff-1(hy21) II; jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Temperature sensitive. Cell fusion-defective embryos, larvae and adults at 25C. Cell fusion defects are less penetrant at 15C. Egl, Unv, Pvl, Dpy and 2% Muv at 20C and 25C. Mutants have body morphological defects and bulged tails at all temperature, male tails are leptoderan. Partial sterility of hermaphrodites: brood size is 48 at 25C. ME=0. Cloned: ORF C26D10.5 encodes a type-I membrane glycoprotein with a single TM domain. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Mohler WA, et al. Curr Biol. 1998 Sep 24;8(19):1087-90.
BR2958 C. elegans ceh-16(lg16) III; jcIs1 IV; ngEx1. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. ngEx1[ceh-16::GFP]. ngEx1 rescues ceh-16(lg16) lethality. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Cassata et al. Development. 2005 Feb;132(4):739-49.
NW1615 C. elegans plx-1(ev724) jcIs1 IV; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
NW1702 C. elegans smp-1(ev715) I; jcIs1 IV; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Strain does not Roll but otherwise seems fine. Male ray 1 anterior displacement in homozygous animals. Genetic interaction with smp-2(ev709). Vulva cell migration defects. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
NW1704 C. elegans smp-2(ev709) I; jcIs1 IV; him-5(e1490) V. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Strain does not Roll but otherwise seems fine. Male ray 1 anterior displacement in homozygous animals. Genetic interaction with smp-1(ev715). ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
OH10221 C. elegans ccIs4251 I; otIs77 II; ruIs37 III; jcIs1 IV; vsIs33 V. Show Description
ccIs4251 [(pSAK2) myo-3p::GFP::LacZ::NLS + (pSAK4) myo-3p::mitochondrial GFP + dpy-20(+)] I. otIs77 [ttx-3p::kal-1 + unc-122p::GFP] II. ruIs37 [myo-2p::GFP + unc-119(+)] III. jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. vsIs33 [dop-3::RFP] V. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
OH4129 C. elegans jcIs1 IV; wrk-1(ok695) X. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
SU112 C. elegans hmr-1(zu389)/lin-11(n566) unc-75(e950) I; jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Heterozygotes are Rollers and segregate Rollers, Hmr inviable embyros and Egl Unc. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
SU180 C. elegans itr-1(jc5) jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. itr-1(jc5) is cold sensitive. Progeny of homozygotes reared at 15C exhibit 95% maternal effect lethality, while progeny of homozygotes reared at 20C exhibit 15.2% lethality. Arrested embryos are defective in epithelial morphogenesis. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4.
SU93 C. elegans jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Koppen M, et al. Nat Cell Biol. 2001 Nov;3(11):983-91.
WH171 C. elegans eff-1(oj55) II; jcIs1 IV. Show Description
jcIs1 [ajm-1::GFP + unc-29(+) + rol-6(su1006)] IV. Loss of cell fusion in hypodermis (epithelial fusion failures). Viable and fertile as homozygotes. Tail-spike defect in all young larvae, less visible in older larvae and adults. oj55 appears to cause incomplete loss of function, as many cells fuse in postembryonic development. Homozygous males have tail and mating defects. ES=3. Cloned: ORF C26D10.5 encodes a type-I membrane glycoprotein with a single TM domain. ajm-1 was formerly known as jam-1 (Junction Associated Protein) and "the gene encoding the antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody MH27." jcIs1 consists of pJS191, C45D3 and pRF4. Reference: Mohler WA, et al. Curr Biol. 1998 Sep 24;8(19):1087-90.