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Strain Species Genotype
WU144 C. elegans lin-45(n1924) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
Weak lin-45 raf allele: 5% larval lethal. Otherwise, essentially WT vulval induction and fertility. n1924 effectively suppresses the let-60(n1046gf) Muv phenotype. Unc.
WU49 C. elegans lin-45(n2506) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
Intermediate strength lin-45 raf allele: 86% larval lethal, 93% of adults display an abnormal vulva (either Egl, no discernable vulva, or PVul), and 3% of adults are Sterile. Unc.
WU51 C. elegans lin-45(n2520) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
Weak severity of lin-45 raf allele: WT viability, vulval induction and fertility but effectively suppresses the let-60(n1046gf) Muv phenotype. Unc.
WU53 C. elegans lin-45(n1925) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
Weak lin-45 raf allele: essentially WT viability, vulval induction and fertility but effectively suppresses the let-60(n1046gf) Muv phenotype. Unc.
WU57 C. elegans lin-45(n2510) unc-24(e138)/unc-5(e53) dpy-20(e1282) IV. Show Description
Heterozygotes are non-Unc and segregate non-Unc, Sterile Unc, and Dpy Unc. n2510 is a strong lin-45 raf allele: 100% of homozygotes are Sterile and Vul (no discernable vulva) or larval lethal.
XE1158 C. elegans juIs76 II; wpIs15 X. Show Description
juIs76 [unc-25p::GFP + lin-15(+)] II. GFP expression in GABAergic motor neurons. wpIs15 [unc-47p::KillerRed] X. Slight Unc. KillerRed is a red fluorescent protein and photosensitizer that efficiently generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) when activated by light. wpIs15 produces a Shrinker phenotype after illumination by white light for 2 hrs. Reference: Williams DC, et al. Cell Rep. 2013 Oct 31;5(2):553-63.
XM1002 C. elegans vab-1(dx31) III; itr-1(sy290) unc-24(e138) IV. Show Description
vab-1 null and itr-1 gain of function. Viable. Unc.
ZM10176 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; hpIs593; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs593 [ttr-39p::Chrimson::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. D motor neurons are marked with red fluorescence. No behavioral change upon green light illumination with ATR. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM10311 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; ljIs131; hpIs758. Show Description
ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. hpIs758 [rig-3p::LoxP::eBFP::LoxP::Chrimson::wCherry + twk-40(s)p::Cre + myo-2p::wCherry]. Pick animals with red fluorescence to maintain. Shrinker. RFP expression in AVA and a few other neurons. Reversal upon green light illumination with ATR. hpIs758 is a spontaneous insertion of hpEx4080. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM10484 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; hpIs321; hpIs331; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs321 [nmr-1p::miniSOG::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs331 [lgc-55p::miniSOG::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. Dorsal-coiler in L1, kinker in Adult after 1 hr illumination with blue light. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM10823 C. elegans hpIs596; hpIs268. Show Description
hpIs596 [acr-2(s)p::Chrimson::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs268 [unc-25p::GCaMP3si::SL2 wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Unc (linked to hpIs596). Green and red fluorescence in D-motor neurons. Very weak red fluorescence in A and B motorneurons. Reference: Lim MA, et al. eLife 2016;5:e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887. PMID: 27855782.
ZM1157 C. elegans daf-2(e1370) III; juIs1 IV. Show Description
juIs1 [unc-25p::snb-1::GFP + lin-15(+)] IV. Temperature-sensitive Daf-c. GFP punctae are relatively normal in dauers. Maintain at 15C. Reference: Hung WL, et al. EMBO J. 2013 Jun 12;32(12):1745-60.
ZM1344 C. elegans hpIs61 II. Show Description
hpIs61 [unc-25p::unc-10::GFP]. hpIs61 maps to LG II.
ZM2246 C. elegans hpIs88. Show Description
hpIs88 [unc-25p::mCherry::unc-10 + lin-15(+)]. mCherry is fused to the N-terminus of UNC-10. Weak RFP expression in nerve ring, small and round RFP puncta on both ventral and dorsal nerve cord. Reference: Hung W, et al. Development. 2007 Jan;134(2):237-49.
ZM54 C. elegans hpIs3 X. Show Description
hpIs3 [unc-25p::syd-2::GFP] X. GFP is expressed in small puncta along ventral and dorsal cords; bright perinuclear staining in DD and VD cell bodies. hpIs3/+ and hpIs3 males have reduced GFP levels in cell bodies. Reference: Yeh E, et al. J Neurosci. 2005 Apr 13;25(15):3833-41.
ZM588 C. elegans fsn-1(hp1) III; juIs1 IV; scd-2(ok565) V. Show Description
juIs1 [unc-25p::snb-1::GFP + lin-15(+)] IV. Animals are WT looking. In WT, GABAergic synapses visualized with juIs1 (GABAergic nervous system specific synaptobrevin::GFP) marker show uniformly spaced and sized puncta. fsn-1(hp1); scd-2(ok565) animals have puncta close to WT shape. This is more evident in larvae than in adults.
ZM6665 C. elegans hpIs268. Show Description
hpIs268 [unc-25p::GCaMP3si::SL2 wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Strain allows calcium imaging for D-motor neurons. Reference: Lim MA, et al. eLife 2016;5:e19887. doi: 10.7554/eLife.19887. PMID: 27855782.
ZM7648 C. elegans unc-77(gk9); nca-2(gk5); hpIs166; hpEx3195. Show Description
hpIs166 [glr-1p::chop-2(H134R)::YFP + lin-15(+)]. YFP expression in glr-1 interneurons. hpEx3195 [unc-25p::ATG::nca-1 + nca-1::GFP + odr-1p::GFP]. Pick animals with GFP in GABAergic neurons to maintain. Reference: Gao S, et al. 2015 Nature Communications 6, Article number: 6323.
ZM7656 C. elegans hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. RFP expression in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM7696 C. elegans hpIs376. Show Description
hpIs376 [unc-25p::tomm20::miniSOG::SL2::RFP]. Maintain in the covered box to avoid unnecessary exposure to ambient light. Stimulation with blue light (460 nm LED light for 30 min at 4 Hz with 2 mW/mm2), induces mitochondrial-miniSOG ablation of D-class motor neurons. During neuron ablation, it is recommended to keep the lid of the plate open and use a heat disipator to keep the air cool. Generated in N2 background. Reference: Gao S, et al. eLife 2018 Jan 23;7:e29915. doi: 10.7554/eLife.29915.
ZM8614 C. elegans hpIs372; hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs372 [acr-5p::miniSOG::SL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Red fluorescence in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM8615 C. elegans hpIs371; hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs371 [unc-4p::miniSOG::SL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. Red fluorescence in motor neurons. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9172 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; ljIs131. Show Description
ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9573 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; zxIs6; ljIs131. Show Description
zxIs6 [unc-17p::ChR2::YFP + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. Cholinergic activation. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9585 C. elegans hpIs615; hpIs365. Show Description
hpIs615 [acr-2(s)p::Arch::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. hpIs365 [unc-25p::GCaMP3::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. RFP expression in motor neurons. A and B motor neurons are inhibited and body relaxes upon illumination with green light. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZM9660 C. elegans unc-25(e156) III; hpIs673; ljIs131. Show Description
hpIs673 [rgef-1p::Chrimson::UrSL2::wCherry + lin-15(+)]. ljIs131 [myo-3p::GCaMP3::UrSL2::tagRFP-T]. Shrinker. All neurons are marked with red fluorescence. Pan-neuronal activation and muscle contraction upon green light illumination with ATR. Reference: Lu Y, et al. 2022. Current Biology (In Press).
ZZ30 C. elegans unc-29(x30) I. Show Description
Recessive. Levamisole resistant. WT movement. Weakly to moderately temperature sensitive.
ZZ545 C. elegans unc-29(x545) I. Show Description