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CX11839 C. elegans tyra-3(ok325) X. Show Description
Reference: Flavell SW, et al. Cell. 2013 Aug 29;154(5):1023-35.
VC125 C. elegans tyra-3(ok325) X. Show Description
M03F4.3. Superficially wild type. Attribution: This strain was provided by the C. elegans Reverse Genetics Core Facility at the University of British Columbia, which is part of the international C. elegans Gene Knockout Consortium, which should be acknowledged in any publications resulting from its use. Paper_evidence WBPaper00041807
CHS1088 C. elegans tyra-3(yum1522) tyra-2(yum1521) ser-2(yum1520) X. Show Description
Engineered null mutations in predicted GPCR genes. Reference: Pu L, et al. Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 18;14(1):8410. PMID: 38110404.
CX11400 C. elegans kyIR9 (X: ~4745910 - ~4927296, N2>CB4856) X. Show Description
kyIR9 [X: ~4745910 - ~4927296, N2>CB4856] X. LG X contains N2 from ~4745910 - ~4927296; the rest is from CB4856. QX9 was crossed to CB4856; a recombinant F2 with N2 npr-1 and CB4856 tyra-3 was isolated. Its progeny was back-crossed to CB4856 8 times, picking npr-1 hets each round prior to homozygosing.