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ER10 C. elegans unc-123(jd5) III. Show Description
Temperature sensitive, semidominant mutant that is Unc when moving backward. Dorsal muscular contraction is stronger than that of ventral, resulting in an asymmetric pattern of locomotion in which the animal either forms a dorsal coil or moves in circles with the dorsal side central to the circle. Most likely a gain of function allele of sup-1.
ER50 C. elegans unc-123(jd5jd10) III. Show Description
Recessive suppressor of unc-123(jd5). Exhibits a subtle dorsal asymmetric locomotory defect as a homozygote when grown at 25C. Dominant suppressor of unc-17(e245). Most likely unc-123 is allelic with sup-1.
RM3670 C. elegans sup-1(e995) III. Show Description
e995 homozygotes are superficially wild type in appearance, development, and behavior. e995 is a strong, dominant suppressor of UNC-17 G347R mutations (including e245, e359, p300). e995 corresponds to G84E (gga>>gaa) in the SUP-1 transmembrane domain. PCR method for scoring the e995 mutation in individual worms is presented in the Supporting Information File of Mathews et al., 2012. [Note: although it has been suggested that unc-123 and sup-1 represent the same gene (Walthall et al. 1993), sequence analysis demonstrated no molecular lesions at the sup-1 locus in unc-123 mutants (Mathews et al., 2012). Therefore unc-123 and sup-1 represent different genes.] Reference: Mathews EA, et al. Genetics. 2012 Dec;192(4):1315-25.